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Cerasium Aug 2016
**** thy nature of sorrow and doom
In thy wake of weakness and gloom
Thy love of darkness thy unchanging loyalty
Thy passionate care of the star light night

Unto each and everyone's soul
Thy darkness burns bright
For when thy world ends
It will be a wondrous sight
Cerasium Aug 2016
I am dead inside

No free will
No happiness
No bliss

My eternal soul snapped to pieces
Like the fragile cracks of a sudden drop
I have been tossed
Like the rotten food of last weeks meal and I ponder

Will I ever be yours again
Will this wave settle us into the sound
Will your embrace ever come back

The love
The care
The eternal bliss in which I longed for so
For now it is all but a dream

And yet
I crave with my whole being
For it to be real
Cerasium Aug 2016
The clouds are rolling by so fast and i see something weird
The clouds start to slow and time starts to stop
In the distance a figure starts walking forwards
The clouds stop and time seems like it was never there at all
The figure continues to walk forward and becomes the outline of a man
He stops and looks at me then smiles
Have you seen my angel anywhere he says
From what I could see he was beautiful
The clouds vanish an I see the man completely
He is the symbol of beauty in my eyes
He leans in close to me and looks me up and down
You know you look like my angel he said to me
Who knows I might be I muttered
He leans closer until our faces are almost touching
You are surely my angel he said and kissed  me
In a flurry I feel weak in the knees and to my surprise he holds me still
He continues to kiss me and I let him
For I am starting to believe I am his angel
Cerasium Aug 2016
Your love is strong and stronger still
Though you have left from my sight
Though it was not your choice
How can I know that we were right

Many have tried and yet none are right
So where out there is he
My love for you has grown sibling
And I know not of its return to mate

My soul aches and thrives to love
But who is my match to love
They wander from me to hide their presence
So I am not able to see

Why must they make me hurt
I can't take the pain no longer
To him I must be a disease
To not be shown this life
Cerasium Aug 2016
Madness descends upon you
But beware the fall
Cause once you do
There's no going back

Just embrace it
And soon you'll realize
It has always been there
Refusing to hide
Cerasium Aug 2016
My hidden cause
My ego erased
My love poured out
My heart raced

The pain felt
Yet can't be shown
The fear of loss
The chance be blown.

Curling into a ball,
Hiding my swelling heart
Feeling nothing but pain
Wanting only him from the start

As I am pushed away
I fear things are going a stray
Try as I might to hide the pain

I wonder if the jealousy
Is but a game
Cerasium Aug 2016
The life of a butterfly,
So swift and free yet knows
Its doom is upon it lives free of worry
Sorrow and regret

Oh how I wish for to transform just like a butterfly
To be free of all regrets
Pain and misery

To finally fly without a care in the world
But for not I stay in this dark
Damp chrysalis

Away from all happiness of freedom
Trapped in a never ending nightmare
Of misery and heart ache

Oh how I long to escape this hell
To once again breath
The sweet air of freedom
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