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Feb 2016 · 2.0k
the farmer and the scarecrow
AP Feb 2016
parting clouds over the field of wheat
split the gray into a sea of golden rays
bright enough to leave even the blindest man at his feet

passing wind slithers by  
carrying with it seeds and soft cries
tears from the protector of all the crop
the lonely scarecrow who stays planted
his tune the most melancholy of acoustics
a tranquil coffee shop

birds circle frightfully overhead
for they do not know their avoidance leaves the scarecrow all but dead
he who never meant any harm
but who's appearance raises cacophonous alarm

cursing the sky, the scarecrow shouts
yet, the scarecrow will soon get his wish
once his stump dries he will be free with the coming drought
so as the farmer prays for rain,
he questions God's whereabouts
Jan 2016 · 914
the composer
AP Jan 2016
vibrations reverberate
strings and chords collide with paintings on the wall
stage lights oscillate through the dim concert hall

in that brief moment your profile glowed
innocent aqua eyes that froze time
the singer sent sparks through the clouded, smokey air

the most harmonic note settled on your lips
gently weaving the couple strands of hair behind your ear,
i lean in to make music
Nov 2015 · 1.3k
the cold air that we breathe
AP Nov 2015
the wooden hinge creaks as its rotting frame grows weak
a delicate hand reaches into the void, brandishing into the cold, open space
reaching for something, anything to grab onto
the bitter air latches onto each finger, burning dry skin with flames of ice
the boy’s hand jolts back, as he blows on it with his relieving breath
his unspoiled heart and untampered mind
they convince his short legs to strut back, away from the unknown
so he returns to his comforting quarters, and in short time forgets this day entirely

years later, the boy is now a young man
the splintered door is all but collapsed from its hinge
with his courage further developed, he walks out into the cold, open space
he scans the area, squinting to his left and right
in a matter of seconds, a gust of wind picks up and begins throwing pieces of the white blanket every which way
the bravery that once existed quickly sinks to fear
his vision impaired, the teenager slowly begins to walk back
as he stumbles backward, he feels the tips of numb fingers scraping against his ankles
he now begins to run blind, his liquid tears turning solid before they are able to roll down his cheek
as he trudges through the frozen land, a hand manages to clasp onto his leg
in horror, the young man looks down and sees hollow eyes matching his gaze
but he jerks his leg away, and smack! he hits his back against the crumbling door, rolling back into his comforting quarters
he is safe, but the door no longer stands to protect him

many more years pass by, and a grown man dons a full beard
without the door to hold back the outside world, over time, the sharp air has slowly turned his once heated body very cold
lonely, the man willingly walks back into the space, knowing what waits ahead
he takes his steps further and further until he begins to feel the field of hands that lay above the ground, flowers without proper care
the dead establish a firm grip around his feet, and begin to pull him below the earth
unnerved, the man takes in the blank space around him as he descends lower and lower
the rays of the sun glint golden speckles onto the ground
and the reflected light attaches itself to a small body approaching the man ahead
he screams, crying
warning the short figure to turn back,
no! not now! not this soon!
he is up to his neck in the compact snow
the restraint of the snow causes his speech to break,
y-your.. innocence..b-bui-build a door
and then, he was gone
Oct 2015 · 780
The Lost Explorer
AP Oct 2015
unforgiving gusts of wind work to weather canyon walls
fractured crusts off orange earth plummeting towards an unknown surface
an area so hollowed out and void
empty, where echoes ricochet off rock and reach clouds above
noises that capture the melancholy tones of lost wanderers
who cannot seem to climb towards their cries
torrential rain weighing down baggy clothes
causing already slumped shoulders to appear level with the dirt
soaked denim that makes every step more difficult than the last

exhausted, he feels like collapsing
so he brushes the dusted ground beneath his trembling knees
and sits down to cry
where unforgiving gusts of wind scoop his tears
carrying them towards clouds above
which fill until they can no longer hold
and the torrential rain continues to fall
haven't posted in a very long time
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Make a Wish (Haiku x2)
AP Aug 2015
drop this copper coin
into translucent waters
whispering a wish

shutting dreamy eyes
let the liquid melt your words
absorbing desire
AP Jun 2015
broken lips harbor a pale cigarette and untold secrets
some crafted tales, others unfortunately true
disheveled blonde curls scatter near hollow irises
empty vision, devoid of all color from smooth bourbon
as these drunken nights consolidate all of our old stories into one word,

