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7.4k · Apr 2017
A letter on Why I chose you
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
It's difficult to explain and hard for you to understand, but maybe you'll see. I visually perceive you, I felt a good feeling inside. Like a hope to the mess I go through. You're one of the most infrequent things that can make me endeavor a smile. It takes an abundance amount of energy to even arouse and commence moving. You're my motivation to keep going.

I like you for many reasons
Immensely colossal and minute. They're amazing because they're amazing to me. I like you not because of your qualities. I like you for the things you do that brings something special to my life. I like you that you care for me and push me to do better. I like you just because I do. Because now In the deepest part of my heart, a place where there was nothing before, there is something now...You
A love letter I wrote For someone close to me
1.2k · Oct 2017
Eternal Dreams Oct 2017
It’s there. The death of me
What I’ve been hiding is finally set free
Its the fact you didn’t pay attention, it was really old
But know you will hear how it was supposed to be told

Made it to my room , and there wasn’t light
I sit in on a bed  blinded by blight
I didn’t think that “it” was gonna be there
Until I look under the pillow and I wasn’t scared

Memories start with the good ones though
I start to smile,  as they went by slow
Until I seen the others, that made me still
I started to cry, and swallowed all of my pills

I picked “it” up, and placed the bullet in
I placed “it” underneath my chin
My finger is held onto the trigger
My heart starts racing and my brain felt bigger

The people here. Always called me a clown
Well who’s laughing now. * Click* *POW
941 · Apr 2017
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
If anyone will listen
To what I'm about to say
Please understand my hurt
And how I got this way

Left behind in darkness
Wedged between walls of ice
I pray that someone hears me
Friend or foe...that would be nice

Isolated in my fears
Caught between truth and lies
Will someone wake me up
Or hear my cries

I don't believe in loving
Or having a caring friend
Because the second that you trust them,
Is the second that they bend.

So in a hollow heart of mine
Is an invy of envy that's starting to twine
And sprout the weeds of guilt
That slowly began to quilt

Over my hatred that began to grow
Over my bloods ocean to flow
Which to that I began to fall
And to which I lost it all.

I'm sorry for the people I've hurt
With the death I have presented
But seeing what this could of been
There's nothing that could've been prevented
643 · Apr 2017
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
How can you sleep knowing i'm in pain?
Going about your day, sensing my tears
Pretending as if I never even mattered.
That I'm nothing to your after all these years.

Apathetically discarding my love for you.
You got what you wanted and now your done.
All I wanted was you but that was too much.
When it became to serious, you began to run.

I did not know I was forcing your love.
I genuinely thought you felt the same .
I didn't realize I was being played.
For you, this "relationship" was just a game.

How can to be so indifferent and cold.
Were you anticipating this very moment?
To push me away once you were fulfilled.
Allowing me to love you just to say I wasn't chosen.

How can you move so easily and free.
Why is it so **** hard for me to let go?
Being with you gave me life and you took
Now the hurt is killing me and you act like you don't know.

Lying awake yet I'm tired from crying.
My heart pleading for you to want me.
To give us a try and let me just love you.
But you brush me off so nonchalantly .

Thoughts of our future made my day brighter,
But the idea of us was something you outgrew
At the very least, I thought we were friends
I struggle to move forgot so can you
505 · Apr 2017
Incomplete without you.
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
It's hard to slumber when your not here
without you I feel so obscure
Stagnant in heartbreak, rooted in pain
I endeavor to move on but my life's full of rain

Aeonian cerebrations of you in my mind
Transitory fine-tunes are all I can find
No one can even commence to supersede you
Despite the poor endeavors to embrace few

Desperate for your heart to open for me
Pleading for your ocular perceivers to open and visually perceive
That I can be the one to make me ecstatic
So my love is what you require so lamentably

Yet, for us, I stand alone in my mourning
The fire for me is no longer burning
I require your love so i can smile again
I optate all of you so I can feel whole again

I can't make you dote me but I will endeavor
Until the day you do
471 · Apr 2017
Sorrow art
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
I paint a picture
With a twist
With a razor
Against my wrist

