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Blissful Nobody May 2017
There was no magic in those tears,
That I spent thinking about you.
I should have been happy,
Red love still ran through my veins.

That was no mesmerising glint,
It wasn't the joy that shined through.
I should have been involved,
Life was having an affair with me.

That was no enchanting smile ,
It broke my heart to put on a mask.
I should have been swooning,
An experience was leading the dance.

That was not a sparkle on my face,
When I thought I will meet you again.
It was the fatigue that shone through,
My thoughts had just run a mile.

I am still ecstatic .
Red love still runs through my veins.
Blissful Nobody Aug 2016
Unbind those tethers,
Let me be.
You! yes you, choke me.
It's hard to breathe,
Yet I am still here.
They say it's no time to leave.
Why do I listen?
What do you gain?
Not anymore,
No! I cant hide this pain.

Why am I here?
Purpose, I seek .
Meditate but,
Lose my mind still.
Am I doing something wrong ?
Unlock my memory.
Sing to me,
That cryptic story.

Maybe now I will remember,
Or still pine for thee.
Oh! Dear me !
Let me be.
Who am I ?
Is this amnesia ?
A hidden key,
That I must find.
To the ground,
Earthly winds bind.

I must take wings,
I must fly.
Where do I belong?
If only you could whisper.
A part of my soul,
Is trapped somewhere.
The mystery remains,
Gradually I learn to meme.
I will become you again,
Till I find my way ,
Out of this bargain .
Blissful Nobody Jan 2016
I would have been a better person,
If I'd never met you.
A twisted element-
tinkering with my reason.
Sometimes I wish,
our paths didn't cross.
That led to a mistaken familiarity.

Hate would have done justice.
Ignorance did the most harm.
The hurt - changed the person.
Because it's the not knowing,
That keeps your pulse pounding!

Head hurts thinking of all the ways,
Things might have gone otherwise.
It's your own minds creation,
To the other all is but unknown.

What really happened?
What dawned?
How did I cease to exist
In your thoughts?
Was it fate or was I disillusioned ?

It's the ignorance -
that hurt the most.
It's the not knowing!
Your thoughts for me.
Did they never exist?
Why? When? How?
Stop ! Stop now!

Plenty scenarios I imagine,
I could be that person,
I never would have changed.
But do you ever think ,
Ignorance was a good solution?

What do you think?
It's the not knowing,
That destroys the calm and sense.
If only- a blank canvas of possibilities,
The hope that pulls my insides out.

I wish I had never met you.
If you'd always been the unknown,
A different person, I would have grown.
How would I be then?
It's the not knowing that kills!
Blissful Nobody Jan 2016
Things that were,
Some still are,
Some were
and never to be,
Fading into existential dilemma.

I wish not to exist,
Not in your thoughts,
Never in your words,
Let me fade away,
Into the abyss.

Try not to remember me,
Never to be found -
I would have crossed .
Don't come find me -
No such labyrinth exists.

I wish you wouldn't cry,
Know happy and sad alike,
No emotions I seek,
For my physical form.
An Infinitesimal speck- Me,
An identity wouldn't exist.

I am a universe,
On my own,
To another I would retire.
Don't shatter yours,
for mine.
When I am gone.
When I am gone!!!
Blissful Nobody Jan 2016
Fear shakes me as I look at this creature,
Staring at me through the darkness,
A grey smoke blurs my sight,
I mumble prayers like a preacher.

I shut my eyes, as does a pigeon,
It scrapes its claws, on the bare ground.
I peek through the slits of my eyelids,
Still there - now theres a legion!

I turn my back and run,
I can hear them chasing me,
Rustling through the dead of silence,
I stop, only to come undone!

Am I dead? I see a light.
I turn, I face them now.
The light lingers and I hold on,
Closer I walk, with all my might.

I see them. They see me.
My failures, my rage, my darkness.
The distance, the pessimism, the void.
Fears in their multitude existence.

Closer , closer, closer I get,
I fear the fears no more,
For they exist, as does the light,
Shining like an auroral net.

Catch them, bind them,
Then I set it free.
Now I bind me, within me.
And fill my heart with divine glee.

I see a monster now and then,
I see it for what it is,
I know it can be tamed to my will,
For there exists a light within.

My light shines brighter,
as the darkness grows.
The two exist coherently -
For what is, is!
Clearing the mess in your head to see the light. Facing your fears and knowing that they exist!
There’s hidden
A precious pearl
Eons have passed
Mentioned in
Various folklores
Hushed tones
Described the
Unknown beauty
Eyes have
Not truly feasted
On it yet
Pearl of Wisdom
Between the
Hidden chambers
Core of the
Universe held secrets
About the origin
Many seers
Have meditated
For time immemorial
The secret of beauty
Love and wisdom
Soul’s eternity
Thus birthed the
Universe from this
Hidden beauty
Many seers will
Meditate eternally
At the confluence of time
In deep trance
Shall try to delve
Deeper into the core
And be one with
The Universe
Blissful Nobody Feb 2015
Given just a moment to realize,

What cards I hold in my hand,

And decide the next possible move.

Every passing moment is a realization,

Same old play, same old game.

You never know,

You’ll be dealt the same again.

Time is a careful dealer.

King of diamonds by my side,

My dreams are full of hearts.

Although, it’s always been a card in the pack,

It’s awkward how my dreams pull it back.

You bring illusions to life,

With terrible tricks up your sleeve,

Time – you are no healer.

Not in this life, I believe,

I will see your charm again.

I wouldn’t ever win a hand like that,

Not my share of bargain.

I’ll come back in my next life,

Maybe, I’ll have some tricks by then.

Maybe, I’ll be dealt your cards then.

Same old play, same old game.

Only you’ll be on that other end.

Blaming time for being a sorcerer,

Time is the best dealer.
Love realization split heart cards life
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