blowing smokey kisses into the polluted air
dangling feet, perched above a desolate rusted bridge and clouded waves
whose orange trusses have all but faded
to form a mixed color that matches the scene ahead
the deepening violet summer sky, nearly black and so sticky
tightening its humid grip on trembling fingers
which remove the cancer stick carefully out of sight
in hopes that desperate eyes can convince a lonely mind
that your sillouhette will reveal itself, dancing in swirling smoke
as your faint hand reaches out to invite me to join you
I grab hold with one thought gnawing at my heart
do I give in to your gentle touch,
and slip below the other side of the bridge?
Jun 2015 · 636
A High Tide in Low Places
AP Jun 2015
grains of salt slip into fractured flesh
I lay flattened into the sand as pelicans soar overhead
patiently waiting for the tide to reel me in and claim me as it's fish
my splintered skin throbs scarlet with memories
as I let the current wash my wounds and take those thoughts into the blue
cuts with contours whose rivers run red with murky mixtures of joy and sorrow
examining blistering burns that sizzle and sear
ocean waters cool the scathing brands you planted on me
in this process, nostalgic steam arises as old days are recalled
and past scars reemerge as fresh as the day I first heard those 3 words
but now it's all being washed away
all of the "our's" are once again only mine
because I no longer float in the aqua of your eyes
so in a moment of melancholy, I release my steady grip on your hand
and your fingers slide away, gliding against my palm
now, I disappear
now, I sink
Jun 2015 · 842
AP Jun 2015
Weaving through a path of dusted rocks and invisible insects
The moonlit earth gleams bright enough for wilting branches to reveal the complex webs of arachnids' homes
Beads of pearlescent rain get lost in translation with tears and streams alike
Skipping monochromatic pebbles and identifying the illustrious ripples that their smooth bodies create
Flightless creatures sit perched on exposed logs, waiting for a chance to reach clouds that taunt them with messages of rain
Stomping elk cause blankets of terra firma to wrap around the approaching claws of wolves
And a distant yelp serves as another's song
The forest at night, an elaborate portrait
Each whipping stroke, a new memory evoked
And this one becomes cast astray with the rest
Lost in translation with tears and streams alike...
May 2015 · 977
A Rainbow on Your Heart
AP May 2015
lavender lilies deceive
for it was merely the color i was sent to retrieve
instead i come up with lilacs, at least i do believe
holding onto the wrong shade of purple while i grieve
but then again, we've been through this before, i am naive

blue skies mystify
wandering innocent eyes
in our youth we hid in simple spots
proving quite unwise
wrapped in disguise, we had to shield our unwanted sapphire cries

green blades rest in your gentle hands
as we've grown old enough to resist parental commands
sharing cold cans, i send a kiss in your direction, confident in wherever it lands
we laugh, and soon enough, my favorite toy had become your delicate blonde strands

red love sears on my skin
burns that leave joyous scars thin
but at any moment an obnoxious grin
can quickly turn to "where have you been?"
i buried those bad days with glasses of gin
but even through hard times i knew if i had you, i could win

but one day under a yellow sun
disheveled doctors told me there was nothing that they could've done
your days were limited, and i cried every last one
i lost my appetite and only craved the metal of a gun
but i knew that your favorite flower would help me outrun
these demons who weight on my vulnerable shoulders in tons

so a lavender lily i sought out to explore
but instead i found a lilac, in the valley near the foam of the shore
reminding me you were never just one thing, but so much more
so let these petals sum up what this poem speaks for
all the colors i saw in your,
AP May 2015
Is this what it's like to be dead?
Wielding graphite lead as I write sad poems that will never be read
Thrashing and writhing violently in bed, but merely in silence as these words are unsaid
Watching white sheets as they soak up cherry red
Looking on from a distance as weeping people don black threads
Overhearing hesitant and shaky whispers about a boy who bled
Whose overwhelming thoughts were all too much for his head
Now open veins breathe oxygen for the first time and showering streams fall overhead
It's in this stained water I tread, shouting towards the collapsing sky as storm clouds spread
A shaken voice, once again said
Is this what it's like to be dead?
May 2015 · 584
if i'm awake any longer
AP May 2015
if i'm awake any longer
this night may be my last
i'll wait to see the sun

and then with the moon
i shall pass

if i'm awake any longer
say your goodbyes
suspended on a beam of clouded dust

a sad star
humming a sadder lullaby

if i'm awake any longer
i'm going to disappear
and with the howl of night

death will remove his sleeve
offering solace as we discuss an end to my *year
May 2015 · 566
3 Days
AP May 2015
In the mind lies a field
Where dreams and wishes walk to their death
Where sensation and emotion inhale their last breath
And as demons play with shovels and dirt, all these thoughts are sealed