You hear my pleads
You see my cries
I writhe in pain
And you wonder why

I made these scars
Not long ago
I cry it out
With tears of pain

I've held it in
Now I can't let go
These words of sorrow
Hidden deep inside
446 · Apr 2017
Your Loss, My Hurt
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
Forget me if you optate,
But i will linger around your recollections
and haunt you in your deepest tragedies
i wont forget you

with the nights i spent recollecting
what you've already forgotten
it seems that i designated nothing to you
when you designated the world to me

Wishing that you'll stay a little longer
is just hoping on something so hopeless
for i already lost your love
afore you even felt mine.
414 · Apr 2017
It's lost
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
There is a soul
In the shape of a heart
It is fading away
And failure to restart

A love without limits
Like flying amongst stars
How brightly they shine
As vivid as my scars

The pain that stays in
And never comes out
Is hurting the soul
While blood starts to spout  

Instead i shall bury my warmth
And lock it away
While I wipe aside my tears
And leave everyone for the day.
401 · Mar 2018
Eternal Dreams Mar 2018
Why do I always feel this way
I live this dreaded life everyday
Waking up to my soul crying
I just tired of feeling like dying

I didn't even get one score
I did everything I thought was right
Yet everything was destroyed cuz of the fright

You see me and I see you
You moved places so I flew
Showing my love that was free
And there you go trying to flee

I just want to know why I'm neglected
I asked you and You made me feel rejected
I hate the feeling  I give my all and don't receive any
354 · Apr 2017
Scars can tell a tale
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
These scars you see behold a hidden truth. Many lies, everyday to keep the secret hidden.

So beautiful, yet so tragic. I fought so hard and now I see these battle scars...on my body

Darkness surrounds me for I have sinned. I fought no more as I gave up

With one last thought, I raised my head, one step further then I'm dead. I see nothing...only death.
353 · Apr 2017
When your ready
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
When you're yare, and find yourself
Please come and swipe me from the shelf
Afore it's too tardy
Afore I wither away to dust
Don't let this be your most astronomically immense regret
Take a leap of faith and trust
Please don't be apologetic
The damage is done
Crumpled, torn paper
There is no regalement
You may cerebrate your not right
But to me, your impeccable
Why can't things be different
Who do you forfend
I'm falling for you
I'll promise I'll be better
My heart you have too
350 · Jun 2017
Eternal Dreams Jun 2017
The fresh scent that's in the air
The sight of the sun rising
Waking up seems to be fair
But next to you was surprising

Your charming face when you sleep
The solace of being able to restart
Made my feelings for you deep
As your always inside my heart

The smile you have when you wake
Impacted me into the person I am
As our love is bigger than the lake
And it's strong enough to break the dam

The morning kiss that brings the thrives
Of us going to be with one another
Made my heart sink deep in your life
And your pieced mine back together.
My dreams seem to be trapped onto you
346 · Apr 2017
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
There's a cold, dark place
In the back of my room
It speaks to me
And says I'm coming for you

I lie in my bed
In a uncanny position
My eyes are open
Hoping and wishing

That one day,
My dream will come true
That I don't have to be here
With a hue of blue

The darkness keeps talking
I'm going to die
All I can do,
Is lie and cry

As the darkness comes closer
It takes me in
It felt like my soul was comforted
As it soothes my skin

As the answer was always there
I just had threw it away
Now the darkness corrupted me
And I won't be here for another day.
337 · Apr 2017
It's Life.
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
all you feel is pain
your loved ones look at you and see shame
your life is meaningless and your to blame
your tired of living and playing this game

the hurt is in your soul?
you's just a show
you've hit your all time low
and the darkness grows

you feel so alone
your home doesn't feel like home
every choice you made seems wrong
When the wait to die seems too long... It's life
325 · Apr 2017
I'm too late
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
I see you everyday
Wishing to find another way
To tell you how I really feel
But that Is something I can't deal

When you pass on by
The voices in my head say do or die
I call your name and stare at you
But that Isn't helping me on what to do

