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judy smith Sep 2015
It’s been a summer of love for many pairs in the Aspen area who chose to tie the knot near home or with a destination wedding such as these six couples below.

Natasha Lucero and Mike Conklin of Carbondale pinpointed Puerto Aventuras, Mexico, for their May 2 wedding at Hacienda del Mar Resort. Surrounded by nearly 100 friends and family members, they celebrated in the sun with a beach wedding. Though they lead an active lifestyle filled with lots of CrossFit workouts and semi-strict diets, they decided upon a decadent wedding cake (opting for one made of donut holes in lieu of something more traditional). For their honeymoon, the happy couple stayed in Mexico at an all-inclusive resort just down the road from the wedding.

Kelly Ann McColm and Daniel Conal McCarthy of Aspen chose a mountain wedding for their June 6 event. The ceremony was on the wedding deck at the top of Aspen Mountain with a reception in the beautifully decorated Sundeck. Kelly Ann’s favorite part about the wedding was the weather. “All four seasons in an hour! We started up the gondola with rain, got to the top of Ajax with snow and as I came out to walk down the aisle, the clouds parted and the sun came out for a beautiful summer sunset. The McCarthys are beach-bound for their honeymoon with a trip to Bora Bora.

Lori Augustine and Bill Small of Aspen tied the knot on June 14 on Aspen Mountain. They and their guests enjoyed beautiful summer weather for the ceremony at 11,212 feet. They’ve just set off for a honeymoon through Europe, spending the month of September in Venice, Milan, Lake Como, Capri, Positano, Rome, Tuscany, Monaco and St. Tropez.

Molly Elizabeth Eckrich and Charles Barclay Dodge of Aspen exchanged vows amidst friends and family on June 26. The Snowmass Chapel performed the ceremony in the John Denver Sanctuary in Old Snowmass. The bride noted, “We were the first wedding out there and I hope more people will use it because it was the most perfect setting.” Their reception took place at Tempranillo in Basalt. And their long awaited honeymoon will be spent in St. Bart’s and Cuba in November.

Katie Kowalski and Mickey Krentz of Aspen were married on a beautiful summer afternoon at Aspen Center for Environmental Studies at Rock Bottom Ranch near Emma on Aug. 8. “We supported a farm to table dinner there last year and both knew instantly, that is where we wanted to get married,” the bride noted. “It represented out love of the outdoors and love for good, local food, in a relaxed and beautiful setting. The atmosphere the day of our wedding couldn’t have been more perfect with the roosters crowing, ducks waddling, pigs lounging, the warm glow of the sun.” Next spring, they’ll honeymoon in Italy and France.

Maggi Whitmer and Ryan Thompson of Aspen tied the knot on Aug. 15 at Elk Camp in Snowmass under clear blue skies. “We loved being one of the first weddings in this location,” explained the bride. “Ryan and I both grew up in the valley and are passionate about skiing so having it on the mountain with chairlifts in the backdrop was special.” Sparklers, a food truck and the gondola were all little details that made it especially unique. For their honeymoon, they’re heading to Croatia and Italy in October.

judy smith Apr 2016
Sofia Vergara satisfies her post-work out sweet tooth by sipping on a protein-packed smoothie that tastes like chocolate ice cream.

The Modern Family star, who is famous for her curves, isn't a fan of exercising, so she has found a way to maximise the efficiency of her gym visits.

"I'm the first to admit that I hate wasting time in the gym," the 43-year-old tells People magazine. "I'm not one of those people who spends hours on the treadmill or takes three spin classes a day. When you work out smarter (and of course, eat healthy!), you'll love the way you look and feel, and get the most out of your sweat sessions."

The Colombian beauty has shared her top five tips with the publication to boost motivation, and her first piece of advice is to get caffeinated.

"Sip coffee on the way to the gym," she wrote. "Who doesn't love starting the day with a delicious Colombian roast? Sure, it's tasty, but it has so many benefits, too! It'll wake you up and get you energized for your workout, and it's been proven that drinking coffee (caffeinated, of course) helps your body burn more fat during exercise. Every little bit helps, right?"

Sofia also recommends recruiting a "workout buddy" to help with the exercise inspiration, insisting hitting the gym together also serves as good "bonding time", and she advises her fellow females, "Don't be scared to lift weights".

Sofia goes on to suggest tired treadmill users trade in any machines, which "get boring fast", and try something "creative".

"Dance cardio classes are my current obsession, because there's nothing better than turning up the music and just letting everything go," she explained. "But really, making cardio easier to knock out is more about finding something you really love. Whether it's surfing, biking or jumping on trampolines, do something you enjoy. When you have fun during workouts, it's a lot easier to commit to doing them - and they don't feel like work."

And finally, Sofia reminds readers to "treat yourself afterward".

The actress reveals she always looks forward to her after-gym treat, and although it's chocked full of healthy ingredients, it makes her think she's eating something yummy.

