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 May 2014 BH
Poetry: A Remedy
 May 2014 BH
Don't shame young girls
who want to express their lives
in metaphors and mellifluous poetry.
They perceive words
as fireflies that shine
on their lonely nights
and it makes them feel alive.
Let them be.
I read somewhere that people shame young girls over their love of poetry and their attempt to compare themselves to 'storms' or whatever. It's not fair. Everyone copes in a different way, and shaming someone for something that they like makes you horrible. Plus, it's poetry! People should express as they like.
 May 2014 BH
 May 2014 BH
I used to climb onto the roof just to feel closer to the stars,
and tonight I climbed a ladder then wondered where you are.
Sleeping safe and sound in the warmth of your bed?
I wish I were your pillow,
to know the thoughts in your head.

Do you ever dream of me?
To know would be too much.
Instead, I'll climb to greater heights
and wish on stars for luck.
I won't give up
 May 2014 BH
Petal pie
The smirk
 May 2014 BH
Petal pie
His smirk was the stuff of legends.
When taunted with loud rude remarks 
And thoughtless offensive assumptions.
His expression a quick stark reminder.

He did not need to raise his voice 
Or wage war with fists or words
For the source of his power
Was in the curve of his brow

His refute neatly imbued
In his wry handsome semi-smile.
That made them shrink back
To feel small and absurd.
Inspired by the half blood prince!
 May 2014 BH
Squirrely Girl
Let’s forget Logic
Why should I think logically?
Why should I think rationally?
All I do is think
Why ?
Why am I thinking so much?
Why do things have to make sense?
Maybe some things don’t need reason.
Time is wasted trying to find meaning.
People don’t stop to see the beauty.
We don’t let ourselves feel
For the fear of being crazy
Future bad possibilities
Lets forget logic
For a day
Nothing needs to be clear
Nothing needs to be written in stone
And live without thinking
What if?
Well what if you dive in
And feel something never felt
Forget logic
Logic finds you
Always choose words wisely
as they can do such harm
use them not to wound or hurt
belittle or disarm
for confidence is fragile
it masks the truer self
that child inside wrapped tight in scars
that dare not love itself.
The pen is mightier than the sword
With a joint in the ashtray
and a pen in my hand
I travel through vapours
to my neverland
awareness fades slowly
to the drum beating time
as I float, now enraptured
slow-captured, sublime.
Where I am an island
no hurt at my shore
here grief doesn't beckon
'cause I love you no more
but deep in minds shadows
l feel you draw near
my bringer of sadness
sweet wringer of tears
I hear your dark whispers
rekindling our ties
I'm fighting, freefalling
through love laden lies.
 May 2014 BH
an artist's love
 May 2014 BH
beware when you fall in love
with an artist
be it a painter, a singer, or poet

for the artist will
paint you
with strokes and hues
in shapes of every kind

sing about you
with heartbreak lyrics
and feelings which rhyme

write about you
with the simplest words
and a secret message she wants to say

beware of the artist,
and her love
one wrong move
and you're an artwork in her display
 May 2014 BH
kat lykke
 May 2014 BH
kat lykke
he told me i tasted like 12 o'clock sun on chilly days without names. since he mentioned days without names, they had been my favourite kind of days. in my head, every day had a colour and yesterday was yellow. you pulled over and got out of the car when i asked you why we could not buy another bottle of red wine for the fifth time. i looked down at my veiny hands and fondled the key that he had left behind. it killed me how everything reminded me of him. i thought that liquid self-pity would erase him but it only made him appear even more distinct. i tried to patch up myself when you was asleep; i kissed the freckles on your back and connected them by drawing constellations and celestial bodies with my silky whisper. i wore long sleeves because my heart was stained by his soporific words. he made me feel calm without effort; it made my skin crack. the way he held me tight made me want to throw up butterflies. you never made me want to throw up butterflies; you only drugged my body with sweet drops of poison. i am fond of you, you would always say and i would always force a smile and take another sip. he adored my blue lips. the more you loved me, the more i adored being intoxicated. after half a year, a few bottles a day made me love you back. i could name every débit de boissons in bordeaux.

hey kiddo, i have brought you a glass of my favourite wine.

he visited me on a chilly day without name. i was already dead when he found me.

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