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Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
For once did the supreme forgive him,
Mercy was always the greatest will.

Suddenly, he became the child he once was,
and cuddled up to his father.
Evil existed no longer,
humbled by the greatest presence.

He thought of all the miseries he'd caused,
all the pain he'd given.
thought of it as the only vent,
to his own misery.

He wanted to fit in,
make mistakes and be forgiven.
For long he'd been denied that,
and nonacceptance turned to wrath.
He still envied his siblings,for he wanted to return.

Reminiscing old times he remembered,
he was happy and soulful once.
That day he decided he'd retire,
Be the good he always was.

For once and forever,
things were as they should be.
peace and quiet prevailed
Life sprung up again to its beauty.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
I have had terrible days,
I only remember the good.
I have been mad at things,
I only remember being sane.
“Is something strangely wrong?”

I have been glum,
I only remember the sunshine.
**** has hit the fan too many times,
I only remember the calm.
“That can’t be true!”

Sunburns erased,
I only remember the warmth.
Storms have come and gone,
I only remember the unshaken faith.
“Is this for real?”

My heart has wept oceans,
I only remember the soft breeze on my face.
I have had scary thoughts,
I only remember the pleasant dreams.

If this is true, I sure am happy.
If this is real, I am content.
If you don’t believe me,
I am not asking you to.
Let me be,
I can never be you.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
Chasing the real away from life,
Intangible Reality!
Feeling, what can’t be felt,
Battling the unreal.
Bleed me to death,
For I’ll be awake then.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
If I had a dream,
That dream would be you.
If I had the power,
The dream would be true.
A fate of togetherness,
Desired so often.
A destiny to choose,
In my hands soften.

Material gains,
Are lofty peaks.
It’s what now,
My heart seeks.
I am sorry my love,
I have to let go,
I am ready to be the fool,
And be called a foe.

Changes happen,
Life takes a turn.
Experiences gained,
Things we do learn.
Love is above all,
I do realize now.
For it to happen,
I didn't allow.

Life seems empty,
And youth wilted.
I stand here alone,
Bruised and pelted.
Reality hits me strong,
As I walk along.
I know I had been a fool,
I was wrong.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
To wage a war was the simplest solution
The painful proximity wasn't an option
I meant it when I said often -
“I have to go away and vanish somewhere”
That uncanny silence and the blank stare.

The few scars that you gave me
I washed them off with your blood
Your words pierced like needles
My actions were a walk on swords
A friendship hence cursed by the lords.

You often tested my patience
I wish you’d never tested my rage
You shouldn't have breached my conscience
I hardened my soul and kept the fury within
I knew the end was near and none would win.

I lost you and you lost the friend
My sorrow remains for you stay with the foes
I was never the enemy for you took me for one
I bid you goodbye and hope I see you not again
The painful proximity was never ever sane.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
Hundredth time she fell,
The devil inside never awakened,
Eyes still glinting,
The same faith within,
The crimson clouds shall part,
She’ll see the distant star.

Only at the zenith of ecstasy,
Did she realize,
Her soul clenched by sorrows,
She fell again,
For the nth time,
Never did she barter her soul,
Still strong and holding on.

Temptations of the real world,
Pulled her heart and soul apart,
Teary glint in her eyes-
Weak now.
“Give away thy soul ”- He asks
“Never” – She whispered.

“I’ll come again.”- He says,
Gods own child,
The precious one - Weak Now.
“Never” – She held onto her mass
She sees the distant star,
Her chaste soul departs.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
The winter brushes past my face
A silent whisper in my ear
Teases me as I grin softly
Asks me, if I am happy
“My heart is in perfect harmony”
A mild giggle and playful laughter
“Stay blessed here and after"
Comes a soulful reply

Embers burn to blush my cheeks
The warmth fills in my heart
A playful voice is heard again
“How art thou my child?”
A gentle smile serves the reply
“That’s all I desire my sweet one”
Comes a soulful reply
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