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Home, sweet home.
You are the memories of my childhood.
Oh, how I love you.
The dreams I had.
The ones lived out and the ones still to be.
Laughing and celebrating with friends and family.
Swinging on the swing that once was in the backyard.
Climbing in the highest tree.
Feeling on the top of the world.
Oh, how I hate you.
The nightmares that hunted me at night.
Crying in the corners of my room.
Failures and broken dreams.
Yelling and screaming at the top of my lungs.
Hiding in bushes and thicket.
Feeling like my world was falling apart.
There is no place like home.
Written: May 15. - 2014
The clouds are crying. They must have seen us. So in love but for none of us to feel. The love that once stock us together is gone. Our love was like in a moviescene. Oh so perfect and oh so frightening. They say it's never like in the movies but this was. So sweet you could almost taste it. It was so good that it almost felt wrong. We were meant to be but now we're not meant for anything.
*May the clouds wash away all my memories.
Written: May 8. - 2014
I lie awake in the waves of the wake you left me in
My lungs fill with water until my chest bursts open
My body is a lake again
I know I make mistakes but I can't fake like I can displace your skin
I sink deep with every crash
Let me in
Let me in
Let me in
Let me
when i was young
someone asked
    "what superpower do you wish for?"
no hesitation -
i replied

i grew up realising
it came true
Stop wishing upon the stars and start making your dreams come true, because the stars you're looking at are already dead but you're not.
Written: May 1. - 2014
 Apr 2014 Cecilie Andersen
Dearest Mr. Green,
It was an honor to have my heart broken by you. Your book, The Fault in Our Stars was one of the best recommendations I may have ever crossed. I thank you deeply for all the hours of pure giddiness and tortuous pain that you created in both Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters. However, I do have many questions about Hazel's future: does she ever loose her battle to her cancer? What happened to Augustus's parents soon after the loss of their son set into reality?

Your story honestly had my heart ripping slowly into pieces, the way you described how Hazel Grace and Augustus had crossed paths and went down a beautiful road into the hearts of all your readers... gave me the deepest appreciation of the young fighters of childhood cancers.

As a daughter of a cancer survivor, I've had my fair shares of visiting support groups with my mother while she was going through her treatments. I remember the panic I felt every time she went in for PET scans and Chemo, worrying for any ounce of her body to betray her. Thank you for making the pain and worry of cancer so beautifully worded, and the uncertainty of how quickly cancer can easily take the happiness away from someone.  
Thank you for the hopes given to me when you wrote the heartfelt words, “Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.”

You are truly an incredible soul with a heartbreaking habit of writing books with main characters who tend to die of some serious form of illness. I find you to be both evil yet so perfect when it comes to your stories. You are my inspiration. However, I am slightly upset that AIA is not a real book. It would be quiet a wonderful rollercoaster to ride.

“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book. And then there are books like An Imperial Affliction, which you can't tell people about, books so special and rare and yours that advertising your affection feels like betrayal”  Yours, could not have put my thoughts onto paper in any more of a perfected way.

Yesterday, you gained a new fan. I adore you as an author and person. I really do.

July 11, 2013- I have yet to hear a reply...

— The End —