"It's tempting to go eat something that's a little unhealthy as a reward, but instead of undoing all my hard work, I treat myself to a satisfying, healthy snack," she continued. "My go-to post-workout smoothie has chocolate protein powder, almond butter, coconut water and goji berries on top - it tastes like chocolate ice cream, but has none of the guilt!"Read more |
xavier thomas Sep 2020
Boo you know that you’ll always be mine
I accept your flaws, so don’t you be shy
I’m your king that knows your worth, girl
You play to much under these covers
Hit it sideways, that’s my weakness
P90-X workouts, doing fitness
Making noise like we recording a sound track
Give me your all, don’t you hold back
Got you playing “Simon says”-for the night
We “Stop, Go” like red light, then green light
Can’t go no further, so rollover
I hope I fulfilled your appetite
I just love it when you go hard
Ending the night with your lotus trump card
Time to put you to bed lil’ mama
Next time, I’ll have you on the floor crawling
Holly Salvatore Jun 2013
Almost heaven, West Virginia
Printed on mudflaps
That reek of Appalachia
It is almost heaven
Not to have you
Holding me back anymore
It's almost heaven
To forget your face
Your stupid workouts
The 300 ways you found
To never say anything
That pinched drawn unhappy look on your freckled face
I feel grateful
And I'm thankful
To be a human again
I hated the way your
Silences sauntered into a room
Ten minutes before you did
I hated the way stale I love yous
Hung around your head
Buzzing like flies on the dead
I hated the way dreams were something to be laughed at
And subsequently given up on
It's almost heaven to have mine back again
I love the way you dumped me
Through text
Like a little kid
Like Sorry this is what my mom wants
Like Sorry not sorry
I'm not sorry you left me
It is almost heaven where I'm at now
I peed outside twice
In West Virginia
And you weren't there to be embarassed
By an Appalachian woman
Who wants to have almost heaven
Every day for breakfast
And truly-loving-life-in-love-with-a-musician
This is what heaven is
Every day for lunch
And maybe just beer and a song for dinner
It's almost heaven not to have you
It's heaven to feel alive again
Road trips and no regrets. ******* love Bagels. Remember that.
R Sep 2013
im pretty sure i
eat less than
i should.

i dont have time for
breakfast and
the lunch at school is usually
i eat a lot at dinner but
thats all.
i dont get hungry but
im not trying to get
skinny either.

thats the thing:
im not trying and
yet im achieving

also, i just
dont have the

i doubt i even eat
over 1000 calories anymore.
and considering we do
******* workouts at
school every other day;
im losing weight.

it feels nice to
fit in my
Lianna Walters Jun 2015
The standard goal.
Society kills me.
They tell you to “be yourself, you’re beautiful”
Judge you for it,
Then encourage you to do it again.
Who are they to decide?
In fact, who decided the status quo,
What determines true beauty?
They say everyone’s beautiful in their own way,
But that’s just the appetizer.
The main course is the “fact” that everyone’s different,.
And in order to achieve the standard level of “perfect”,
“Buy this item! It’ll make you more perfect, I swear!”
“Wear these clothes, it’ll complement the parts of your body we’ve defined as
“Do these workouts, it’ll give you a flatter stomach, tighter abs, a sexier beach body!”
The fact that they took our weak spot,
And dangled the idea,
The possibility in front of us
To sell their products
To keep us coming back, to make money
Because, let’s be real, money’s everything.
They convince us that we can achieve something that doesn't exist,
But we want it to,
We hope for it,
Looks are everything?
In 80 years, we’ll all look old and weird, so what’s the point?
Look good everyday,
Hope someone finds you attractive,
Potentially fall in “love” with somebody who only desires your looks?
If that’s your goal, ***, you've got your priorities mixed up
Life’s not gonna care whether you’re
Or the greatest person alive.
It’s gonna knock you down no matter what,
And in 120 years, we’ll all be dead anyway.
Why waste your time hoping to accomplish a false reality,
So you can live your years in luxury,
Rather than just being thankful and happy?
Don’t spend your time trying to get to what you don’t even want,
But have been programmed to accept.
Re-program yourself.
***** the system.
anastasiad Jan 2017
Sciatica pain home remedy work outs doesn't have to be specially difficult to be handy. Typically, they are often carried out efficiently both at home and can frequently decrease or take away the desire for qualified care. No matter if made use of alone maybe in addition for expert varieties of care, basic sciatic nerve sensation problems soreness physical exercises along with self-care strategies may result in the distinction between getting better and also continuous discomfort.

Sciatic sensation problems tenderness is normally brought on through destruction of one or two intervertebral disks in the lower back. A cds will be the delicate shocks sandwiched relating to the vertebrae. If more than one drives is broken sufficiently to project on the passageways where the sensation problems offices which from the sciatic sensation problems leave your spinal column, a nervous feelings can get annoyed. Inflammation with the slipped backbone dvd could also induce swelling and this bloating may well deliver added sensors tenderness. The particular ensuing lack of feeling irritation creates the discomfort along with other signs and symptoms that take a trip into your buttock spot and leg we know of when sciatica pain.

The main results of almost all excellent sciatic pain treatment at home work outs will be to "squeeze" a stuffed intervertebral disc product out from the inflamed anxious feelings (as is accomplished by way of the actual McKenzie off shoot treatment method workouts outlined after) and/or minimize the accumulation connected with water from swelling (which can be done by light aerobic fitness exercise similar to diving or strolling). The following reduction in retention from the lack of feeling root by means of lessened intervertebral blank disc protruding in addition to bloating ordinarily gives quickly relief of symptoms. With duplicated utilization of your property procedure exercises more than a length of a few days, also resilient cases usually find symptom relief in time and constant leveling from the lumbar blank disc wall could happen to control the risk of reinjury. As being the intervertebral disk stabilizes, prolonged relief of pain may be the outcome.

