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 Apr 2021 Ezel
they say,
time will heal;
but the clock broke,
the day my heart
stopped ticking
for you
 Apr 2021 Ezel
maybe next time
 Apr 2021 Ezel
the gates of my reassuring smile
closed before my words could escape
but it's okay, i'll just let them out
through my tears instead, as usual

timing has never been my strong suit
 Apr 2021 Ezel
My Dear Poet
“Look after your Soul”,
that old preacher would say
Cherish with your life
or it may wither away
Take care, to take care
and guard it well
Lest it becomes so sickly
it’s fit only for Hell
 Apr 2021 Ezel
Luna Maria
 Apr 2021 Ezel
Luna Maria
after all the lovers

I realized

it was now my turn to love

I feel so alone
 Apr 2021 Ezel
Poetic T
 Apr 2021 Ezel
Poetic T
No one will ever
understand you unless...
You let them swim
in the reality of what
you swim,
or drown
            slowly in..
We all swim in the same ocean.
 Apr 2021 Ezel
Poetic T
She was never the one,
   I wanted her to be...

Giving her all of me,
   never asking for a thank you,

or even do you want me....

All I wanted was the smile,
   the curvature of her lips to
say I like to be with you...

But I couldn't feed the hunger of
  my heart with the maybe's

She was never the one,
   I only fixated on her curvature.

Giving in to my insecurities
  never asking if I was the one.

or even that I mattered to her.

All i wanted was to be loved.
   The curvature of her heart to
mirror the image of what id

         imagined our love to be.

Bee stung in the reality that i
    wasn't her nectar,
more the annoyance that she'd settle
for to sting
I was a ****,
  never the flower....

Only the one swotting her away
awaiting to

 Apr 2021 Ezel
strong enough
 Apr 2021 Ezel
I won't let you **** me
but I can't seem to get better

I suppose I am strong but
just strong enough to suffer

you dont live or die in limbo.
you just wait
 Apr 2021 Ezel
 Apr 2021 Ezel
you don't get to tie rocks
to my feet and turn a blind eye
as i struggle under torrents,
then expect swimming lessons

figure it out or drown

i don't owe you that. i don't owe you anything.
i won't handhold you through the consequences of you hurting me.
 Apr 2021 Ezel
Carlo C Gomez
Walking home
at twilight:

the gentle breeze

the lavender sky

the wave goodbye
before the sun
closes its eyes

and the lingering disquiet
of knowing
you're all alone
for the next several blocks
For Sarah Everard.
It wasn't her fault.
For many women simply taking a walk can be a gamble, even in a good neighborhood.
That is unacceptable.
 Apr 2021 Ezel
i dare you
 Apr 2021 Ezel
I dare you
to say we weren't special
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