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Wickedness in our bones.
It is to what humans are prone.
Sin in our demeanor
Is a much over looked horror.
Children riding bikes with no handle bars,
To show off to the the world that they are on par.
People eating food for sport,
While people starve, just to throw it up afterwards for fan support.
This is my last resort for salvation,
Solitude and sanitation.
I wish that someone would tell me I'm fine,
But nothing is left that can truly shine.
This is the madness,
The anger and sadness.
That has made blackness in our spoiled hearts.
The words "Till death do us part."
Do not even mean anything anymore.
This world is so sore..
©LogenMichel copyright 2016
The chatter makes me think, think
Think, think of the brink,
Of extinction,
Of my pain,
And our scars,
The world is pressing too far,
Totally uncovering,
The weaknesses of people who can't take care of themselves.
Those people who are crying out for help.
The kid hit by his momma,
The girl depressed from drama,
The kid starving in Africa,
The teen trafficked from Albania.
This world is cruel,
Totally uncool.
People think it's minuscule,
These real problems that people face,
Every god ****** ******* day.
White privilege is a real thing,
And sexism is an issue,
Homosexuality is not a miscue,
And the only person who can make change,
©LogenMichel copyright 2016
Good cop
Bad cop

Life in prison
Death sentence



School System
Self study
We are taught to think some things are "good" or "better" than others, but in reality it's opposite is shown to be a better choice. **** has less of a chance of killing, the bad cop isn't afraid to get the truth and will use any tactic to, education helps inform people of the world around them while ignorance just makes the luckier people not have to think about others' situations. The "better" decisions are on top while the "worse" are on the bottom. It really depends on how you see it.

©LogenMichel copyright 2016
You said it's going to be awhile, but you know something will happen,
You stupid little boy.
I don't want a relationship, not because I want to wait for you,
But, it's because I prefer my whiskey and kids' toys.

You obviously know your relationship won't last, though.
That's pretty sad, knowing you'll come back to me.
You're pretty pitiful,
But, I don't give you up because you're like a true lover and family.

It's going to be awhile, is that what you said?
That must mean your love for her is already dead,
If you're dating her, knowing you two will come to an unfortunate end.
But, I don't care because I have my whiskey and toys,

You know that it isn't going to last,
And you say it like you'll be coming back to me. That's pretty stupid,
Practically infidelity,
But, in a more heart wrenching package for that pitiful unloved soul, that you call your girlfriend.

But, you see, I won't be waiting for you,
Because I'm married to my whiskey.
©LogenMichel copyright 2016
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