Among the most popular of the sciatic nerve neural soreness work outs would be the above mentioned McKenzie extendable technique, and that is much like a "cobra" place around yoga and fitness. The thought is usually that backward bending on the spine carefully crushes this gel-like chemical within the actual intervertebral dvd onward as well as away from the nerve fibres that leave sciatic neural discomfort.

In combination with sciatic nerve lack of feeling signs or symptoms house exercises, there are actually further more approaches which can be employed to decrease sciatic nerve neurological soreness as well as pain. Employing ice cubes (segregated in the epidermis that has a skinny level of fabric to avoid snow nip) pertaining to 8 to 10 minutes each time up to each couple of hours will most likely ease swelling plus puffiness all-around nerves considerably better than even the more effective anti-inflammatory drugs. Acupressure in addition to self applied restorative massage can even be useful for lessening inflammatory bloating within the back nerves plus reduce hurtful signs and symptoms. The actual decrease in inflammation created by these additional styles of self-care enhance the negative effects of the particular sciatic nerve sensors pain property workouts.

Using duplicated using exercises and extra sciatica self-care solutions, high-priced in addition to time-consuming expert treatment method, unpleasant unwanted effects out of supplements and also obtrusive needles and operations can easily commonly always be definitely avoided. By simply starting to learn on what sciatic nerve sensors house routines and also self-administered therapies to utilize and just what to not utilize, you'll be able to take part in your very own rehabilitation and stop any recurrence on the sciatic nerve pain sooner or later. Best iphone data recovery software
judy smith Apr 2016
Who says you can't arm twist yourself into doing practically anything? Victoria Beckham — stylish mum, fashion empire czarina and social diva — took that notion a **** few notches higher as she posted a picture of herself on a sofa on a photo sharing site, leg extended high above her head at 90 degrees. The picture went viral immediately with a huge buzz around her impressive flexibility. She captioned the photo, 'It's amazing what you can do in culottes...those ballet classes are paying off!' (sic) It's not the first time she has showed off her moves. Last year in Singapore too, she kicked her stiletto-clad feet into a high pose as she relaxed on a sofa.

These celebs are advocating it, too...

Posh Spice aka Victoria isn't the only one. British actress Kelly Brook showed of her flexi *** on her sitcom show. Actresses like Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston have also taken up exercise regimens that stretch their bodies to the limit. Angelina Jolie's workouts are said to include the stability ball leg, squats and kickboxing, known build flexibility and balance. Jessica Biel is a firm follower of her five days a week cardio with strength training and pilates classes that have been credited with getting her such a lean ***. And Megan Fox ensures she is flexible, too.

Advantages of being stretchy

Being flexible and stretching out is not the realm of just gymnasts, athletes or swimmers. Anyone can and should be like that, for it's not just before starting a workout that one faces tight hamstrings and a sore back and neck. These are issues that plague those with sedentary jobs as well. Thus, flexibility can help in gym training and dealing with the stressors of everyday life. It also helps the body to heal. Increased flexibility also leads to improved posture. Once the earlier tightness goes away you start to sit right and walk better, too.

How Much?Stretching muscles twice a week is enough to build overall flexibility.

For anyone

A common myth is that being flexible will only work with younger people. It is actually for anyone of any age

Exercises to help you get there

Chest dumbbells: Lie flat on a bench, holding dumbbells in either hand. Now lift the dumbbells overhead together and slowly bring them back. This stretches the pectorals.

Abs stretch: Sit on the ground with the ankles facing each other and the knees flexed. Now put pressure on the knees and press them to make them touch the ground. Hold this for 20 seconds and repeat.

Shoulders delt: Hold the elbow of one arm with the other hand and pull the elbow across the chest. Hold and repeat for the other hand.

Curling cat: Kneel down on all fours and curl the back upwards in the same position. Hold this and start again. This increases flexibility of the back.

Hamstring stretch: Place your leg on any raised area in front you, like a stool or chair. Now, extend it straight without bending the knees and bend the torso to touch the toes. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat.Read more |
Desire Dec 2018
I grew out my beard.
I grew out my stomach.
My ears ring randomly.  
My eyes see things differently.
I speak or say less.  I move in silence.
I sleep in when I want.
I haven't touched razors since my return
nor rifles since the field ops.
I've grown in maturity mentally.
I've grown insensitive verbally.
I've grown to miss the uniform
and pride of belonging in a brotherhood;
I miss my extended family.
I miss the people, not the troubles.
I miss the gym, where others alike
flexed invisible muscles.
My days once had routine,
pattern, structure and rhythm.
Weekends full of workouts, worship, and beer.
Weeks full of work, blood, sweat, and tears.
I've grown in experience.
I've regained freedom as a civilian.
But the transition has been a grueling process.
Yet, I've grown to be grateful nonetheless,
as not everyone gets to go back "home" ...
(remember the fallen) ...
However, if I'm honest, I don't think there's ever
an actual adjustment...
[I'm growing]
XLIII. Adapt and Overcome
The life of a Veteran
Random reflection
Paul C Jun 2012
When I grow up,
I want to marry
A Hollister model.

Mother says
I should reconsider.

But deep down,
I know
that's what I want.

