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 Aug 2016 AllAtOnce
Shylah S
 Aug 2016 AllAtOnce
Shylah S
I'm flushed from the novelty
I'm elated from the passion

you wake me better than coffee
you sweeten me better than sugar

your words tug at my heart
your whispers short my circuit

your touch sends sparks through my fingertips
your voice rolls off of me like honey

I'm slowly going insane
I'm quickly falling

for you.
For someone special.
 Aug 2016 AllAtOnce
Love is a powerful force
Emanating throughout the universe
Resounding in every star

Defying gravity as it sails
On an intergalactic path
To find its match  

Love is omnipotent
In its strength

The breadth of God
Exhaled upon man
In infinite compassion

Love is believing

That we never die
Love is forever
 Jul 2016 AllAtOnce
 Jul 2016 AllAtOnce
And the neon signs burst
and the crowd roared
as the city car alive
and dreams were made real,
no reckless abandon
left behind
but the ones that turned
do it, try it
by m83
I'm so far inside myself
Starting to feel like someone else
Getting lost in the dreams
Of the girl in mirror
That I can no longer see
She's beginning to scare me
And it seems like my mind
Is her favorite flavor of coffee
She drinks up my thoughts
And gets a rush of energy
All I can feel for her is envy
Yet, she's supposed to be inspiring
And me? I'm practically dying
Just waiting for the mood to strike
Finding the right music to surround me
It's tiring and
I've been living life so patiently
Feeling like
It's starting to get to me
Breaking the mirror inside my eyes
Does nothing
Neither does smoking out my mind
She just seems to soak it all in
Breathing in the fumes of my coffee
Giving me nothing but an empty space
And my face
Is just her face, minus the evil grin
I can't even begin
My muse is addicted
Trying to get her on the mend
Find the fix she needs
So this beginning
Doesn't start with the end
 Jul 2016 AllAtOnce
The words will come
when you're sound asleep
And you've lost it all
and have nothing to keep

When your mind is shallow
and your pain is deep
And your eyes resemble
the clouds that weep

The words will come...

 Jul 2016 AllAtOnce
J B Moore
I have often heard the sky is blue and how the grass is green,
But I haven't got the slightest clue as to what that's supposed to mean,
No, I've only heard the stories of a sun shining bright.
You see, I was born into the dark, never to know the light.

I know birds by their songs and trees by their shade.
My fingers run for miles on hills artificially made,
Painting pictures in my mind of things I never knew,
Looking for some insight, searching for the truth. 

But all I see are the missing trees and those who make no sound,
Ghosts of my own making, look at what they're taking, never to be found.
For insight is like hindsight, both are looking with the mind
So spare the lies, don't try to empathize with a man born blind.

I have smelled the color purple, I have heard the color blue!
I have tasted green and yellow, and the combination of the two!
I can feel the color orange like the warm late summer breeze,
And the pale blue of the waters in winter when they freeze.

To walk by faith and not by sight is so much easier for me,
For I once was lost, but now I'm found! Am blind, but now I see!

The original poem before I turned it into a sonnet in Sonnet of a Man Botn blind
 Jul 2016 AllAtOnce
 Jul 2016 AllAtOnce
into the woods
we rode our horses
into the woods we went
and further down the road
a little troll we met

he told us how things would end
how the end was drawing near
we turned our heads
and went on our way
for nothing could make us hear

the tales of danger behold
of the realm we were to go
we ignored and continued
where no one else would go

and so here we are
in the realm of tales
that no one dared go

and here we are
together we are
together forever
we shall go
idk like the rhythm to this

no song, just the steady 1, 2 rhythm to this
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