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You were my first love
But when I really look back
You were my first loss
I hate how I can't let go of the bad in my life despite the good beginning to make an appearance
  Aug 2015 Death by Daydream
1.I miss the way you laughed at my singing because you felt I always "tried too hard."

2. I miss you giving me the cold shoulder. It meant you cared. But now it means something else.

3. I miss how awake and alert you are in the morning. I miss pushing you and your too much energy self off because I wasn't awake enough yet.

4. I miss your sarcastic jokes that were always followed by a hug and a "I love you" with a chuckle.

5. I miss how silly our conversations were. We talked about everything and anything. You would say "How the hell did the universe come up with you?"

6. I miss the more deep conversations. You looked at the ground while my fingertips drew circles on your back. Your eyes would close and you slowed your breathing. I miss the stillness and that silence. Theres nothing I wouldn't give to trade this silence for that silence.

7. I miss the play fighting. I remember one time someone said "At first, I thought you guys were being serious but then I saw the way he looked at you." If only you could look at me like that again. Like nothing else mattered.

8. I miss your arms and the way it made me feel like I spent all of my life being in the wrong places. The only place, the one place, I belonged was in your arms.

9. I miss your awful jokes. I miss laughing not because I thought it was funny but because you said it and nothing made my heart feel more joy than you.

10. I miss you. I miss the amount of pride I felt standing next to you. I miss the fighting and the screaming and the slamming doors and the making up and the heartache and the pain. It was everything and nothing. It was painful but wonderful. It was all that I imagined love to be. I can't seem to say goodbye but I know you want me to.
I break everything I touch and maybe that is why this never worked.
I never understood how one could find the right person at the wrong time.'
Today I have a full understanding of that phrase as I felt as though I needed to end things with Mr. Right for coming into my life at the wrong time.
Thank you for understanding why things needed to end. I will always love you forever for understanding why I really need a friend now more than anything else.
  Aug 2015 Death by Daydream
I came home to you one day,
Your things all packed
like you were going away

"Change of plans?" I asked.

"Change of heart."

  Aug 2015 Death by Daydream
There  has to be a way to leave all my ghosts behind
We stood there with his body pressed up against mine and my body pressed up the against the wall.
Our lips were touching but not being kissed.

"Why won't you just take the choice away from me and just kiss me?"

He looked at me with his lips still grazing mine and said,
"I pinky promised you I wouldn't kiss you until you were ready, I'm not one to break a pinky promise."

It was then I knew I was ready and I kissed him more passionately than I've ever kissed someone before.
Never break a pinky promise ❤
I love the innocence present even we are being naughty
This is about a guy who was so respectful and kind and gentle even when things were getting a little heated. I have never felt more comfortable around anyone before, not even my own family. I think things may be taking a turn for the better, and I definitely did not see that coming into my life any time soon. This is super chiche but maybe time really does heal all wounds ❤
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