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 Apr 2021 Ezel
lena k
 Apr 2021 Ezel
lena k
you stole my light
when i told you to stop
and you ignored my red light
and kept going
like my body was undiscovered land
and you were a colonizer.
perhaps my asking you to stop
turned you on
made you hungry.
you looked at me with your hungry eyes
like i was fresh meat
for you to take and have for yourself
ignoring my stop signs
because i am nothing more
than an object to you
made for your manipulation and pleasures.
consent is key
 Apr 2021 Ezel
Keah Jones
Here I Am
 Apr 2021 Ezel
Keah Jones
Here I am
Exactly where I belong
It took many changes, trials and tribulations to get here, but look
I made it

I made it

maybe not to my peak
because no doubt I am still climbing
and I will keep on until I reach that peak
At the top of the mountain
I imagine the air is clear
deep breaths come naturally
and the sun is rising.
we are all climbing
 Apr 2021 Ezel
Blank Pages
 Apr 2021 Ezel
I had an ex-boyfriend ask me once
Why I don’t write poetry about him.
He wanted to read something about himself
Through my words

I told him as I was leaving him
Nothing inspired me.
 Apr 2021 Ezel
an artist
the exact middle, she claims
i'm neutral, she says
i don't pick sides, she proclaims

no, no
the exact middle is never
the exact middle
of nothing

we are always in the middle
of something

when i hear her say,
"you know i've never picked sides,"
what i really hear is:
"i don't care enough to care"
"my comfortability, my ignorance, is worth more than someone else's struggles"
"my silence is more important than another's life"

what i hear is you giving up, giving in,
because it's not your problem, right?

no, no
the exact middle
is never
a "neutral" place to be
 Apr 2021 Ezel
I'm not a huge addict.
I'm really only addicted
  to one thing...
The first time.
 Apr 2021 Ezel
Eshwara Prasad
I said " take care"

"you as well" she said

I said  "I am sick of you"
 Apr 2021 Ezel
Chani Goldstein
I used to hate myself,
because you hated me.
What a waste of energy.
Today I have moved on from you
and closer over to me.
 Apr 2021 Ezel
Eshwara Prasad
Open the gates of your mental prison
and let fly all your imprisoned thoughts.

— The End —