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 Jul 2017 E K Weber
Cait Harbs
Don't worry, love,
I know those gates of stone
stand firmly
to guard the most precious parts
of your soul.

I am not here like the others;
not as a warrior
planning a siege
or a strategist
plotting to knock them down.

I respect your walls too much.

You have fought in more wars
than most;
you have been betrayed by more loves
than most could survive -
your walls are the result
of your scars.

So here I stand before you,
my weapons laid down,
my intentions spread out before the Sun,
with nothing in my hands
but open palms,
asking you
to let me in.

Show me, love,
all those terrible,
wild flowers
growing in your garden -
I want to do nothing
but paint them to remember,
and carry their fallen petals
safely in my heart.

Open up to me, please,
my love -
I am already yours.
When people read my poetry
they all have the same question
"Why does your poetry have to be so sad?"
The question used to offend me
I used to think that question deserved an answer
I even started changing the kind of poems I wrote to please the people who read them
I was satisfied with my work
but it wasn't really me
I began to feel guilty
I began to feel like a fraud
Charles Bukowski once wrote
"a good writer must simply let it all go, regardless"
I'm sure he meant for those words to mean something else but for me
it was as if I was being reminded to stop allowing other people to have control over my writing
It's not every day I gain advice from someone who has passed on years before I was ever born
I no longer feel the need to answer everybody's question
Hell I even ask myself from time to time
"Mandie, why must your poetry be so sad?"
Depression is another language to me
I speak it well
I write it well
I know it well
Bottom line
if my poetry is too sad for you
then don't read it
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON:August. 26, 2016 Friday 10:08 A.M.
 Jul 2017 E K Weber
Of acoustic sunsets
And quiet nights.
Of the wintery sun
And the guiding starlight.

Of the communicative silence,
And redundant words.
Of the inborn poetry
In ruins and love.

Of the serene sea,
And wailing moon.
Of the sorrowful storms,
And smirking chaos.

Of the blank pages
And the blue-inked heart.
Of the ever flowing poetry
Rejected by my stuttering tongue.

Of the submissive heart,
And a resilient brain.
Of the flighty melancholia
And staying farewells.

Of the paradoxical life,
Run by both, fate and free will.
Of the endless possibilities,
But not a single on of them for you and me.
OK I know the title does not seem related to the poem at all but I was listening to that song while writing this so..
 Jul 2017 E K Weber
Star BG
A million smiles I store inside
having them center in my heart.
Ready, to bust out at  any moment in breath
Ready, to explode to greet another with honor.

It’s a grand day
when I can share a smile,
and launch self to connect
Connect to a grand soul,
that of you the reader.

StarBG © 2017
I heard a song from Annie that had the phase a thousand smiles and this poem was born
 Jul 2017 E K Weber
That day when you fell into my arms so suddenly,
While running around the little old tree,
I saw my future in those big, beautiful eyes,
Telling me that I shall never speak your goodbyes.

We were never alone when we eat our favorite huckleberry pie,
When we pinch our noses just to drink the juice that smells like pine.
The little old tree stood just right there.
Witnessing the love other people couldn't bear.

Then came a time when the little old tree had shred its last breath,
And my heart felt an excruciating death.
The tree sacrificed its life for you.
Because I made your wish come true.

I still remember that night,
When the stars had shined so bright.
You asked me for something that made my heart cry.
You said, "Cut the tree. Cut the tree and entomb me there when I die."
And so I did.
 Jul 2017 E K Weber
Kilam TA
Butterflies flap their wings to escape gravity
Allowing the winds of change to lift them towards peace
like a monk's prayer
Say what you will about this story of humble beginnings
True humility is in the lobe it takes to encourage this journey
through times darker than shade
So I say to my butterfly
Let me be your wind
And always support your flight
 Jul 2017 E K Weber
r m
at the back of fresh, faded or even others' receipts
in front your pack of cigs and your floral, feminine taste on place mats,
were snippets of your poetry.

(none were about me, obviously)
"you in less than fifty words" is a series of one-sided poetic snippets.
 Jul 2017 E K Weber
Neha shimoga
You were silhouetted against
the dimming sky.
I paused right there to admire
the beauty.
A perfect blend of feelings
coursing through my veins.
A love, so pure washed away
the sorrows of yesterday.
I knew the day I had met
you it would be the last time
I would ever sing a monody,
I would ever write a tragedy
Sent for me, beautifully
carved by the hands of the
creator, you had me starstruck
at the very first sight.
I will write you until your
heart is filled with my words.
Until my body is dusted
and every bone is broken.
Wrap me up in your arms
as I look in to your star like
eyes, I will love you with
every ounce in every life
no matter
how many times I die. ✨
My love for you cannot be measured. It's irrational and never ending.
A broken window will want repair
And a broken arm must be treated with care
But what happens to a broken heart?

Do the shards come together and try to mend?
Do they search helplessly for what could have been?
Can anyone tell me how things will end,
For my broken heart?

Do the pieces separate, and freely roam?
Do they long for love, or wish to be alone?
Does anyone know how to make a home,
For my broken heart?

Will my eyes no longer twinkle and my mouth no longer smile?
Will I forget how to love, or be tender and mild?
Does anyone know what life will be while,
I have this broken heart?

Will its love flow out to the empty places in me?
Will my whole body know what it is to be warm and sweet?
Does anyone know the language or beat,
Of my broken heart?

Will all its pieces move as one?
Will they dream of what could be, what is, and what was?
Can anyone find a greater love,
Than that of a broken heart?

While some do not realize that a whole is but two halves
And with a broken heart, they forget how to laugh
So that is why I am proud to love and still have
My beautiful broken heart

— The End —