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 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Chloe Zafonte
I can see the sadness through people's eyes
As the pressures of society bring us tears
We cannot seem to dry.
would you pave your heart
and make it a parking lot
where nothing can grow
little blue planet
out in a galactic arm
oceans full of tears
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
When I'm not drunk
I wish I was
When I am drunk
I wish I wasn't

And really
I don't know how to feel
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
We liked to walk
Most days
Where the willow trees reached down to strangle us
And the current ran away
Down the great stream

We liked to steal
Jewels and gold, mostly
Into homes where we would
Smile the stones into pockets,
Grin Cheshire grins,
Take London treasures

But of all
We liked to sit
Drinking warmth through our skin
Sipping silence with each other
Until she'd laugh,
Laugh like a pin to a balloon
And we'd part,
Not knowing
Our next adventure.
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
After the towers fell,
My father went off to war,
12 months later he brought back the battlefield
We didn’t talk about it much as it just hung there,
Afraid of the left over land mines, we would tiptoe
around the room, through the kitchen, back to bed.
My mother is a bottle,
Empty now but the glass corpse still outlines her frame,
4 years sober, going on 5 after her brother click-clacked his way out of our lives,
I tattooed the day he passed on my arm,
1. to remember him and 2. to know that today is better than what my life once was,
I read somewhere that conversations are like knife fights,
Ive chosen my words carefully like dull blades,
So if I am ever to strike a nerve it won’t leave anyone bleeding,
I am afraid of blood.
I hate the smell,
the taste, the color of the stains it leaves,
The consistency,
I am afraid of bleeding,
I am too vulnerable in this world to hurt anymore,
Every breath closer to the minute i’ll break,
I am afraid to break and i worry about how many pieces I will leave in my wake
and if anyone will be there to pick them up and glue me back together,
Today I am happier than most days in these past years,
She has taught me patience,
All I worry about now is losing her warmth
a slam I've been working with
a    man with his
     heaviness    weighs the
masculine     waters

    be    like stone
its depth    of concentration
   wherefore     birds  lose
  sight of their    rapt flight
above    waters    stills a man
    whose mirror     is not of   a mirage
but       a    man   flat against    the seductive      rose
   to     hold  his     breath
and rain's      supreme bullet
       are    but simplistic    maze
again     the   stone cannot  reveal
the     man   in his  proud   geographies —

      such   trouble   of mortality
begins,   a wrest     of bones,   the volcano     defined    by  such earthenware
whose   metaphysics   unalphabeted
  like   fellows    going back to god's    arms
   sitting      well   with
          red    roses.
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Dana Colgan
Up and down I go
From high to low low low.

Happy in the day
but sad in every way.

Hurting from the inside out
masking what im all about.
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