                                                                                      In your eyes there is light
                                               That has nay flicker, for it only glimmers bright
                   The sun that provides warmth for the poor citizens of my mind
                                                          Is trapped in irises of aqua tints, confined

                                            Meet me in the middle
                        Somewhere between mania and depression
                     Let your medicinal tongue solve this sad riddle
             For I can't look at another calendar and ponder this question

             *Will tomorrow be the day that the sun rises without me?
May 2015 · 1.2k
The Unworthy King
AP May 2015
You bow at the feet of an invisible crown
That you place atop the head of an underserving king

Who sit in a makeshift throne constructed by your misled lips
Inside concrete castle walls sculpted by your misguided praise

Shielding his spoiled name with emeralds and rubies
False gems and jewels

He treat you like jester
Your only purpose to play his tune

Where you see god
We see less than man

For he who cannot recognize a queen
Shall not reap the benefits of your royalty
And for he who cannot build you of a castle of your own
Shall not deserve your majesty
May 2015 · 583
AP May 2015
burning rubber
a tragic memory engrained
into charcoal pavement
2 souls
a community flooded
in collective tears
crashing rapids
against concrete curbs
summer's glow all but molded
graphite and gray
far too young
a tragic day
Prayers go out to the families and friends of 2 boys who lost their lives in a local car crash earlier this afternoon. sickening news
May 2015 · 700
AP May 2015
silent carnivorous savage,
                                          why prey upon our innocent flesh?
streamlining your black venom into fragile veins,
                                          sparse roots multiplying sickness

this lack of color that you provide
drains the blues
                    and reds
                    and yellows,
                  until 4 white hospital walls remain,
and in this bland, neutral palace of death,
                  the beeps of machines
and cries of heartbroken families serve to torture

this, the true fashion of your killing . . .
          no, not the mass piling of amounting dead cells,
but this blood,                                     it's not just blood anymore,
                            crimson liquid melancholy,
traveling into a mind that can only construct horrible images,
                                         groups of mourners surrounding a single grave,
                           wiping Sunday's tears against their pale faces

gnawing away at the slabs of sanity,
                                           concrete and brick,
the image of a young boy with a shovel
                                           far too heavy for him,
using all of his strength to catapult dirt over a casket,
                                           burying his vital innocence,
into the unforgiving soil where it will never be retrieved

how many tears must you taste for your thirst to be quenched?
how many lives must you waste as our friends are entrenched?

why, cancer?
For a friend
May 2015 · 663
AP May 2015
pearl pellets in a chalk capsule
disperse and latch onto resistant blood cells
who have grown with you and protected you from illness
perplexed as to why you just want them to give in
but with enough poisonous powder
they'll grant your sinister wish

your spoiled limbs will be garnished in vines
as roots of roses tie their own knots
burying you to claim nature's newest trophy
with thorns that remain secrets
along with stanzas unfinished
Apr 2015 · 624
it's still december
AP Apr 2015
cup it and clasp it
grab and grasp it
firmly, proceed to strike it and stab it
before autumnal flames scatter it like sewer mice
and clouds of thunder become clouds of somber snowy lights
illuminated by the little lamp reflecting off Christmas ornaments
my vacant eyes and their hollow flights
of endless stairs
pitting to a cave of solid ice
i lay in the center
each and every of these numbing nights
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
goodnight, travel well
AP Apr 2015
friends to acquaintances
together to alone
comforting streams to open oceans
warm flesh to rotting bone
from bed to soil
from earth to unknown
what will you say
when i lay in a place no longer called my home
but a graveyard
of silence and of stone

