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 Jun 2019 Ayan
Ruth Nadler-Nir
Tend to me
Like a thirsty garden once forgotten
Sing to me
Like a crying infant, pure and innocent
Hug me
Like an old friend years after
Look at me
Like an abstract painting, more complex with each glance
Touch me
Like the the cold steel strings of your guitar
Love me
Like you did before
I poem I wrote early last year while thinking about with my ongoing need for co-dependence
 Jun 2019 Ayan
i love the feeling
this strange and eerie calmness
after lost battle
make your peace
 Jun 2019 Ayan
 Jun 2019 Ayan
I often think
About what we aren’t meant to see;
What we aren’t meant to be.
 Jun 2019 Ayan
Edmund black
In Japan there is an art form
called kintsukuroi which means
to repair with gold
When a ceramic *** or bowls
would break the artisan would
put the pieces together again
using gold or silver lacquer
to create something stronger
forevermore beautiful than before
The breaking is never something
to hide
It doesn’t mean that the work of the art
is ruined or without value because
it is different than what anticipated
Kintsukuroi is a way of living that
embraces every flaw and imperfections
Every crack is part of the  history of
the object and it becomes forevermore
precisely because it has been
I’ve told this story to tell you this
People are the same way
Being hurt or heart broken
or feeling broken generally
is not who you are
It is something that happens to you
Rise up stand proud and move forward
Stop looking about what the world says
about you and who you are
The value of your worth is more
than you can ever conceive
and when you trust
in your heart you’ll understand
the Power you house within
Cracks and all your true value
can never be lost in translation
Know the value of your worth, you worth more than gold... made to an exact specification!
 Jun 2019 Ayan
 Jun 2019 Ayan
This isn’t what I wanted...
How did I get here???
I used to be vibrant...
I have faded
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