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I can daydream in words
For days it seems
But somehow when I try to describe
What you mean to me
I stumble and slip
Over rhymes I flip
Syllabic puzzles thrown at me to remain confounded
It's astounding what you've done
You've turned the night back into a rising sun
And yet somehow
I stumble on how to say
How appreciative I am of you
Each and every day
I know it's not much, but
This is the best I can do for you.
Is to say these 3 words

I love you
It's about my girlfriend
 Sep 2020 Brandy Nicole
She looks like heaven
And tastes like hell
Love is not blind,
but he who did not see your worth.
Copyright © 2018
 Sep 2020 Brandy Nicole
I could write the most beautiful poetry if I wanted to. But what good is the poetry if it’s complete without you.
I miss you
Miss your words
I find you
Find your hands.

I know you
Know your heart
I want you
Want your new art.

Do you feel me?
Feel my emotions!
Would you reach me?
Reach my affections!

You look at me
Look at my heart
Do you feel that?...
We aren't so apart!
Don't get me wrong
I still miss you.........
Since I was very young
 Aug 2020 Brandy Nicole
to me,
you are
an art

                              to you,
                              I was
                              a tragedy
you still remain, and will always be
a fine piece of art
to me.
// edit: thank you for having this in the daily. ♡
Emotions ...
Unstable like the wind,
Spontaneous in nature,
It evolves from friendship to
Sudden enmity.
Rapidly changing form,
It freezes the once heated love
Between lovers.
Unstable like wild fire,
It consumes us... And most times,
Our most dear relationships,
once left uncontrolled.
         #Goody suvie❤️
A good evening guys♥️. It feels good to be a part of this world🙂 meet you guys. #Nigeria #Goodysuvie #words
i thank the sun
for its light
and warmth
i am kin to the earth
no longer afflicted
with a muddy mind
i am green now
i have grown.
all i can do is grow. it's my only option.
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