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 Jul 2015 Dania
The Homeless
 Jul 2015 Dania
From mothers arms and fathers feet
To shaking hands and ***** streets.

From sweet smiles and tender kisses
To a lost little child no one misses.

From overalls and teddy bears
To daytime tears and nighttime scares.

From bubble bathes and lullabies
To scarred up skin and lifeless eyes.

From parks filled with plastic slides
To a box with nails stuck in its sides.

 Jul 2015 Dania
Marian Dominique
you may not be my cup of coffee
but i would like to wake up
to the sight of you
I am for a tainted past.
Years of scars.
Inwardly vast.
Recollected memories so brawn.
In my dreams.
They will never be gone.
At a time..
Feeling worthless...
Knowing now.
A test..
A test of hidden purpose.
Purpose that has given me preparation.
Motivation for a delightful future is now my affixation.
I am..
Dont'ya know
my tears are for the
laced up and tying of
the years
that divide me from
her story.

My misery is in
the reading.
 Jan 2015 Dania
Brider Olen
 Jan 2015 Dania
Brider Olen
there's something
about the way you pause
ever so slightly before
pressing your lips
to mine

it's as if the space
between our lips is
begging you to
keep your distance

because if you were
to proceed, you'd find
yourself in a world of

you see, i am the moon
and i find myself
lusting after
the city

 Jan 2015 Dania
Wondering how
you can fall in love,
with a stranger.

Head over heels,
and love
at first sight.

The problem
with falling in love
with a stranger,

they don't feel the same.
To them you
are just
a stranger,
a random person
they met one day
in december.

Falling into
one sided love,
with a stanger.
Blind is the eye
That does not look at the blind
Deaf is the ear
That does not listen to the deaf
Dumb is the mouth
That does not speak to the dumb
Lame is the leg
That does not step with the lame
Poor is the land
That does not care for the poor
Futile is the life
That does not support the needy
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