a stranger in a holiday card
voicemails become mementos
my laugh an ancient folk song
and the poems will attest to those
for the words shall live on
through dusk onto dawn
they will merely curve to your interpretation now
the neck of a swan
Apr 2015 · 691
8 Legs
AP Apr 2015
Intricate strings
    Bend with cracked cellar light
            Revealing a dancing spider
                                 Cowering in fright
                                                                                                Delicate eyes
                                                               Consume cracked cellar light
                                                 Noticing a terrifying arachnid
                                 Crushing it with might
Apr 2015 · 849
The Last Color
AP Apr 2015
Resting in an icicle hammock
Between the only two trees on a tundra of thick tears
The world remain an uncolored book
Neutral sheets of parchment paper, it usually looks
Yet, visible remains the vermillion that dribbles from my dry nose
The only shade around, which resembles petals of rose
Tissues soak up ruby rain that drips and drips
Streams of scarlet sorrows and crestfallen crimson collect as they cascade in the crevice of lust lips
The warmth of it all still cannot melt the frozen bars of this cell
But I must enjoy the only tint that reveals itself
Even if it's lava tone resembles the terrain of desolate Mars or the sinful flames of hell
Soon these cherry rivers will make way for a new pigment
A hue I will soon be wrapped in
When too much of this spills, and strings of a flowing red licorice yield to simple black
*And in a faint yelp, he knew there was no turning back
Apr 2015 · 659
Oh Luminous Star
AP Apr 2015
Limb by limb he dissolve into the moonless night
Brought to dust, he is carried by unforgiving words into the infinite frontier alleys of black and white
Gravity condenses his remains until it has it just right
And a nebula is formed above immeasurable heights
Elements interact and ignite, for his smite had never been shined quite this bright
Now we will have no choice but to succumb to our ignorant fright!
Everyone will have to recall the plight of his daily flights
He hangs brilliantly in the sky, a dazzling, yet ominous kite
Reminding us of our lack of care for him, as our guilty pupils meet his superb ultraviolet light

However, now he shines above snowcap mountains and red cable cars
Entrapped in somber words coupled with an acoustic guitar
As a funeral director recites his beautiful poetic bars
We mourn him,
He who own the cold wrists fitted with twin scars
Your words will live on, as those in need of guidance will look up to you,
Oh luminous star
Apr 2015 · 671
Spotless Mind
AP Apr 2015
If my memory could disintegrate to ash speckles
Expect that a dazzling fire would be set ablaze to the flora of my mind
I'd scatter and pinch the black bits in the nectar of flowers
Watching unsuspecting bees take them away into the spring air
So when others are stung by pesky wasps and buzzing yellow-jackets
Their wounds will swell red with your name
A passing boy will wear your welt while I run on this sunny day
And as I attempt to read it, I'll have unknown gratuity that I can't process it's significance
idea inspired by the movie
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Positivity (Haiku x 4)
AP Apr 2015
a bullet or rope
a sleek marble tombstone marked
with cut wrists or throat

clothing as black as
the twisted idea of  
rejecting a life

step to optimism
yes, the righteous perspective
of breathing the air

that is shared by he
who bare curvature structure
on positive mouth
surround yourself with the right people
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
Home (Haiku x 3)
AP Apr 2015
take pride in your home
cherish mother's cooking and
your father's poor jokes

yes, home can be dull
but even when its raining
taste those gray skies

harmony in drops
beautiful melancholy
the sound of comfort
comfortable rainy day, simple, home is best
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
The Plight of the Crow
AP Apr 2015
knotted roots scatter violently from the stump of winter's barren tree
permeating frost grips each wilting branch, a blanket of sickness
only the crows that bore the blackest of feathers visit and admire it
for they commend the tree as it evades death's charcoal robes
they themselves have been plagued with the terminal numbing
and are perplexed by the grit of their natural friend
their companion is dying, from the inside out, as veins begin to clot
yet, within months, the tree will support families of robins and finches
dawning a thick coat of delicious apples and stunning leaves
as caterpillars create plated cocoons along sturdy bark
blossoming into brilliant, alluring butterflies before the crows' sable eyes
and now the crows feathers will dampen from pearl tears amidst the beautiful scene of transformation
as they question why spring's vitality exists for their friend
while they only feel winter's cold
Apr 2015 · 795
AP Apr 2015
Fractured pavement leaves chipped grooves
Splintered fingers and dwindling expectations
Beads of sweat slither down a revealing spine
Bones and movements that have grown all too familiar

