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 Jul 2020 Bean
Dinesh Padisetti
It's now, you need to be brave
For you've fear in your heart
It's now, you need to obey
For you've been free, too long

It's now, you need to be responsible
For you've ran away from it all your life
It's now, you need to fall in line
For your entire life was out of line

It's now you need, Balance
For you've enjoyed the imbalance in chaos
It's now the time to sit still
For you've never stopped moving

It's now the time to build
For you've only but destroyed
Remember the message
Alas, you'll repeat the mistake twice.
 Jul 2020 Bean
Writer's Block
 Jul 2020 Bean
The pen
is not your friend
But you don't know that yet

You sit
clenched fist
looking nowhere
going everywhere
or drawing
a blank

You've clenched
your fist
too tight

Blood is never blue
but if it were
it might look like this

Rivers cascading
down to your wrist
the ink
finding a home
in the crevices
of your hand

Your pen is not flying
the page is not splattered
with overeager writing

you're left with
a sticky hand
and a mess
to clean up
 Jul 2020 Bean
Raven Blue
 Jul 2020 Bean
Raven Blue
In this blue night;
I was enchanted by a strange light,
That makes my heart delight.
But also makes me feel melancholic in this night.

We were lost at that time and drifted apart,
Never knowing when to say goodbye in our hearts.
Memories in the past;
Will forever last.

Back then, we were so happy
And we see each other as lucky.
But I realized that it was all a fantasy.
And I can never see you being with me happily.

I was slowly drowning,
And everyday I keep crying.
My world was drifting;
And now, under this moonlight I am dying.
 Jul 2020 Bean
Timothy Meli
 Jul 2020 Bean
Timothy Meli
My blood keeps flowing,a cut deeply rooted in a promise unkept,a dream,perhaps wallowing in mere oblivion of a fake reality
A flared rage of a lost self,I tender the flickering embers of a broken me sheltered with the grace of a nonchalant society
Am sick of the blues

*Cry of a lost soul

— The End —