Because behind all of
The airbrush
The diets
The workouts
The computer enhancements
There lies,
A woman.

And on that woman,
there lies
Scar tissue?
A birthmark?
Or worst of all..
A zit.

On that perfect woman
There lies,
An imperfection.

And that is why I love her.
Inspired by one of my favorite poems, "Guessing My Death" by CA Conrad.
My mind is a muscle....
A muscle that  needs to be exercised, quite often.

Daily Intense Workouts Shall Strengthen this muscle.

Enlarging it....
Making it quite Powerful.......

Never allowing this important muscle to fall to the
Shrunken  Condition of "Weak and pitiful."

"jogging" down  the streets which are  the "books, of life's Experiences"
"pumping the irons" of the "Weight" that  "Problems Needing to Be Solved"
Push on the limits which this muscle can "pump"  and "endure"

I always "keep this muscle well toned"  Running quickly, holding tightly, and
Stretching Its limits of what my "muscle" can "hold."

I hold a smile on my facee As I  excercise my "mind"  to a stronger Future.
Julie Watson Nov 2011
This love-hate affair had been going on since seventh grade
When I first stepped foot onto that oval shaped piece of hell
After all that time, crying, wishing, regretting, and failing
I swore that if I ever manned up and told my father no,
        I wouldn’t miss a thing.
After years of putting myself out there
On that track and in the middle of that open field,
After trying so hard but just not physically being capable to do it,
Or maybe I wasn’t mentally able to allow myself to go faster…
        These words are what I clench back with my teeth.
                I miss the early morning workouts that sent me straight to bed later on
                I miss the relief of finding out we weren’t going to have a hard day, instead, yoga
                I miss being able to brag about how hard my workout was the day before
                I miss rolling out of bed, grabbing my bag and driving myself to school at 5:30,
                        Ready to fall back asleep on the bus ride to our meet
                I miss being the sloth of the team, sleeping any chance I got, in any spot
                I miss the butterfly feeling I got before the gun went off
                I miss how exhausted I would be halfway through my race
                I miss planning where and when I would purposely fall down and hurt myself
                        Even though it never really came to that
                I miss the cheering of the team collectively as each runner ran by
                I miss the shouts of numbers and praises telling me to go faster, faster!
                I miss the rush of adrenalin that would pump through as the finish line got closer
                I miss finishing, and thinking of how much harder I could have gone, but didn’t
                        Every race would end in feelings of failure, but they really weren’t
                I miss playing around with my friends when we were all finished with our competitions
                I miss yelling at my teammates to keep it up! And reassuring them that they could do it!
                I miss being not good at competing, and being put in the slower groups during practices
                I miss feeling embarrassed as the other teams watched us run, and me, falling behind
                        I miss how we would all go faster when there were boys around, no matter what
                I miss my coach’s pep talks that were insightful for real life too, not just for running
                I miss being able to vent on runs, through talking and the pounding of my feet
                I miss sharing with everyone I hated running and practice and meets and being there
                I miss telling everyone that my dad made me run and that’s why I was there
                        Even though I could have stopped myself if I actually, truly wanted to
It’s not that I miss the sport or the people right now
It’s that I miss the way it was when we all first started
When all of my friends were with me
But slowly, one by one, they started peeling away
Splitting off into their own directions, deciding to move on
I was the leftovers. I did not matter. No one cared.

And that’s when I started not to miss these things anymore.
AME Dec 2013
Ever thought about what it would be like?
What it would be like to just finally be in peace?
Instead of having voices screaming at you in your mind 24/7, even when you are sleep. Screaming at you to have control, yelling at you, telling you that you don't need that cookie, *******, or piece of bread.
Reminding you of your goal.
The goal that you need to reach to maybe be closer to perfection, rather than what you were.. That horrible lug of fat. The one that no one wants. One that isn't good enough for anyone at all.
I really don't think you understand how close Ana, Mia and I were
Ana well she screamed and yelled, reminding me and pushing me. Telling me that isn't very Chanel. And that hunger? Yea that hunger was really my stomach applauding.
It didn't matter that I could have died during the process, just as long as I had that thigh gap, could count every rib and place my fingers on the hills and valleys that I had created on my body, to have those collarbones and have that defined jawline.
Just to be skinny.
To be a 00 and to weigh 80 pounds. Because I could do it. Always telling me not to eat those calories so I wouldn't become fat, even though it wasn't possible to be fatter than I was then. McDonald's nope. Any fast food joint ew, gross.
How dare you go near there you failure, is what she whispered to me.
Those were the things she said. The words that she spoke of day in, day out.