This soul wishes to detach and disappear
To smoke away the memories and gaze at the simple blackness in the flames that take them away
Lungs that combust with dreadful explosions
As the fuel from your aura ignites with flammable words

And so I write
*To watch you burn
Apr 2015 · 889
The Pit
AP Apr 2015
The pit that appears covered travels deepest to the core

The pit that I feel which lies far under the smoke-spitting pipes of my lungs

The pit that I feel which even hides beneath the jet-black odious chambers of my heart

The pit that shelters moss on its shadowy walls grows around these visible ribs, and it's suffocating me

The pit that bores warning signs for hunters and hikers alike, for no one must reach it's internal sanctuary of melancholy

The pit of your most sinister creation, the pit you spent years piling with leaves so I could not even recognize it

Until with one swift goodbye, the wind in that word brushed this mirage of love and support aside to reveal a pit that has grown so large that it echoes my cries

Only so they can replay like the rain, only so I can listen to them every single night before my eyes finally give way to slumber

So with the coming of April, I pray the trees recover their lost leaves, so I can do my best to shield this throbbing scar of solemn sorrow

Yet, I must remain alone, for I don't have the audacity to lead someone into this pit of desolation where it is impossible for me to love them, such as you replaced your pit with mine
That feeling in your chest where you just feel so **** alone...
Apr 2015 · 593
The Song of The Stars
AP Apr 2015
I awake,
I ponder,
Sunny days,
No longer

No escape,
From fires,
Only ways,
To temporarily feel higher

I recall,
These moments,
Where I fall,
Back down to Earth

I exclaim,
My depression,
No will,
To live, but die

I fall asleep,
I listen,
Starry skies,
They sing to me

They say,
To stay asleep,
Don’t awake,
Just begin to dream

No stress,
Just colors,
Happy sounds,
Clear waters

I’m alive,
My eyes closed.
Nothing exceptional whatsoever, something old I wrote a long long time ago... just very simple
Apr 2015 · 1.5k
Ponderosa Pine
AP Apr 2015
I saw the aurora lights in your eyes
Fresh streams and salty tides
I tasted strawberry fields in your lips
The sweet tongue of coconut as it splits
I swayed the tepid summer grass along your spine,
Gliding leaf petals in your hair, as we sat in the strong branches of this Ponderosa Pine

The place where I now go alone to ponder of you
Today, my vision only grows blurry, as it crowds with a deep population of blue,
The heaviness on my heart of a lighter branch almost spoils this beautiful view,
However, I can trust that this tree will never run from me,
It will stay rooted as promised; it will remain much longer than you
Apr 2015 · 933
Poison (Haiku)
AP Apr 2015
disconnect me now
watch as i disintegrate
unplug the sad thoughts

a stale cigarette
releases toxic sorrows
echoing my pain

i must disappear
a blue ocean or gray fog
one must capture me

those fabricated
memories of my deep gaze
you didn't look back

do not waste a breath
from your sly, deceptive mouth
harboring liquor
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
AP Apr 2015
In this moment I've never felt so empty

My heart is a wooden slab being knawed away at by pesky termites that leave unrepairable holes

And my lungs like Swiss cheese that can't seem to give me the oxygen I need in order to rid the lump of sorrow in my throat

It's in this moment that your back has turned to me, as I count your steps and wait to hear the slamming of a car door

I count on you to look back at me and smile, but my hope has again betrayed me, and I realize the last I'll see of you will have been this moment

So I've never felt so empty
I've never felt so alone
Sidenote: Happy Easter everybody. Enjoy it
Apr 2015 · 473
A Melted Love
AP Apr 2015
I can't help but notice
A rift in our ways
As my eyes grow sleepy
When they are matched with yours

My lips have been touched with snowflakes
Numb to the taste of a past love
And my heart beats slower now
When you tell me you love me

