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Mar 2021 · 297
A strange kind of love
Aniron Mar 2021
It's a strange kind of love
The waves that are held captive by the sea
Yet to be kissed by the shoreline eventually
Nov 2018 · 922
of nowhere
Aniron Nov 2018
her solid feet still travel
the lonesome barren land
the vast savage grounds
she holds in her heart like fire.

with pride she walks and dances
through the dark, through the flame
she leaves her mark but never lingers
oh, she is only with the wind to stay
Jul 2017 · 1.1k
Love, you ask?
Aniron Jul 2017
if it does not leave me bewitched
terrified to the bone
give me that sensation of unease
right before a fall

if my skin does not live its seasons
the chill of winters twilight
the warmth of its embers
of homecoming during a storm

if it’s not like the crash of waves
against bare rocks its devoting mark
full of trembles its withholding
before the bursting ******

Love, you ask?
if love isn’t all that, I don’t want it
oh, I don’t want it at all.
Jul 2017 · 418
Sapphire Killing
Aniron Jul 2017
When I lift my head and meet your eyes

Everything in the world is put to shame;

Deepest of seas, widest of sapphire skies

Are all an insult for where is their flame?

You make the sun blush even at darkest of night,

The moon glow more with each upward stare;

Ironic how you'd pick up a sword in a fight

For the most deadly weapon you already wear.

I carefully look at you from across the fire

You answer me, holding my weakening glance

A smile - you know exactly what you are doing;

You expose me, reveal me, won't give me a chance.

I take a deep breath and crash like the waves

Feel myself powerlessly washing ashore;

I know I am helpless as I again drift back,

And tenderly drown in your blueness once more.
Jul 2017 · 5.1k
In search of a poem ..
Aniron Jul 2017
I abandon the path and mark my visit
deep into natures greens and hidden groves
how the beauty of everything intoxicates me,
and consuming it all leaves me only with no sense:
speechless and bewildered, like a baby.
words seem but a lost cause to me ;
it is almost as if the ferns and its charms
don’t want to be spoken of –
not even a praise.
upon astray land I leave my trail
up the thick pine hill, down the lonesome glen
I sit desperately, in search of only half a word –
it makes no difference at all.
a hint, a hum of frigid air
deep twilight falls upon me like a star
and I fall with it into my own silence.
the hypnotizing haunt of crickets in unseen places
numbs me, almost becomes me
and I become them, like everything becomes
the other thing that lives in its own way.
and just hearing the wise creek babbling,
the traveling breezes’ secret murmur ;
I know I have been unaware all along.
the poem was never mine to write:
I have only to listen.
Apr 2017 · 334
Aniron Apr 2017
I am made of heartbreak and yet still
I exist.
Oct 2016 · 343
Aniron Oct 2016
And the wind will keep blowing
And the trees will keep growing
And the birds will keep singing
And the vine will keep clinging

And the cold will keep biting
And the storm will keep fighting
And the days will keep passing
Because nothing waits for anybody
Nov 2015 · 7.3k
Aniron Nov 2015
The stars, your eyes, mingling, glistening
Shivering tongues, softening, intertwining
The gentle trembling of warm fingers
The wet air is filled with whispers

Crimsoning cheeks, the blushing of lips
Hot sand caressing soaking flesh
The velvet sky slowly sinks, darkens
And falls upon our shadowy figures

Round silver moon gazing over playful skin
We laugh, we bathe in its ethereal glow
Fearless hands searching, finding, exploring 
pearls, treasure, long lost secret land

Not long until like the waves we crash
Dressed in thick foam to wash ashore
Sweetly softened by the silken sun, we melt
Into the heat of the golden morning.
Nov 2015 · 502
Dear Autumn
Aniron Nov 2015
I love your mud-drenched country lanes,
Curious bonfire smell in deepening woods;
The crimson skies overlooking the plains
Absorbed in the years most nostalgic moods.
I love your wild colours, waltzing flowers,
As much as your withering and decay;
Your mornings as much as your long, dark hours;
The night far as much as the blushing day.
It is true I will love you, for as long as you
Won't forget to return once every year -
Dear autumn, I think I'd love you still
Even if 'twas your last time being here.
Jul 2015 · 2.3k
Aniron Jul 2015
the passing cloud in pale blue skies
the ocean wide that drinks your eyes
the sailing storm one summer’s day
the rain to kiss the blush of May


the growing rose in winter’s frost
the secret smile no sight wants lost
the lonesome tree down by the lake
the breeze that makes its foliage shake


the touch that is with sunlight crowned
the voice in which the sea has drowned
the stare which makes the moon glow more
the long lost wave to kiss the shore


the distant sigh that calms the screams
the hidden glister among the beams
the unseen path amidst the vine
a love for which the dreamers pine

Jul 2015 · 616
'Tis only the wind
Aniron Jul 2015
Every night I lie awake and listen
To creaky doors and squeaky floors
'' 'Tis only the weather'', the wind sighs -
'' 'Tis only me on the moors.''

Every night the old house shakes
As if a ghost had cursed the walls;
'' 'Tis only the hymn of winter'', the wind sighs -
'' 'Tis only me who always calls.''