But then there were the other cravings of going and eating everything that I saw in sight, as if I wasn't going to eat for months. That's where Mia comes in, she was just as much of a ***** as Ana. It's was a constant cycle with her. Up and down..non-stop. A roller coaster, that never stopped and was greater than any Leviathan or Behemoth that possibly existed. With more loops and spins and craziness that made you sick to your stomach because once I'd eaten all that food, well of course Mia wouldn't let me keep it down, and quite honestly Ana agreed.  Tea, coffee, zero calories, they are my best friend.
500 calories max a day. The workouts were my second best friend. Numbers was what my life consisted off.
Goal One:100
Goal Two:95
Goal Three:85
Goal Four:80
The voices screamed at me reminding me. Failure..failure...failure. It got so loud inside of my head. Their whispers sounded like screams. I'd lost count on the amount of times I had run to the washroom to get it out of my system, out of my disgusting body. How many times had I lied about eating, how many times did I throw out food? And the pathetic thing was, I didn't want to recover. Why? because I would have preferred to die than gain weight. I would of rather died than eat three meals a day. I would have rather died than be forced to eat. I was just another ****** up teenage girl listening and obeying the mirror.
Edmund black Jun 2018
Besides laying down on
the old wrinkled couch to
Rest my back while I get
Into the mind of my
Favorite authors
One thing I do enjoy
doing very much
Is to take a trip to one of
my favorite bar in town
where no alcohol is
Being served on the menu
What you’ll find there instead
Are beast running around
Lifting, squatting  jumping and
Once in a while you might
Even catch  us in the sauna
Relaxing ourselves
For sure at the gym
That’s where You’ll find
Me testing my strength
Let all the  anger out of me
Allow the beast to come out
Watch that muscle nectar
That come squirting out
Screaming let the war begin
Reps become sets
Sets become workouts
Protein shakes running
Through my veins
Beast mode got me
Soared to the core
Out of control with strength
And physical fitness
I hope the gym never goes
Out of weights for
I’m addicted to iron
Muscles so vicious
Some swear it should
Be illegal to be carry
Such Mass weight around
If that ever comes true
That’s okay because
I have My woman
At home I can always
Lift for I am unstoppable
When it comes
to the gym thing
I must admit I swear
It is a must I push
Myself to the limit
Once I place my hand
on the iron bar I am
No longer in control
For the iron has become
Solely the master of
            My soul
shireliiy Nov 2015
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Our maths teacher wasn’t amused.

He solved hard problems for us
taught sincerely in the class
but the moment he held the pen
sweats would flood his palm
like a nagging rain
that his army of handkerchief
couldn’t bring any relief
with the dripping moisture
like a school of sharks
devoured our paper’s ink marks
and from the workouts already done
steps were wiped out one by one.

At those times he wouldn’t speak
only looked at us apologetic
burdened as if with guilt’s weight
for the treachery of his ceaseless sweat
that forced him to desist from anymore writing
close his pen and start dictating.

Then one day we saw him bring out a cream
his agony had reached such an extreme
with that he rubbed his palms with glee
looked he had solved a great mystery
said now this would lock all the doors
stop sweat’s pour through skin’s pores
Brandon Webb Feb 2013
I walk in
and throw my faded, ripped, three year old, coca cola pajama pants
toward the tub
just soft enough to miss the shower curtain.
I close the door and take off my shirt,
undo my belt, step out of my pants
and just stand there and look at myself:
my hair is a dull brown, and messed up, but I don't care tonight.
My pupils are dilated; a few too many ibuprofen.
my nose still looks half broken on the side opposite my scar.
my left eye has bags, as it always has,
as does my right- between the merging of two faint bruises;
one from a Nerf bullet impact turned sty I had removed,
the other from a zit which overtook my cheek a few weeks back.
my forehead is wrinkled prematurely
my unshaven chin and scalp both growing grays.
my collarbones stick out enough for me to fit my fist in when I lean forward.
my neck widens in the back in a way that looks unnatural.
my biceps, chest and stomach are all muscular, firm;
the result of two workouts every day.
But it is my leg that shows my pain,
shows the strength I still tell myself I have
or rather the strength of the weakness I sometimes let take over in it's place-
knee to ankle;
fresh cuts, all bleeding
each a quarter inch apart.
not the most I've ever had, but the longest stretch of my body I've ever covered completely.
and I don't even remember why.
Ali Jan 2017
Your day starts off differently
From all of the rest
5am workouts
Are how you remain the best

Always pushing forward
You can never look back
This is what helps you
Stay on your track

Judgements are made
But it won't slow your pace
Because nothing can keep you
Away from the chase

Sore muscles lead to ice baths
Training and recovery take time
It's not the destination that matters
But rather the climb

Running across the finish line
Is just where you begin
Hard work and determination
Makes you a champion
Lost Soul Apr 2019
when the night comes and I'm all alone
the demons appear to torment me
until once more I'm a clone
I lay in bed
while they're still inside my head
what will tomorrow be like?
will I want to eat?
skip my nightly workouts
will my eating disorder finally be beat?
will I cry as many tears as I did tonight?
or will I finally put myself first
and decide to fight?
will there be a day, this is in the past
when will this be over how long is this going to last?
I shouldn't raise my hopes
I'm told, "That's just life". I guess
I just haven't learned to cope
when I was little
the monsters were under the bed
but as I got older
they now live inside my head
I wrote this in a collab with my very best friend Jules. Please check out her poem titled "I'm alone with my demons". (part 2 of this poem) If you like my poem your sure to love hers. It was an honor to work with her.
Kyle Dal Santo Oct 2017
Each song is a chapter
Every chapter is a memory
A night to remember
A dance to forget
A moment in eternity
A playlist, carefully scripted
Like a poem, each line definitive
Each line a story of its own
A waterfall of emotion
A time machine sending you back
From the future
To a happier place
A bittersweet romance
Or painful regret
The bass is a hammer to your heart
The intro, like ****** to your veins
The drums a master puppeteer
Pull you from the still
And force you to move like the rains depend on it.