Again and again
The distance of emotion
The collapse of passion
Be like the winds of the spring, and leave with the rain
Apr 2015 · 904
Burn My Petals
AP Apr 2015
suspend me underneath natural light that reflects from your soul
shower me with your promising words that flow blissfully like spring drizzle on an atoll
the time has come, as my bud is finally opening for sprout
ready to meet your eyes, for I have grown to trust, and have shed my doubt
but it is in this revealing moment that you burn my orchid petals
and watch the charcoal shriveling of my innocent vines
as they disintegrate to moonless black in your hands
and the fauna and flora cry with my pain as they question your senseless  crime
Injustice they yell! Love mustn't become lie, thou lack the universal testament of time?
now you bury my ash remains with the same deceitful hands
under the soil that must resurrect me with insidious plans
because as i blossom i must face this process again...
you were the match that danced so sneakily on my wick
as your love was guaranteed, but it blackened with my hope
nature waits despondently again for a true love
*tick, tick, tick
I'm out of the country so I haven't been able to write for a while, but the flowers here have inspired this
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
The Friends of Depression
AP Mar 2015
this depression
grips me like the rope thats soon to **** me
it's visible in my blank ****** expression
nothing is going to cure me
no one with a title, forget your medical profession
I believe its passed down genetically, chronological succession
but I don’t have my elders' strength, I’m choosing secession
leaving this place
but don’t call it regression,
because I own sole possession
of the knowledge that this life never gets better,
now do you understand? reading comprehension?
I became a master at hiding these feelings, skillful repression
and no I was never happy, there's my confession
how's that for a first impression?
in a world filled with prejudicial oppression and money hungry obsession
we’re G-d's material possession
unfortunately all the others will look on, intentional indiscretion
so yes, blame yourself, and discuss all the things you could've changed at my funeral *procession
I put a lot of deep thought into this, so I hope you enjoyed it. Don't mind me, I'm okay...writing purposes only.
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
The Death of a Poet
AP Mar 2015
a hollowed wind rustles paper scraps
blowing ideas along beaten dirt paths
swaying words in vacant coves
moving ink across charcoal roads
syllables blossom over flowering hills
until they finally land on a note next to a bottle of pills
on a deep oak bedside stand
where you can find sleeping remedies clasped in a jittering left hand

and as he fall into darkness to meet his creator
the poet's process is recycled and will be passed along yet again
for his words will travel until they find another suitor
and as a hollow wind picks up in the night
paper scraps are rustled...
The depressed man's words will travel in cycles until they latch onto another host. I hope you've enjoyed.
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Childhood Summer
AP Mar 2015
crashing waves comfort cold feet embedded in sand
adjacent to the lake-house and beneath the weeping willow
the tide falls along with the sun and a silence is brewed
until twisting vines of old christmas lights are sparked on the gazebo
a rush of noise and voices begins to fill the void that the night provides
whispers of love circulate among singing crickets and dancing frogs
eyes grow wide with the promise of an endless adventure once his hand is taken
and quiet footsteps become running stomps of laughter and joy into unknown lands
the two disappear from sight and agree not to look back
I know today is the first day of Spring, but I'm hopeful Summer will arrive fast as this reminds me of a childhood summer...
Mar 2015 · 1.4k
The Boy's Balloon
AP Mar 2015
A balloon cast astray by the wavering hand of a child
Who wishes to know the latex orb filled with helium can fly
But in the moment of segregation between the tips of his small fingers and the floating object's delicate string
He discovers regret for the first time in his short life
The feeling that will haunt him far past his young years and into adulthood
Yet, it's only in these latter years of his life
That he'll also discover he is envious of his abilities as a boy
For he could let go then, easier than ever
And today, he is forced to grasp his wife's bony fingers with a wrinkled hand of his own
As today, the only delicate strings in life are the wires and tubes that travel through her
In this moment he realizes he must travel back in time
To relearn how to release his balloon
As he wishes for nothing more than to let her fly in peace
But he doesn't possess the strength to watch her float away
A story of a man from his childhood, then into his late adulthood, as he realize's how children who can let go of balloons possess the most courage. He must let his dying wife pass, but he doesn't possess a child's ability to let go anymore.
AP Mar 2015
I have used all the energy left in my gaunt body to escape this bed

Now I travel down steps that creak with noises of our past love as we wore them out by always racing each other up them to get here

Now I trudge down these stairs, alone, into the kitchen as I let the white french doors swing open to let the spring breeze join me

The wind recoils off of my pale face as I hold the cheesy tourist coffee mug that still bares your lipstick on its brim

I return back to the table where I find the morning newspaper with a date on it that reveals I haven't left the house in quite some time

And I flip to the crossword puzzle that apparently you solved many weeks ago, but the clues are hidden as I now recall the day your pen exploded in boisterous blue ink and we laughed together as we scrubbed each other's hands

