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Brooke Olthouse Apr 2018
+The Man+
×Super Tan×                                
Like Sand÷
In My hands=
Is Super Grand%
Copyrights belong to me. Go steal someone else's ****
  Apr 2018 Brooke Olthouse
sans screens
Take away everything from me but dancing
Or your eyes
Or better
Take away everything from me but your gaze
Or better
The way you look at me
As if I were everything and without me there were nothing
As if I were sun moon sky and constellations
Night and day and midmorning as well
As if I were at the top, yes , even being 5ft 3
As if my smile were a miracle and my laughter an addictive drug
As if your world hang on a thread and that thread was tied to mine

Take away everything from me but your gaze
Or vallenatos
Or better
Take away everything from me but dancing
Or better
The way you dance when you are with me
As if my moves were a sin in which you will always fall
As if my twirls were the most beautiful thing brought by the wind and my singing an overflow of joy
As if your world hang on a thread and that thread was tied to mine

Take away everything from me but don't take yourself away
Or myself
Or better
Take away everything from me but don't take ourselves away
Or better
The way we can't promise ourselves an infinite but we know we are a whole world.
Poem originally written in spanish, If someone wants to read it in its original language message me :)
Brooke Olthouse Apr 2018
""If I had a better
                                             I'd B+ tears;
                              Fornixated;          ­                                            In your ansestors hearts.                                                          ­ Carressed,
Only You.
                   Elegant soul.
                        In your greens eyes.
             Me back,
                      ­                 In a trance.
         In your glance.
                      ­                          Gently
                                                          Down. ­              Your cheeks
                     Landing softly
   In the creases
                           Of your
                                       Amazing smile"
-+B.+rooke A.lison I.lene A.nselment"
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