One song turns you ten years old
Running carelessly through the cold

Another takes me to her driveway
As we said our last tearful goodbyes

This one reminds me of the great I’ve done
The pain and mistakes I’ve overcome

A chapter that strips me of my clothes
When we use to dance each night
And morning after

Start one up, and it smells like a sweaty dance floor
A rocking boat and a thousand lights
On the edge of young and responsibility
Young and fearless, free to be free

Another song reminds me to be strong in dark times
To remember where my heart is if I need to cry
To find solace in good times
Inspiration in bad times
To let the Sun rise in the dead of night

Each song saved my life
Each song broke my heart
Campfires to slow dances
Epic workouts and romances
The mixtape of my life is a collection
Of golden trading cards to me
A flick of the wrist and they come alive
And free me from the lonely nights
They all warm my heart
They all chill my bones
And if I can’t find my headphones,
I’ll sing them loud and out of tune
The courage they give
Is worth the embarrassment
So set me free, mixtape memories
If I had it my way,
Each song would play forever
And forever I’d be free
Kyle Dee.
Emily Pidduck Dec 2013
Be you! The real, original you. In fact, we detest the fake you radiate.
We don't want perfection
Did we stutter?

And then I think of myself. No, I've no scars.
I mean, it's not really possible.
My confidence is out the roof, heck I'm good at most any sport.
And dear goodness, am I smart.
I am just too tough to crack, I am proud of all the jealousy
I am fulfilled; compared to me, you're weak.
I grow taller with her wistful stares.

Though your resentment doesn't crack me.
I sure get angry for your reasoning.
Because with out any sort of listening
you've done outcasted me. But why should I need scars?
Aren't my weaknesses enough?

And as I think of myself, I laugh. A loud enormous goose holler.

Seems I've become a bully. The kind of girl who looks down upon your intellect. I knew the answer - I knew yours was wrong, and it didn't take long before you were inferior.
Remember, I'm confident.
Because I'm at home, and I wonder, and I find my answers.
I find them for that one time, I blurted right out from my mind, the little detail - I was pleased to know, but I turned around and they'd grown cold.
Now I'm perfect, and it must be worth it, even in exhaustion.
Better be the loud one, who voices the corrections.
Better than the dumb son who never learns his lessons.

Certainly, I'm desirable: fit, thin and strong.
But the girl he wants has a larger chest
than the one he calls his own.
And I could claim as mine
any of the Brains
We could connect through intellect, but what's to happen when
I'm running hard, dropping sweat, and he can't comprehend why I'd raise my pulse to feel the heat
when none of my workouts compete with the videos found through internet.

But the thing that really breaks me is the hatred
of my confidence.
I couldn't possibly understand them.
That is the belief.
So I sit alone, set in stone - practically emotionless
and the eyes that penetrate me detest that I don't shiver
But it's hard to make a movement when my walls have grown so tall
It's my reply to all
the voices.

I've no other choices.

I'll be the "fake" one that you label
Throw me in the gutter.
The real me wants perfection.

*Did you hear me freaking stutter?
I don't like this one much, but I flip between stone-cold and broken, and walking on top of the world, so I though I'd try and write it out.
Terry Collett Feb 2012
She’s just a chick
Greenfield said
they don’t amount to much

as he saw you gazing
at the girl whose name
you thought was Jane

walking alone
down the school passage
in morning recess

you need to get your head
around something serious
like who’s going to win

the school football trophy
or take on Big Brophy
in the school boxing finals

but you saw her hips
move ever so slightly
and her grey school skirt

go sway like caught
by some unseen wind
and you imagined maybe

you could have walked
beside her
and taken her hand

and have said
hey Sweetie
how about a kiss?

but getting back
to reality
you knew you’d say

**** all and your tongue’d
get stuck to the roof
of your mouth

and you’d stutter
like some **** fool
hey Greenfield said

you coming
or are you going to watch
the chick’s sweet ***

going over the horizon?
and he laughed
and you both

walked on
to the woodwork room
where Chiselhead

would be waiting
and the smell
of wood and glue

and unwashed bodies
hung in the air
and you imagined

she was on her way
to the gym
for the workouts

and climbing frames
with other girls
in their gym wear

and you stuck
in the woodwork room
with glue and wood

and tools and boredom
not watching her
not being there.
A Burnell Jun 2012
Why Life Is Worth Living
March 29, 2012