At night, I dream of you beside me
Laying down...happy...finally free
I wake up and turn, seeing if your there
My tears start to burn, as you disappeared

Our difference is from the mind
But our hearts are seemed to be intertwined
Maybe we can leave the past behind
And We can leave the reasons to die

Anxiety seems to come in play
On when it's time I wouldn't know what to say
Maybe one day, ill ask you out on a date
But your gone now...I'm too late
325 · Apr 2017
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
Maybe you were everything to me because I had nothing.
Maybe I loved you because I didn't know how to love myself.
Maybe I tried harder because you didn't care
Maybe it's hard for me and it's easy for you
Maybe I stayed up because you slept me away
Maybe I told the truth because you always lied
Maybe I cried you away because you laughed me off
Maybe I was sad, and I wanted you to make me happy
Maybe you are the sun, and I am the moon
Maybe I had a reflection of you because I longed for you
Maybe I loved you....or it was just a crush
Maybe I fell for you but you didn't catch me
Maybe there is a reason why I'm going through this
Maybe I'll look back and laugh because it was obviously a joke to you.
Maybe I just fear the unknowns, that maybe it's the unknowns in my life thats torturing me
Maybe I should run away
Maybe I should forget you and leave everyone behind
Maybe I want to run because it's easy
Maybe I have these feelings for you that I warn myself not to have.
Maybe I don't care if I caught feelings for you
Maybe I'm content with having you around me
Maybe I'm okay having you nothing more, nothing less
Maybe I'm slowly, but surely accepting my fate.
Maybe, just maybe, you were the one for me, but I wasn't even a number on your list.
Maybe I wanted to burn bridges, but you were the one holding the match.
Maybe I see a future with me and you together
Maybe I wanted you to love me
Maybe you should of stop running from it
Maybe... I'm just tired of saying maybe
324 · Mar 2018
Eternal Dreams Mar 2018
When I️ look at the sky at night. I️ see the stars. Yet that’s what most people only see. I️ see connections, life, death , etc. I️ see that a star represents a living thing. If an organism dies, a star disappears from my vision. If there’s a new born, a star appears. As you know the word constellation. I see those as a family. As there is many families in this world, there’s many constellation in the sky. However, I️ am now gonna stop talking about the stars in the sky. Now I’m going to talk about the stars you see in someone. Stars are things that light up the darkness. Just think about a damaged heart. It sees no Love, light,stars. So once you start seeing the stars in someone, you found a person that can change you.
322 · Apr 2017
Wait another day
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
I'm fine and happy today
I stalk the nights  
I prey on the day
I wonder what will change

During the day I wear a mask
It helps me accomplish the impossible task
I lie down
And wait patiently for the day I die

I sit there, depressed, and try to sleep
My insomnia tells me I have promises to keep
My souls feels very worn
I start to ache and burn from my very core

Then... I'm not alone, and the mask reaapears
Out goes the grief, pain and my fears
I start my fake smile for the day
With no shading of the grey

Of course I'm not okay... I want to die
No matter how fast time flies
I don't know why I feel like this
But maybe it's fine to live in an abyss

But it is, and will be, so I cling to life
As one day I'll end it with a knife
But, I'm still here, no matter what my dreams say
And I hope that one day I'll end up being okay
299 · Apr 2017
Looks are deceiving
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
I look happy
Yet so sad,
I wear a fake smile
Fooled by others

My thoughts are messed up
For I am a cutter
I made the mistakes
Of fullfilling my needs

My scars shine bright
From far away
I hide my pain
And you wonder why

You saw my cuts
You heard my cries
You leant my ways
And watched my struggle

You sit there wondering
What will happen
For now I'm dead
Because of you
298 · Apr 2017
Love is great...
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
love is great
Like it's our fate
That its only one person trying
And the other is lying

My longing looks
Is like an unreadable book
that you see from a range
And find it very strange

As long as you see it, by your eyes
I'll be fine
At least, that's what I keep telling myself every time
But that's a lie
289 · Apr 2017
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
In a dark and silent, dimly lit room
I am sitting awaiting my doom
I've ran out of time
And all there was... was a crime.