Sink water splashed all over and ruined your flowing white gown, but that was no issue as we danced like it was raining and my hand creeped along your collarbone onto your shoulder, until you slapped it away because it was time for work

After brief lapses of intoxicating joy, the color in the walls and outside the windows oozes down Earth's canvas to uncover the true flavor or black and gray that surround me

It's in this return to reality that I utilize my lasts bits of sanity and avoid the sleeping pills to enter back into my slumber

I make my way back up the hollowed-out steps that are void of love, and collapse back into this bed as I drown in it's disturbingly comfortable sheets and pillows

In a few hours I'll arise again to trudge down to the kitchen and see if you're there, smiling, singing, solving strenuous puzzles with your immeasurable skill

And on the precipice of madness, the brink of lunacy, I'll whisper your name so I can stop tip-toeing along the boarder of suicide

For in these repeating nightmares, my balance has grown weary, and for moments my only desire is to join you beneath society, and into the great beyond

If you read all of this, I appreciate it. I know this was quite long!
AP Mar 2015
She was born 7 pounds 7 ounces
So clean and beautiful
Untouched from the dirt of the earth and the corruption of society
The stars shined so brightly for this one
Riveting mountain hills and green valleys beamed when they heard the news
The ocean's tides grew momentous and spilled over the beaches in joy
Nature had gained another unstained soul
The sun selfishly, but necessarily, tried to shield this one from the elements of others
The pain and the suffering
The sadness and the melancholy
The sun couldn’t see another one of earth’s babies grow up to become lifeless
For the sun would not allow the moon to take another
Another baby that belonged to the moon’s dangerous night sky
The moon reeled in these children with the promise of a sky painted with glimmering stars that could spell out your name
And brighter lights that shined adjacent to tall buildings in a buzzing city
But this was merely the moon’s treacherous trick
And the rain was in on it as well
For once the moon gained a follower
The rain would join in
Buckets of liquid depression would pour and pour from gray skies as they broke through the clouds that couldn't hold the weight of sadness anymore
Then these children would sleep while the sun bared its face and heat
And become insomniacs when the moon would reveal itself
This way, they’d be forced to look into its lonely face all night
And realize themselves how forlorn they were as well
So now they crave the color of night forever
They wish to see the color black eternally
She was born 7 pounds 7 ounces
And was retuned back to the Earth within 17 years
The knotted roots that brought her down thanked the moon

*It was so cloudy that day
The sun was nowhere to be found
Mar 2015 · 655
AP Mar 2015
the bottom of a bottle fails to satisfy my thirst for happiness
Mar 2015 · 1.4k
The Last Man on Earth
AP Mar 2015
one day
the sun will burst into a spectacular supernova
or armies of asteroids will rain down in hellfire on the earth
maybe humans will end their own existence in catastrophic war
regardless, no matter the outcome
for a brief moment there will be someone on Earth
who is the last one left breathing
literally the loneliest person on the planet
and as I write this I look out at green grass coupled with a blue sky
there are no signs of any type of apocalypse on this spring evening
but I feel like I'm that man
each and every day
along with so many others
Mar 2015 · 725
the loneliest day...
AP Mar 2015
sunday is the loneliest day
you are left with your thoughts
in pew's as you pray
or in bed's as you lay
either way
sunday is the loneliest day
at any given moment
the dams of your eyes may give way
as streams of helplessness roll in liquid gray
because many sundays ago i asked you to stay
yet you showed no signs of human compassion as you walked away
it was like you possessed no emotion
looking on at me with an empty face
this was when my own heart began to decay
and as time has passed
i understand why you had nothing to say
because someone had done the same thing to you and that is okay
so while you may not be thinking of me to this day
i know you'll at least agree
sunday is the loneliest day
Mar 2015 · 1.4k
the mourner's cycle
AP Mar 2015
my body is boiled down to liquid
creamy with memories and sharp with tears
you take in the bitter drink to forget your woes
by digesting all of mine
i am the alcohol
all the pictures that you've thrown
every piece of clothing with seams and strands exposed
all the nights when you've gone home feeling so alone
its at this hour all those drinks have lost their trick
and you're curled up into your bed listening to the clock as it ticks
becoming fixed on its pattern and rhythm until thats all that you know
you count every second as you begin to show
your true form once outer skin sheds in a horrifying transformation
and your eyes lose their grip on liquid sanity
you've regressed to weeping child
your underdeveloped mind has made a poor decision
and your small liver cannot process this many pills
your death will come as shocking and traumatizing to many
they'll drink to forget their woes
going home yet another night alone
listening to their clock as it ticks
wishing they could hold onto you now
rather than a bottle of a temporary fix
as they count the seconds since they've heard you laugh
they look up at their ceiling fan
and feel so empty
Mar 2015 · 566
A Poet's Power (Haiku)
AP Mar 2015
let us wage a war
with our patterned syllables
you're next, it's loaded
Mar 2015 · 1.4k
F.A.M.I.L.Y Haiku
AP Mar 2015
Fluorescent lights
Above a hospital bed
Monotone sound, dead

