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 Jul 2020 Darby
Emily Dickinson

Bee! I’m expecting you!
Was saying Yesterday
To Somebody you know
That you were due—

The Frogs got Home last Week—
Are settled, and at work—
Birds, mostly back—
The Clover warm and thick—

You’ll get my Letter by
The seventeenth; Reply
Or better, be with me—
Yours, Fly.
 May 2017 Darby
Alice Baker
Dear self,
Tonight is hard.  
You are being flooded
With memories and dreams
And your soul is heavy
With self doubt and destruction.
Your hangs heavy
With thoughts of disgust
And the emotional scars
Sting just as much as the physical ones.

But hey

You are tracing old marks
In your skin
Please, Do not repave them.
Remember all the nights like these?
Your lonely tears will wash away.
And while I cannot promise you that tomorrow
Will be better
But it will be new.
Every path we make
Will diverge into unknown territory
And I promise
You will smile
 May 2017 Darby
Love isn't the endless colours of confusion running through your mind on a lonely Friday night thinking that without them, you'd be nothing.
Love isn't the messages they send you at 4 AM because you're sleeping & they miss your body sprawled all over theirs in a lovely mess of lust & fascination.
Love isn't purely the cute dates in blanket forts with loud music & ugly fights with disagreements followed by rude names.

Love is your best friend who brings you hot chocolate in the summer & ice cream in the winter because you love them both all year round.
Love is the beautiful baby of a stranger in an ugly stroller passing you on the side walk today who happened to be the only one to shine you a smile.
Love is the girl who ordered from you two weeks ago with the most beautiful curly hair & her politeness stuck in your mind as you endlessly wonder if she made it home okay.

It's important to love & trust me I love so many new people each & every day. You should too.
Love someone's shirt because it doesn't suit them but they wear it anyway.
Love someone's smile when it's raining but they're dancing.
Love someone's kindness when they're treated like dirt.
Love someone's eyes when they catch you from across the room.

Love people, every day, all the time. There's something to love in everybody & if you find someone with everything to love in them, hold them close.
 Oct 2016 Darby
 Oct 2016 Darby
No one ever listened
But I swear I had something to say
I kept my emotions bottled up
Day after day

I sung to the choir
And preached to the church  
But congregations built walls
And the stain glass still hurts

Why do we have freedom of speech
If no one hears
My problems aren't fading
And neither are my tears

I turn to my notebook
Tears streaming down my face
I write and I write
But I won't leave any trace ---
 Jun 2016 Darby
AK Bright
I was there when you were hurting
I was there when you were scared
I was right beside you
When you thought that no one cared

You're waiting on a miracle
That's right before your eyes
I've bottled every drop
Of the tears that you've cried

Just ask and you'll receive it
If only you believe
I'll calm the storm and dry your eyes
So you can clearly see

The trinkets of this world
Build a wall between you and me
You're trapped within your prison
I'm just trying to set you free

Take a look around you
How cruel the world can be
I died to save you from it
Just ask and you'll receive

Just ask and you'll receive it
If only you believe
I crushed the wall the world built
So you could get to me
 Jun 2016 Darby
To be alone
 Jun 2016 Darby
Scary yet essential.
I have forgotten how to do it.
 Mar 2016 Darby
 Mar 2016 Darby
i hate to start this poem out
with the word goodbye,
but its time for us to both move on
and i say so with a sigh.

i wont forget the things we did
and all the memories we share
you will always be a part of me
and remeber ill always care.

i know we ended on bad terms
and things didnt go as planned
but please cherish all the good things we did
for all those things are grand

im done with hating you
for breaking my heart in half
and im glad we can talk some now because
you can always make me laugh.

im happy with the memories
the talking on the phone all night
but im happy now that we have both moved on
and there no longer is a fight

i am thankful for the lessons you taught me
and the all memories we have
so goodbye my first almost love
ill never forget our past.
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