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Anne Jul 2018
Muffled crack and melancholic air
Atop broken tiles beneath the tree
Rooted a vile mistress and my shattered lair
My lair repelled against me

Within layers, and layers of momentous skies
Two silhouettes scoffed with frowns
Liquid crystals pestered from my eyes
Their gleam mirrored the broken ground

A silken dress ran aback by the dark of night
Primus and Situla observed me shadowed me like light
I cried my pearly eyes, I loved and loved in vain
The melancholic wind, I swallowed he gave to me, was fain

A child! the mistress cried
Scurry and leave her behind!
My lair had planted his sinful seed
Within the mistress's womb, indeed
She intent to say to me, the Mademoiselle
Though the lair implored to never tell

My sweet, honey heart he broke
For many, many a year we haven't spoke
My lair coerced love on the mistress, they tell
Though he never stopped thinking of me, the Mademoiselle
Just wrote this yesterday
Anne Jul 2018
A sun, a moon, a love
A girl who had enough

The sun was he
He rose above
He glanced back down
And he saw love

The moon was he
And he was a vile
Who hurts the girl
So out of style

A warmth a glow
The sun bestows
But grief and cold
The moon was told

A day had come
When Anne chhose
Between them and
To gain, to lose

She looked upon
The horrid moon
And never on
The warmest noon

Her heart was cold
Her love was old
Done by her story
The moon had told

While the sun
He focused on
Rising up
Every dawn

And Anne glanced
Up above
The brightest star
And she saw love
An old poem of mine
Anne Jul 2018
Woolen clouds and creamsicle skies
Appeared as I bore into his mythical eyes
His lovesick heart and clouded mind,
His blinded orbs, our hounded rides
He can't see me, a broken guide

Riding down, riding down,
Those pastel obliques, wheels on the ground
I fell apart, our hands collide
Forbidden minds, it's worth the ride
Love found, heart pounds, heaved sound

Clear blue streams, my sweet daydreams
His honey hair, his tranquil eyes
I went to him to say it all
He and a girl had brighter beams
And all he said, ''Goodbye''
Poem from the past
Anne Jul 2018
Fourteen nights and days of yearning
Your peach flavoured lips, I'm craving
Endless staring contest
My curious mind, I oppressed
My ears detects your calling

Your whispering voice was frowning
My hand clutched on the phone
Fastened words, you're keeping
The skies began to groan
You part your lips, unleashing
But a missus stepped and moaned
''Darling, who is calling?''
And I swallowed the unknown

Missed sunsets, my regrets
Unsteady, drunken in tragic pain
As another staring contest began
Impulsing tears rolled from the flames
My forsaken lips smiled, so bland
I sealed my eyes, I wished in vain
Please, please, please, again
Please call me by your name
Another old copy of a poem from my past self
Anne Jul 2018
Oh! The rosy peach bestowed
Cradled by your tough hands
Golden hour picnic, pillow throws
Sheepish beams through my flax lens
Mystified sunsets, sweet regrets
Only the glancing nightingales know

Oh! your sinful mondegreens
Your mock, addicting melodies
Beguiled, silly all of me
Omitting what they all mean

Within the cerulean summer nights
Wee golden stars dusted on the blue
Upon the laced, vined canopy ignites
Sensual aroma romance and libidos blooms
And you called me by your name
Your beautiful, vexing name
an old copy of my poem from my past self
Anne Jul 2018
The thought of us
was just a dream
just being together just the two of us  
only in my dreams

Having bad dreams again
that seeing you with another girl
makes my heart breaks into pieces
drowning myself with tears

When all of my hopes were dying
his love kept me trying
i do my best to hide
the pain that i've been through
when i cry at night
letting go tonight
a sad state of affairs

Broken into pieces
in my dream lost in the darkness
thinking again about you and me
without the world
just by ourselves
yet in the end it's all just a dream
going through all of it over again
it was all just a dream
i always keep this phrase sometimes in my mind
'' Dont expect to much or it'll get worse''
dont assume something that you know it's never going to happen
dont assume
dont expect
Anne Jul 2018
I never believed in love at first sight
And they say love at first sight doesn’t exist
But at that moment I laid eyes on you
I started imagining my life with you
Seeing you for the first time
Is the best 5 second of my life
I tried to think of how my life was without you
But now it’s nearly impossible
Destiny will find us together again
As we meet each other again
Awwww love at first sight
do you all believe in that
like the one we see in movies or in tv shows
i found this poem in my files from 2014
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