I love you brother
Listen closely to my words
Your soul remains lit
Cherish your family everyday, sadly one day you won't have that privilege anymore
Mar 2015 · 803
Man's Oldest Curse
AP Mar 2015
come with thee,
into black,
forget thy purpose,
remember thy lack,
scour in loneliness ,
unforgiving winds,
lose thy dreams,
and sensation in thy limbs.

thou shalt not sleep as thou recall all of thy sin,
f'r its the strongest curse in all ye' land,
not the black death, n'r thy's measles,
rath'r its depression, the sickness of thy people,
f'r a man hath nay choice but to give in,
as he hang beneath the churches steeple,
he pens a letter about the illness, warning thy people,
as he explains it'll nev'r defer
you will nev'r be able to feel again,
as im ****'d to announce there is nay cure.
Messing around with Shakespearean english, describing one of the oldest and most consistent things... depression
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
The Fire and I (Haiku)
AP Mar 2015
the dark chimney howls
with lonely winds invading
robbing innocence

i hear sadness now
listening to flames crackle

this winter evening
it is so **** depressing
i'm disappearing

with bright amber sparks
incapsulating black death
in recurring tears
sitting by a fireplace, listening to the chimney and fire, feeling like the loneliest day ever
AP Mar 2015
its in this moment you are time and i am limitless
golden hands rock a notch to the right as you hear tick, tick, tick..
but my golden hands have all but fallen off
suspended over the deep oak hardwood that embeds your etched-in name
i'll carve out this memento so i can finally be free from your rule
and fly in flocks of freedom
high up above seas of clouds
as spare sunlight passes through me onto the rest of the world
from my transparent soul
its in this moment
i let go
and am seen only in photos and heard of only in ancient voicemails
lay the final heap of sod over my coffin of deep oak
and let go with me, into the roots of liberty
into the soil of peace
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
AP Mar 2015
I'm sorry for forcing you to endure such demanding labor
For flooding your irrigation gates with salty tides of woeful cries
For impairing your vision as loneliness takes human form and riverwalks across your irises
Please, forgive *me

I'm sorry for causing you to overthink constantly
For saturating your fields of knowledge with dangerous negative thoughts
For bullying you with these words and questioning your sanity
Please, forgive me

I'm sorry for bruising and blackening your core
For halting the flow of electric passion between your chambers and preventing your ability to attach with the strings of another
For fueling your disappointment over and over again, yet you still exhaustingly pump and beat for me
Please, forgive me

I'm sorry for draining the waters from your wells of hope
For leaving you hollow, I can hear your echoes of misery
For dehydrating you of joy and penetrating your walls with shards of dejection, I can feel you slowly dying inside of me
Please, forgive me

You've created a villain of despair
Who forges anger and depression upon himself
You've given me the tools to destroy my body from the inside out
Yet, my body is still running on the reserves of our recycled love
So just come to me, and tell me you're sorry
Please, I want to forgive *you
thank you for reading! tell me what you think
AP Feb 2015
please* innocent one,
ignore my calls,
my shy glances,
my kind gestures,
i prey on you simply with lustful intentions,
because my sinning self is just as lonely,
just as scared of dying with no one to mourn for me,
and your body as it lay next to mine is so comforting,
yet, soon enough I'll still feel like I am alone,
even when your fingers are dancing crickets in my hair,
and your lightning bug eyes that flash hope within a dark world will soon burn out,
because my body rejects true love,
for it cannot feel such a blessing,
so save yourself now,
leave me before you are just as lonely as I,
the same way somebody left me,
because the world desperately needs your eyes,
as mine have already adjusted to gray
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