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 Feb 2016 Ezra the Poet
“Listen honey, I don’t think
you’ll be able to support yourself
with this art stuff.”

“I’m just not sure
how much money you’ll make
if you start your own business.”

"Are you really sure
you’ll be able to provide
on a teacher’s salary?”

“Is that really what
you want to be doing
for the rest of your life?”

Why does everyone want
to be financially wealthy
but emotionally bankrupt?
My health professor from last semester mentioned how we all want to be "financially wealthy but emotionally bankrupt" during one of his lectures. I just thought it was a great line and I hope I gave it justice, in a way. Thanks, Dr. Butler.
 Feb 2016 Ezra the Poet
 Feb 2016 Ezra the Poet
Lonely little flower
Hiding from the rain
Waiting for the sunshine
To warm you through again
Don't wilt or bend or wither
For tomorrow you will shine
And there bees that visit you
Will keep your love devine
I've come to realize that when you are feeling down, no one cares.

The only thing that is said is: "Cheer the hell up!"

But I've also come to realize that when you are feeling happy,

No one cares.

And to think I "cheered the hell up" for nothing.
I can't please ya for anything.
 Feb 2016 Ezra the Poet
bitten is the enemy
with fists of a smitten entity
it's a vision of my tendencies
a constriction of my identity

I play with snakes

slither into misery
hiss to me a mystery
fitting the skin of slippery
bitter is this venom's history
I joined this site last year in March
and have found many voices since
that kindly welcomed what I wrote
with ‘likes’ and comments
even messages

thank you, my friends

I was a short-time member of some other sites
and from my past experience I have to say
that hp is the liveliest of all I’ve visited

even if there at times are posts that sound mean-spirited
and the occasional invasions of silly trolls
    make you aware that on the internet nothing is safe
    from the shenanigans of some frustrated idiots

in sum
    and in comparison with other sites
given its size and its diversity
hp is doing fairly well

to keep exchange of voices and ideas
    benevolent advice    constructive criticism
    helpful encouragement of younger members
    and sometimes simply kind remarks
alive    and spread the urge of writing poetry
    that helps us to articulate our loves and fears

to keep alive this spirit of creative art
is  our formidable work in progress
in which we all should lovingly play our part
 Feb 2016 Ezra the Poet
This sin refuses to part from my skin
I wear it well
It wears me thin
 Feb 2016 Ezra the Poet
Magg M
She blew in like a gentle breeze...
As we let her in with ease....
She seemed very sweet and kind...
Little did we know she would put everyone in a bind....
The face of a porcelain doll...
But a heart that destroys all...
It didn't matter at what cost...
As long as she never lost....
SHE is the POISON among us...
That surely has destroyed us...
The circle is broken....
All do to those words of truth be unspoken...
My heart shall never be the same....
For her POISON has won her evil game...
I wish I could fade away....
Like the gentle breeze that couldn't stay...
If I could close my eyes....
And never say my good byes..
I would be free of her hold....
Then it will only be a memory told.

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All rights reserved
January 4/2016
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