easter egg hunting                          looking up and seeing the sky
                              opening your eyes underwater                       burning candles
    drinking water when you’re thirsty               watching the snow fall
                           seeing fireworks explode                                  laying in bed
dipping your toes into a river                   intertwining your fingers with another’s
       feeling the sun on your skin                        painting what you imagine
singing along to songs         having bonfires                  sitting by a fireplace
                   riding horses in the fall                 chocolate milk
        watching lightning split the sky                 the way you feel after workouts
fishing on a calm day                 knowing you are worth something
                                  swimming in the summer                  watching the sun rise
backrubs            that ‘new baby smell’                    smiling
      proving to others that you can do anything                     having family dinners
falling hopelessly in love                        skipping rocks
                    helping others who need you         laying with the one you love
writing because you want to                     sipping hot cocoa in the winter
                               feeling strong                      capturing time through photographs
holding a new baby                breathing after it rains                trampolines
          playing sports          expressing yourself           building things
listening to the ‘peepers’ chirp                                              learning every day
creating new life                   making dinner for fun           planting a garden
                 seeing old friends       staying up late reading        feeling accomplished
suddenly understanding a math problem            experimenting
              falling asleep without any time between when you climb in and sleeping
          seeing your family                   picking daisies
getting sand between your toes                    devoting yourself to something you <3
                                   saving lives                               hearing the melody of a piano            
   sharpening a pencil because you’ve worn it down creating something beautiful
              realizing life is better than in the movies                          running
making shapes with sparklers                               curling up in a blanket
                          movie nights                   cutting the grass          observing the stars
thanksgiving dinners                ice cream on a hot summer day            popsicles
Jae Jan 2019
XC is running through the sprinklers with your crazy goofy team
Rolling your ankles running hills
Cross country means so much to me it’s true
Running is all we do
School day seems shorter
Practice seems longer
The sun is shining
It’s warmer then it’s colder

XC every single moment is worth its weight in gold
XC it’s high school’s best story
And it’s waiting to be told
It’s bleacher 5K’s, well earned PRs
And your sport’s punishment
Cross country man where do I begin

XC we’re rained on during practice and we run with soaking feet
XC we get lost on distance runs and say we went out to eat
It’s also
Basma’s smart wisecracks, also Mariam’s sass
And calling Amy the wrong name
Courtney going ham, my freshmen children
And ab workouts causing us pain
Oh wait. Maybe I’m going too fast.

XC it’s weight room and it’s hard work ‘cause you do it for the *****
XC it’s crying at the banquet
Cuz your team is just one happy family
And I don’t wanna leave

First year was longer
Last year was shorter
I’m gonna miss y’all
My eyes are getting warmer

XC every single moment was worth its weight in gold
XC it was my favorite story thanks to you guys it was told
A running high and my team cheering
And then that final sprint
Cross country man where do I begin

Where do I begin
I promise I’ll visit
(To the time of “Summer: Where Do We Begin?” from Phineas and Ferb. This goes out to all my cross country runners and my beloved team. Sadly we’re parting this year because I’m graduating. They were the highlight of my entire time in high school. Even now, I’m still not quite sure what brought me to do cross country,  but it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.
JP May 2016
at home
a reminder to the
family to extend their laziness

at office
a reminder to the
worker inching to go home

at park
a reminder to the
lover come back to real world

at restaurants
a reminder to the
guest the length of enjoyment

at gym
a reminder to the
workouts to measure the size

at vacation
a reminder to the
tourist to back to square one

at honey moon
a reminder to the
couples to count number of times
Chad Young Feb 2021
The purity must be cast aside to see God equal in all people.
For all are unified in station and wealth in rank before God, none more righteous nor more rich than another.
In this case God enriches all of us in our lack and withholds in our fortune.
For none is self-sufficient without Him.
Purity is more about the strength of desire.
It is easy to remain pure when its fires are not enflamed.
What does purity and righteousness hold?
It can only be detachment from the world.
The "world" meaning that which takes us from our Lord.
Is it right to delight in purity?
It seems so empty in a world with so few single women my age that doesn't have kids nor does drugs.
I actually don't even know one. Really.
I'm pure for myself then only?
To delight in my righteousness to only belittle the feeble?
To stand as a noble eunich with the ****** 40 & 50 somethings?
If I'm pure, I have no home in the dust.
I have no friend to share in purity.
Purity is outward.
How do I perceive reality with outward orientation?
Pure ways become my mantra.
Not just chaste eyes, but a pure body.
I become enslaved to worship my own body.
My outer body has no significance to me.
I smoke cigarettes to fight my eyes from transfixing on it.
I postpone workouts until not my body but my energy is in need of vitality.
I tattoo my skin to break the idol of the body.
Sitting up at 3:33 a.m.
Prathipa Nair Jun 2016
With their sack of books
On donkey shoulders
With a frown and tears
With a push from home
To climb Mount Everest
Facing controversies
As scoldings and shame
Bleeding workouts
Abandoning joyful days
Innocent little hearts
Seeking peace in a world
Of strangers created by
Technology of Robots !
Breanna evans Jan 2019
guess it all started
exactly a year ago
with my Instagram

I faked what I saw
just the simple asanas
like handstands and planks

but before too long
I realized the potential
for getting stronger

went from there to apps
High-Intensity workouts
designed for building

I was skeptical,
but in a few weeks I saw
a bit of a change

found new appetite
and a lot more energy
in every morning

but I soon got sore
so it was back to the 'gram
for a solution

found meditation
along with a bunch of quotes
that got me started

and next thing I knew,
it all became natural
headphones really helped

fully invested
I went all in, went *****-deep
and got rewarded

and I stopped posting
didn't matter anymore
I was addicted

work once avoided
became opportunities
to become stronger

for an hour a day
at the very least, I trained
even on off-days

for 20 minutes
I also meditated
to relax myself

I found contentment
and although i'm sore as hell,
I'm way happier

at twenty seven,
I have reached the very peak
and i'm still climbing
Thunder Lord Jul 2015
All of that time
All of that energy
I was there every night
I was getting stronger
My muscles grew

My doubts turned into hope
My uncertainty into determination
I could do it
I just need to push a little further
work a little harder
break the limits

