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I am the bomb
Well just look at me
Look at my complexion, dark and smooth
Look at my face, so fat and cute
Look at my body, plump and petite
Look at my soul, so bold and free

Now look at you!
I love your complexion
Your face
Your body
And your soul

You the bomb too
Just a little differently than me
But it's still cool
Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Sometimes it's not your fault
Sometimes you did all you could
And all I can say is
*Never again
Things are better. Much.
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Your eyes were sad but you held on
And that's  how you ended your last kiss
As You bravely walked away from the woman that cut your skin with sharp kisses.
Consider her gone
Because, she cannot trust you
She gave you everything
But, you never appreciated anything
Her heart was there
She was always sincere
Walking away from you
Is the best thing for her to do
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Seth Milliman
Radiant sunshine.
The days are long,
And I feel blue.
Please shine on me too,
This world longs for darkness.
With spots of light,
As days become unending night.
So sunshine,
Oh radiant sunshine.
How long till peace comes through?
If I should ever wilt away,
Please oh sunshine.
Shine on me too.
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
And so here we are
Page after page
Hearts on fire
Exposing parts unseen
Beneath harden surfaces
Wounds unclean
Broken still we dream
On and on we pen
And so we breathe again
There's ringing in my ears, people are talking. About me, about what I've done and who I've hurt. But I hope to god, it's not you, my love, the one I hurt. They say time heals all wounds but mine never will. Leaving me behind, bruised and scarred with a bottle of pills. She followed me into darkness and I let go her hand. Naive and foolish had no leg to stand. So here I am, I ran. Cowardly without a second glance. Her walls closed in as I quickly escaped. Started to lose her breath as she came to her fate. Beaten and broken, she limps through life all sad and alone. Praying for a Prince Charming, to sweep her off her feet. Until then she will continue to weep. Cause she can't stand the way that she feels. Beaten and broken, the tears continue to stream. Not up but down her life goes as everything comes to a halt. So she pops a couple of pills, downs a bottle, and waits for her heart to start and throttle. The pain consumes her entire life, she doesn't exist anymore. All there remains are her broken pieces along the ****** floor.
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
I try to protect your
heart from what I never
could endure or take

I try to fix your mess
while I make the
same repeated mistake

I try to fight your war
but can't stand on
my own battlefield

I could never protect
myself and instead
I became a human shield

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