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What Is Strength?
It is not something you are born with
Rather something you see
A skill that is trained
Understanding that falling off the bike does not mean give up
Seeing your father lose his job only to return to searching
Life ain't easy
Never was and it shouldn't be
Surround yourself with strong people
I want you to succeed
I want you to be happy
I love you for you
Let's be strong
I am really attempting to bring a new form of encouragement and love to my poetry. I hope that whoever reads this feels the warmth and care that I am putting into this.
 Sep 2015 Hello it's me
Sometimes I wonder. Sometimes I feel.
As though I am the dreamer.  The creator of this light wheel.
The feeling comes to me at times. Am I truly alone.
Is everyone around me truly in a different zone.
Its then I separate me from them.  And I hear and see the calls..
No longer am I trapped in these walls.
Signals of light. Echoes and transmissions.    
Strange memories I start to envision.
But only for a moment, Only for a fraction.
The reminders come to be and I lose this reaction.
So I drive on home and forget it about it all.
At least until I remember again, inside of these walls.
Lost and found.  Just to be found and lost.
He's coming
I can since his every growing presence
Nothing to can do
Waiting hopelessly as death approaches
He comes seeking my body
He comes for skin
For blood
For vengeance
Vengeance for the living
Its them
They are the ones that bring him
For he only takes the blood of the living
And he shall take it all
He's is pure evil
A killer
A demon
His name
He has many
All for a different side of him
But they only know one
they see just another weird kid
Little do they know
It's  the the Devils eyes they look into a
Not done yet
There are so many different things in this world
Things that make us happy
Things that make life worth it
How long will they last
How long before you lose everything
Before all your left with is an empty body
Your soul long dead
Every step you take
Just another mistake
Until the day you feel every breath you take is another mistake
Every tough you feel, seems so unreal
No longer in this world
Just fading in the shadow of what was
Still alive but barley breathing
Surviving but never living
Waking up thinking not that your alive for another day
But that your dying another day
Surrounded by friends
Always feeling so alone
I don't think this is done yet, honestly most of my "poems" arent
Take one look at me
What do you see
What do you feel
Do you know me
Are you a stranger
Are you my family
Are you my friend
It doesn't matter
non of it
Stay away from me
You don't need me
So stay away
Cause there's something I need
The look in your eyes when you see me
And all you see is your death
I've seen my death inches away from me
So many times
It's strange
Each time all i could think of was it's about time
Every day I lived
Was another day I was haunted
The screams in my head
The voices
The memories of all those who have seen me
The real me
Being able to hear the screams
The voices begging for mercy
Begging for an end to the pain
How torturing those days were
God I loved those voices
The fact that they were only voices of the past and not the present
Such a tease
Still not done
and i wonder when they'll realise
that there is a reason why
i am always three threads shy
from falling apart.
and i pray to god that its soon
because my hands are starting
to lose its grip.

© hallucinatons | twenty-fifteen
 Mar 2015 Hello it's me
For my best friend!

Even though we each other cannot see,
I wish I could see her and she could see me,
I appreciate the friendship we share;
I am here to her love and for her care!

You're my best friend,
My love to you I send,
You're always here for me and I for you;
This is very true!

Another poem for my best friend, Jami Lee Arias! Even though I have never had any siblings I love to think of Jami as my own sister! May your life be filled with kindness, peace, joy, sunshine, love, and friendship!
You became my everything, a best friend.
Then stopped talking to me with no explanation, no apology.
You were conjuringly special to me,
i convinced my vehemently skeptical gut that,
you felt the same way about me.
quite unnaturally/naturally, i was dolorously mistaken.

Turned out, i was just another
To You.
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