Every night I open the window
To absorb the distant cries of night
'' 'Tis only the time of year'', the wind sighs -
'' 'Tis only me taking flight.''

Every morning I gently awaken
To feel a glistening sun on my cheek
'' 'Twas only the wind,'' I say,
'' 'Twas, and 'tis always the wind.''
Jul 2015 · 5.8k
Aniron Jul 2015
There is witchcraft in the skies,
as the clouds swallow
the empty spaces in between,
consuming it like a lover.

There is witchcraft in your eyes;
as they burn through mine
impatiently, ceaselessly;
a forest on fire.
( It is what hides
in the very shadow of you
when it rests in a puddle of water
of the rain

that never came.)
Jul 2015 · 4.2k
Into That Gentle Wilderness
Aniron Jul 2015
The sighing winds had lulled me here;
The waltzing boughs, too, had fallen for its charm;
The ivy, ferns, alders and the birches;
The quivering hemlock against my arm.

The travelled path was now long left behind,
And on hills of gentle moss I stood and gazed about
To find the purple cloak of twilight painting me,
And all the pines, not one left out.


The harvest moon in its splendour came rising,
Had poured itself on the waters deep;
The birds were silent, the wind still sighing
Had brought the woodland a drowsy sleep.

The dawn had come in golden light
And where I was I did not know -
I wandered long to find the path again,
And in the distance heard the river flow.
Jul 2015 · 799
When Sorrow Fills Me
Aniron Jul 2015
When sorrow fills me these silent hours,
When hope has flown o’er restless waves;
I watch the grey clouds sigh out heavens showers,
Awaiting blue skies to soon come again.

I think I know still, that the mind may turn brighter,
With each merry thought that blooms in its core;
How soon enough the year will grow lighter,
The tears kept unwept no more near the eyes door.
Jul 2015 · 603
A Light
Aniron Jul 2015
There is a light in the distance,
yet towards it there is no road.
There is a light, I can see it,
on midnight clouds its golden reflection afloat.

There is a shimmer, among many a tree,
that any eye but mine ceases so see.
A shimmer there is still,
but I can’t reach it, and not I will.

There is a beam of sunlight,
pouring itself through my windowpane.
A bewarming beam it is;
making up for any yesterday rain.

A light is always there,
but no particular place it shines from -
There is a light in the distance,
but distance sometimes
hides together with illusion.
Jul 2015 · 2.9k
Aniron Jul 2015
My wandering soul, how it aimlessly dwells
Among darkened hills, amidst its unseen spells,
And in the distance all that I hear: the summoning of bells.
Far above me, the high boughs they are bending,
The once hidden moon now slowly ascending
And as it sings to the world its sleep song,
I sit in its shadow and await my ending.
Jul 2015 · 515
Blurry circle
Aniron Jul 2015
I don’t understand
how I can’t seem to see your face
whenever I think of you;
when all I find myself doing in your presence
is discover any possible feature, spot, gaze
that lives in secret upon you,
as if I were having my last breath -
and yet you are a blurry circle all in my head.
Jul 2015 · 335
Aniron Jul 2015
The pointers of the clock are weary of having to run only circles.

I am exhausted of standing still and watching circles become my life.
Jul 2015 · 342
Aniron Jul 2015
And my soul continues to reveal its dark corners,
And my mind has sailed through furious waves;
My awareness I thought I once had I have no longer -
For I am dwelling in an unknown place.
Jul 2015 · 313
But to be
Aniron Jul 2015
But to be a careless bird

chasing the limitless heavens

of untroubled air;

no desire to look down at

the jealous gaze of two eyes

blankly following from a chair.
Jul 2015 · 379
The Depths of my Dreams
Aniron Jul 2015
the depths of my dreams

have sunk to deeper depths

and I may have lost

a way up
Jul 2015 · 362
Aniron Jul 2015
I looked for you while

walking through forgotten aisles

of the ever so quiet library,

the desolate woods,

the solitary streets

where no soul ever wanders

after evening falls.

The long rides I take in

almost empty trains.

All I found was nothing,

so I tried the

oceans of unknown faces and

its silhouettes of figures

(but you weren’t there too)

and I am sure I have never seen

a gaze quite like one

still staring from somewhere

in the distance

towards these eyes.

And I wonder where and

how far it is you are hiding

and secretly

watching me discover nothingness

again, and again, and again,

or if you are but an

unreachable dream

while so my many days

have unnoticeably been.
Aniron Jul 2015
But how the realisation of my very existence
has grown like flowers, yet none beautiful.
I have somehow stopped knowing myself
long ago, yet I thought I did find me
just yesterday, but I assume I was only wrong;
For it was a pretending song.
I think of my childhood hours
proceeding to days, to years,
and how they won’t cease to haunt
deep inside of me,  screaming
from locked up and shaky towers,
far up in an unknown pointy castle
built of fragile flesh - a stupid body.
But, oh, to only have the key to these doors,
to find my breath again longing for;
to feel my heart once more throbbing for
that what I once thought was everything -
the things that now seem nothing.

— The End —