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Crystal Freda Aug 2017
Hand in hand
walking past a creek.
down a charming passage
under a gorgeous peak.

Hand in hand
deepens our bond
over a wooden bridge
as we're growing fond.

Hand in hand
as leaves brush by
with the gentle breeze
we look at each other eye to eye.
Crystal Freda Aug 2017
There were two little cats
whose job was to chase bugs and rats.
Sue was frisky. Lou was was lazy.
Sue would chase things with glee
while Lou would rather sleep softly.

They'd sit on the porch.
Sue would light up like a torch
waiting for prey to arrive.
Lou found sleep as a way to survive.

Their owner was an older woman
who would pet them with her soft, wrinkled hand.
She was proud of Sue and Lou
for all what they could do.

Now the old woman didn't know about Lou.
That sleep was all she would do.
Sue thought Lou was no good.
That she shouldn't get what she should.

They were fed the same
and attention that came.
Sue didn't understand
why they received the same love from this woman.

The old woman sat on the porch swing.
She would pet Lou as she'd sing.
Sue came in.
She was determined to win.

The old woman picked up Sue
and continued to pet Lou.
She petted the two
and told them she loved them for what they could do.

She said to Lou, "I love you when you sleep."
She said to Sue, "I love you even with the rats you keep."

"I love you for who you are
even as I am an old char."
The cats cuddled with her
despite how different they were.
Crystal Freda Aug 2017
Picking ripe, juicy apples off trees
Jumping into a fresh pile of leaves.
Bundled up for the swift, autumn breeze.
Harvest time is a great time to appease
With autumns such as these.
When everything is simply at ease.
Crystal Freda Aug 2017
Precious moments.
Unexpected trials.
Awaiting postponements.
Travelling for miles.

New changes.
Up and down emotions.
High and low ranges.
Channeling over oceans.

Breathless sites.
Rising experiences.
Unsuspected heights.
Vast differences.
Crystal Freda Aug 2017
City lights glitter and flicker
as street lights turn on.
Cars speed by
and then they are gone.

Trees are blowing with the wind
and house lights shut down.
Darkness fills the world
and I glisten on the ground.

I'm shining on the river.
I'm following through the window of your car.
I'm glimmering above the forest.
I'm with you wherever you are.
Crystal Freda Aug 2017
Angels abound
all around the Heavens.
Their wings flutter
as each cloud leavens.

Glory across the sky
shimmers in each living soul.
God's sweet salvation
making someone whole.

A golden raindrop
scatters on every home.
God and angels are behind you
wherever you may roam.
Crystal Freda Aug 2017
Clouds resting in the sky
over the highest mountains
and lowest valleys.

Butterflies flying smoothly
over yellow lilies
and honey suckle.

The sun glistering
over vibrant green grasses
and tall, shady trees.
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