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Falling in love in a dream
is the worst
because you wake up and
no one's there.
Jealousy crept upon me
like a poisonous acid
I didn’t like it, but I couldn’t help it too.

All that friendship and love
destroyed in second
just because of a tiny grudge?

I couldn’t understand it
and neither could anyone else
why was I so irritated?
why was I so rude?
everything was crude.

I knew I was causing a hard time for her
but I simply couldn’t stop,
whenever I saw that overly perfect face
My body somehow conjured extreme hate.

She wasn’t the problem, it was I,
I, a person who didn’t feel good enough
for the world, for my love
this feeling of despise was spread from my feet to my scruff.

Alas, I still haven’t gotten rid of this feeling
and inside me, my heart it is peeling
Maybe she won’t remain so perfect anymore?
or maybe I will turn sore? who knows.
 Jul 2014 Arabella
I like you today
then not tomorrow

You were my forever yesterday
He is my love in this hour

Green is my favorite color
Next week, in my eyes, it'll be sour

See, I'm this kind of person
Pleased with everybody
With no particular reason
Hates somebody
For the gaze he shots

In a few months
I'll surely come back
In your extended arms
That's where I want
To look up
At the stars
Its not so much sadness more the disappointment of thinking I meant something to you and thinking that if I smiled wide enough you would notice my lips and that would make you think about kissing me because all I really wanted was for you to kiss me, but thoughts like that they ricochet off the walls in your head like lead bullets until they fall away into pieces and the impulse was so fleeting it was barely even there, but I still have the image of your lips and your skin branded into my mind and filling my head like wine and I want to get drunk on you and everything that we could have been. But with your blue eyes and my brown hair we were like night and day and when it came to love I was a summer's day and you were December 5th when it snowed and snowed and my lips went blue and you could have made them warm again but your heart didn't beat like mine and now mine is a weak drum beat and yours pounds for someone else and with all this spilled ink that you'll never see I wish you would have just kissed me.
 Jun 2014 Arabella
Lost Soul
 Jun 2014 Arabella
Lost Soul
my heart was like a glass jar
and you threw it on the floor
when you told me you had to go home
but it was a lie
i know you went to see her.
you left your jacket on the couch
and its still there
i can't move it
because its like touching you
and it all becomes real again.
sometimes i just come close enough
to smell your leftover cologne.
the one that smells like musk
it smells like home to my heart
and it mends it back together
and its like your here again

 Jun 2014 Arabella
 Jun 2014 Arabella
that night, under the dark midnight sky
I weaved daisies into your hair
and pinned dandelions to the collar of your shirt
left lipstick trails like stars along your jaw
and goose bumps trailing behind my fingertips

and I came home at three a.m
wearing your soft grey jacket
and traces of your cologne on my skin
sleep willingly lost
and innocence willingly traded
for just a taste
of what love truly is
 Jun 2014 Arabella
Marsya Azzahra
A week has gone and I miss you."

"I miss you, yes I do."

"It's you. You've heard me."

"Think I miss the warmth of your presence, yes I do."

"Can't seem to let a day pass without talking to you.
I love the way you do.
I love you."

"Yesterday. Now. Tomorrow."

"Anywhere. I'll still be loving you."

"Think I know I do.
Think I know you don't."

"Think I know I love you.
Think I know you love me not."

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