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  Dec 2015 Ayeshah
No two seashells are the same;
but then, to be invariable would be a shame.
To be unique is a gift you see,
to be you is the best way to be.

All seashells are grouped together in the sea and onshore,
their differences are irrelevant - their worth is the same at the core.
Some are able to float away from distress,
while others merely sink under the pressure I must confess.

Some are captivating and beautiful beyond compare,
while some are unpropitious with signs of wear and tear.
Yet despite their differences each one has an admirer,
and whether whole or broken each one is a survivor.

No two seashells are the same, it's true -
nor are two humans invariable - let this message get through.
To be unique is a gift you see,
to be you is the best way to be.
  Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Debbie Jean Embrey
Sometimes our minds wander
into another world
lighter or darker
and we tend to roam
farther away from our destination

The problem is it happens
too often for awhile
and our hearts
are led into other worlds
all too different
farther away from whence we came

Thus, we forget
our destination
was a little closer
than we thought
by the time
we finally remembered

The good thing is
we got back on track
and began to follow
the right path
and entered new places
with unending smiles
I stray away from writing
from time to time. I come to a halt and then
I pick back up again. T'is something I do quite often.
Still, it's always nice coming back home!
  Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Tapiwa Individualist
Trust is too big to
delicate,but it just is.

Its hard to attain,
Not easy to maintain.

Trust is too big to
delicate,but it just is.
May even take years to build and just a second to crumble.
Its deep.
But let's trust reasonably.

You are YOU
It be not because I think of you
That is why you are the best
It is because you are the BEST
That is why I think of you

And it is because you are the BEST-EST
That is why I LOVE you

I'm proud of your success
Your success is my success

Our Relationship is
Support plus inter-exchangeable
Celebration, Delighting
In what you choose to do
Thoughtfulness towards your work
Honor and dignity towards each other
Making mutual choices of
What you really want
I am Subservient
Nothing bad when you are my leader
Losing power is the key for me

Losing masculinity & femininity, gender roles
Adds that respect and
Develops material & Paternal feelings
For each other's needs

I ask:
Does your privilege position
Maintain our relationship?
Absolutely NOT!

We value professional and
Personal submission to each other

We have decided to throw out
Defining labels, being judgmental
of any type towards each other
We accept each other as we are

With existing self-contentedness,
Self-egoism in individuals and society
Such relationship Wont survive selfishness

Respect, trust, communication
Drives our relationship
We invest in future together
NO NO to money when in
Comes to our relationship

Our last words:
Keep up with LOVE
Interdependence, Equality,
Fulfill LOVE
Ode to #100women #100womendebate @LucyHockingsBBC @BBCWorld on Relationships debate on BBC dated 1 December 2015 16:30 hours (GMT)
  Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Mike Essig
by Pablo Neruda**

If suddenly you do not exist,
if suddenly you no longer live,
I shall live on.

I do not dare,
I do not dare to write it,
if you die.

I shall live on.

For where a man has no voice,
there shall be my voice.

Where blacks are flogged and beaten,
I cannot be dead.
When my brothers go to prison
I shall go with them.

When victory,
not my victory,
but the great victory
even if I am dumb I must speak;
I shall see it coming even if I am blind.

No, forgive me.
If you no longer live,
if you, beloved, my love,
if you
have died,
all the leaves will fall on my breast,
it will rain on my soul night and day,
the snow will burn my heart,
I shall walk with frost and fire and death and snow,
my feet will want to walk to where you are sleeping,
I shall stay alive,
because above all things you wanted me
and, my love, because you know that I am not only a man
but all mankind.

                                      Spanish; trans. Brian Cole
  Dec 2015 Ayeshah
                 It has come to my attention, that someone has been stealing from
                 the communal fridge. I notice that my own personal milk with my
                 name on the bottle is half empty, also three fingers of my kitkat
                 are missing. Please refrain, or action will be taken.
                 It has come to my attention, and I’m pleasantly surprised to see
                 my milk has been topped up, though, why ******* of my
                 kitkat  in a V sign beggars belief. Just tasted my milk, you
                 ***** *******. I will now be monitoring the fridge from my office.
                 You will be caught.
                   It has come to my attention, the camera monitoring the fridge
                   is now monitoring the ladies toilet. This is intolerable, you are
                   usurping my authority. Heads will roll. I will now be moving the
                   fridge into my office till further notice.

                   It has come to my attention, my office has been penetrated,
                   the fridge is missing, and I find a ransom note on my desk.
                   I don’t know who you people think you're dealing with, but
                   let me leave you in no doubt, I will find out who you are, and
                   you will be dismissed.

                   It has come to my attention, a delivery of fifty fridges is
                   cluttering up the whole building, management is going
                   ballistic. I concede to your demands, please get rid of
                   them. Let us get back to you taking my milk and my biscuits,
                   my job, my life. Just leave me alone.
                                                                                    Thank you.
  Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Nigel Finn
Words are harmless, so they say,
That's where the problem starts;
Sticks and stones
May break our bones
But words will break our hearts.

Words are harmless, so they say,
And point you to their charts;
It's harmless fun,
No damage done.
But... Who will mend our hearts?

The x-rays show no damage
Where words have scathed across,
But it still feels hard to manage,
And leaves you at a loss.

Words are harmless, don't complain,
That's where the problem starts.
It's quite absurd-
A single word-
Enough to break our hearts!

But words are harmless, they maintain;
The subject of their parts,
No less or more,
So let them pour
From all our broken hearts
“Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will break our hearts” is a quote I have stolen directly from Robert Fulghum.
In my defence, he'd already stolen half of that quote himself.
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