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Foxgopher Nov 2015
We live in a world of storms
No shelter to be had
Outside they rage on
Inside they destroy
War, Famine, Hurricanes,
Daily threaten the living
Depression, Anxiety, Fear,
Daily threaten the sane
Foxgopher Nov 2015
He came to me with a cry of help
in his voice and his demeanor,
I felt a feeling too dreaded
So lost on human souls that it is weakness
I listened to his tale
an accident,
a sister in need
I went with him, understanding coursing through my foolish mind
And we walked
And we waited
And we parted

Later, after I had recounted my story to others
I had learned
Scandal, lies,
a robbery
I had lost everything and more
The good deed I had committed was a lie,
a farce
I had helped him and been ravaged
My empathy and understanding
filled instead with pure rage
I had been nice
I would no longer
and if I saw him again
well, nothing…...
Foxgopher Nov 2015
Wow, what even is this?
Terrible, terrible.
Why do you even bother, it’s no good
Thanks, now get out.
I admit I’m not the next Frost
I may not even be the next anyone.
So, without further ado, I’m sorry.
I apologize.
I’m sorry Blake, Burns, Wordsworth.
I’m sorry Poe, Frost, Ginsburg.
I’m sorry Plath, Petersen, Bremer.
I’m sorry Church, Winter, Dychkowski.
I don’t measure up, I don’t even rhyme
Selfishness is my reason for this
Feelings on paper and thoughts in obscurity
All written without form, no scheme
Is it real if it doesn’t make sense?
I’m not stopping, no, I’ll persevere
But I offer up these apologies to those who are poets
Somehow I got labeled with you
Somehow I ended up here.
Poetry. My one stay. An escape I can always turn to.
I’m sorry.
My apologies.
Forgive my excuse.
Foxgopher Nov 2015
Let me breathe
I want to expand
I want to fill in a space that’s missing
Let me break
Shatter into a million
Insignificant pieces
Just like the inside
Let me fly
Anywhere else
Bring only what I need
Leave you and them
Let me feel
Some accomplishment
Some feeling that isn’t
Complete and utter uselessness
Let me scream
At you
At me
At the world
Let me show
My passions and
My bleeding heart
You will know me
Let me free
To be myself
To think for myself
To start again
Let me be
Stop making me you
Let me rebuild
Sweep my pieces together and
Glue them
Maybe they won’t break
Let me sleep
One way or
Mine or yours
Let me dream
Or just the night
I need this
Foxgopher Nov 2015
I, being just a simple man
Lost myself for
Oh, probably way too long.
Very near the edge of reality
Each day dragged on
Yet, when I saw her
Often, I may add,
Underneath, everything left
Bringing me something new
A feeling that I still carry
Because I see her almost
Everyday and I could
Swear. I love her.
The first letters spell out "I love you babes," which is my pet name for her.
Foxgopher Nov 2015
One by one, through the machine
I’ve watched them go, boys and girls
Not yet mature, not yet solidified
They come out different, I barely recognize
Some I can still see, changed but still intact
One by one, through the machine
I’ve been there too
The fear, the expectation, what was I doing
Could I object, they said I could
I never believed it
One by one, through the machine
Every day, someone goes in someone comes out
I’m pained because I know it
I firmly want to explain to them
And to those who will others in
One by one, through the machine
They come out soulless,
Are they dead inside or have they found it
I never did, but I wasn’t ready
Who says that you have to
One by one, through the machine
But on who’s terms are we going?
Foxgopher Nov 2015
She asked and I delivered
But of course I didn’t mind so much
That’s what you do isn’t it?
Give and take?
I always heard is said when I was young
A relationship, it’s a give and take
You give, they take
So far, I haven’t seen it that way
In fact, I feel selfish
I keep this girl to myself
I refuse to share
So if a relationship is a give and take
I guess I’m breaking up with you
Goodbye cruel world
You’re done taking from me
For now, I’m giving all I have to her
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