My pain is fogging
my hope is running down a stream
In the color of red, made from blood
Mixed with tears, it begins to flood

I sob and shout without a sound
My thoughts make one last round
Before I found the peace I crave
Every night while the battle raged

I'm drifting away. I can feel it now
As the leaves, as I hit the ground
All my worries now say goodbye
As the broken angel returns to the sky

In the dark and silent, unlit room
I'm lying, saved by my doom
I've ran out of time
And all you see is a crime
283 · Apr 2017
You ...
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
I was given you.
You are my love and heart  
But how you did me
Was corrupting from the start

Why must I have
Such feelings for you
When ignoring me
Is everything you do

Like a leaf,
That turns brown
I wither away
Into the ground

Emotions are crawling
It grabs you by your feet
It grips on your legs
and made you fall like a fleet.

I fear the day
I die alone
All you had to do
Was break out of the prone

I only want you
But no present I'll get
I'll still wait for you
But I know it's not yet.
277 · Apr 2017
Everyday thoughts
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
Waking up the the morning dew
and feeling the cold as the wind blew
My mind was stuck on you
As there is nothing more for me to do

Wishing that we went to the same school
I knew that I would be a fool
As I miss you on every opportunity
I remember that you said this is your stupidity

I don't know why I won't tell you how I feel
Maybe it's cause I don't wanna hear
the answer I cannot deal
Or hold the feelings I strongly bear

I always stare or smile
Because you are the one I cherish
That we can be together for awhile
But me and you are far by a mile
267 · Nov 2017
Fade away
Eternal Dreams Nov 2017
I watched it all
From this tragic day
where I started to fall
And fade away

I can’t grasp anything
as I am ethereal
I can’t hold on anything
And lost how to feel

You left me real long ago
You never say nothing now
I don’t know where my heart will go
You broke it and I’ve fallen down

I see you, happily and proud
With someone who isn’t me
Because I’m buried under the ground
With my soul finally free
247 · Apr 2017
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
Life was just too hard for me.
The voices inside says it's time to go.
As I knew I will never break free
Maybe it's time for it to show

Walking to the gates of hell
I feel nothing as the heat hits the shell
Of my skin that starts to melt
While the Demons show the way I felt

I know that my time is up
And I start to think on why I'm sad
It's what I wanted with my blood in his cup
And my crushed skull wouldn't make you mad

Seeing you was my only wish
Telling you how I really feel
But my head is on his dish
And you didn't keep your part of the deal.
244 · Jun 2017
Eternal Dreams Jun 2017
Your perfect, smooth skin
Pressed against mine
One day I'll win
And our hearts are intertwined

Your beautiful,brown eyes
Bright and thrived
Behind them are truths and lies
That made me want to strive

Your big, elegant smile
Loved by me
Was spotted as far as a mile
And was set and free

Your natural, soft hair
Moist and easy to take hold of
Pulling you close In the air
As we lay there in love
241 · Mar 2018
Eternal Dreams Mar 2018
You were next to me when i opened my eyes
You looked calm, warm, and happily made  
I touched your face and you started to fade
And my real eyes realized the real lies.
You're gone and I miss you so much.
230 · May 2017
Eternal Dreams May 2017
It has been a rough couple of days
I am acquainted with the feeling to die
but now the thought has gone away
and now i'll be able spread my wings and fly

I threw the razor and knife away
I don't abuse my pills anymore
I am happy most of the day
as the light approached me when i open the door

My eyes used to only see grey
the dark abyss has left my room
the light empowered and awakened the frey
and it will protect me from the doom

My scars are healing and so is my heart
I have the mind and ready to believe
that i have a chance in life to restart
and I live my life finally in relief.
219 · Oct 2017
You left...
Eternal Dreams Oct 2017
To love the heart, you must be made for me.
I sit so far where no one else can see
I cried. For help. Where you weren’t there  to hear
I drowned inside the ebony deep sea
Where the people around can look and see
The weights attached to me showed me deceit
You were supposed to save and Cherish me
Yet I’m on my last breath that’s left me too.

— The End —