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20something Nov 2014
I didn't want you close enough to hurt me,
And I was content with never having you to myself.
But somewhere along the line I forgot to keep my walls up,
and now I'm broken because once again I wasn't enough.
20something Nov 2014
How long am I going to be your "sometimes"?
Your "maybe" or "I'm not sure yet"?
How many times are you going to put me on a shelf
until you decide you're ready to want me again?
I'm not ready to kiss you goodbye,
and be left only with the memories.
So please don't make me think there's hope of a something,
if you're just going to leave me here with nothing
but a broken dream.
20something Oct 2014
and when there's almost no memory that will remain
with the harsh sting of 80 proof
running poison through your veins,
all i wish to be is your drunken text
because my name on your tongue is all you had left
20something Oct 2014
the hardest words to express out loud
are always the ones that we need to say
and sometimes what's spoken in the shadow of night
is too much to face in the light of day
so if I choose to bare the naked truth to you,
will you be able to finally look at all of me?
because I am not ashamed of the bright sun anymore
and the darkness holds secrets I no longer want to keep
20something Oct 2014
faces so close,
our breaths intertwine
eyes locked
like I'm seeing you for the first time
still a little unsure;
do you want this as much as I do?
am I imagining that this is finally happening?
will your lips on mine echo the truth?

we're always at these moments,
"almosts" and "in-betweens"
all it takes is one step forwards
and maybe reality will match my dreams
20something Oct 2014
I refuse to be an option to you;
a number on a list, one of many to choose.
Am I just a page in your book?
Because you take up chapters in mine
Maybe I've been blinded by how much I want this to work;
maybe I can no longer see the signs
The devil on my shoulder reminds me every single day,
that you're just like him and I need to stay away
Yet on the other side,
something says you could be worth the pain;
that you were an angel once upon a time,
and behind the horns you still have wings
I want to believe your words,
but your actions say so much more.
And the next time this equation doesn't add up
the only answer will be me finally closing this door.
20something Oct 2014
I always thought I'd never be what you want;
and that who I am would never be enough.
Yet, maybe everything about me,
is exactly what you really need.
And I'm starting to realize that all there is about you,
is just what I'm looking for too.
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