Through everything, I never lost hope
I stuck through.
Every strain, every tweak
Every pulled muscle,  Every cramp
Every ache and pain
it would mean nothing if I got there
if I reached my goal

But it's giving out
I can't use it
it hurts more each day
The brace doesn't help anymore
it clicks and grinds

Are My workouts are done.
are My dreams shattered
are My goals unobtainable
was My work for nothing
Is this it?
No more blood
No more seat
All I have are tears
Ty Aug 2017
i use to think blue was my favorite color because of the sky

i never thought it was because of your eyes

but once i saw them i understood

and you replaced the sky and everything in your path

i fell, fell harder than i ever have

and although my life has been full of problems

the biggest one is you

every flaw, every single thing you hated about yourself, i loved about you

every nagging, every put down, every curse, i banished, i stopped you from letting them out

and though you let my words fly south

i stayed. i listened. i felt your pain as if it was my own

one day i hoped you would have noticed

one day i hoped that instead of telling your guys that i was just a friend,

you wished i was more.

i wished your feelings would pour

pour through your chest as my tears did down the drain

that every memory of me was hidden away in a special box, sealed and marked fragile do not touch

but they weren't

my feelings aren't reciprocated because of one simple reason

i'm fat

my weight doesn't correspond with my height

my body doesn't look right

my heart is big but so are my thighs

and even when i try

it's not enough

you've never straight out said this but i can read between lines you have so easily drawn

like the strings to my heart tugged like a puppet master

starving yourself is wrong, that's what they teach you in health class

but when you are fat heads turn the other way and suddenly it becomes okay

on day five i felt like i wanted to cry because i stepped on the scale and didn't lose an ounce

and yet i drank my weight in water and pushed myself farther than i ever have before only to sink to the floor

i went to the kitchen to consume my doom but only a salad because i hadn't given up so soon and it was okay

it didn't make my day like ice cream on apple pie or chocolate cake

instead it ruined it when i got on the scale and gained a pound

i could starve myself for days outweight the amount of calories burned to the ones taken in and not lose anything

but the second i eat even if it's healthy the scale tips like it tips my whole world upside down

i am told i just need to eat healthy and exercise but if that was the case why do the people who eat nothing but trash have flatter abs than me

and then they are the ones to tell me i am unhealthy

i go to bed late so i can get up even later, sleeping past breakfast and lunch

i then force myself to go swimming and put on a two piece to remind myself why i'm even doing this in the first place

in a haste i swim around my pool and do workouts for hours until i completely lose feeling in my legs

you're not suppose to eat after seven but that's when mom gets home and we have dinner

i pretend i'm feeling sick so i don't have to eat and although she sees through my lies

beauty is more important than being healthy
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
Me and my gal there are
way too many skits
All fits extra bits the "Kit Kat"
More edible so incredible
The next door Gals

So pompous everyone
is competing for
the pearly white smiles
Those walkouts extra
digging workouts
But what was lost the
extra hugging

Dreaming do we all
have the right
extra goods going to
Church always
Saying I have sinned
Like those dog days
So swift as a second skin

The summery like winery she
shifted her hips the Gal with her
divine flowers extra mind she showers

Whats becoming mystical with poise
That ethereal hooked extra path Rose
Those extras I suppose for granted 
The fundraiser heart of giving
Teaching us a lesson in lying
Godly extra of surviving
How he loves his treats dog
or human begging and love

Medieval shows she knows
Bazooka Gal bubbly
But wickedly incredible
The mix of Pixar extra
star trouble

Gingerly **** Rosy Lips
suggestively incredible 2
Divinely, he cannot help
himself so manly whats to do?

Emblaze another phrase
Saying your nobody until
somebody loves you
He's the Dean of all extras

Happy go lucky humming
bread Robin red breast nest
What freedom fireflies, daffodils delight,
and butterflies extra wing Peking duck
Gal Friday turning another page he ducks

All in the  kingdom Ms.Joy no extra pain
Laughing like the fandom taking the next
Wolf tie train trick of the brain
but stop in her name
The other Gal got her fame

All the extra love at the top he's
at the bottom bed of condoms
The high-Gal post-chaise with
her bell bottoms
He took a sleigh ride

Just out of random don't push
her buttons
Seeing the stray Bengal Tiger
his extra studded
collar down to her currency
Only a dollar tree
Hollywood extra part wasn't
the true color of he
His Stingray lay lady lay
He just never stays
Being Starved  for love
All the extras the roast
Hottie buffets

Mmm so nice her ear raven
dark brunette
The gal can kick you like
Rockefeller showRockette
That Gal all news gazette
That extra crepe Suzettes
his eyes he just went
through raced his extra miles
How he charmed over you
In his Corvette

Bombay French-skirts cafe
The extra treat parfait
Magnificent Monet
Cobblestone love walks
Gateway the gal with
something extra talks

They cuddle
fall asleep arm to arm
head to head it really
didn't matter
They just knew it felt
extra right good night
What was ever said
With your after-mints
And substitute plays everything lit up
Purple haze, so passionate but crazed
Something extra she got a raise
The Gal with the something extra being an extra isn't exactly what she wanted. She needed the extra love to feel wanted so let's go and see where this leads us. I will show you the extras even if I really don't know why to let us give this a poem try
Curiosity lingered the atmosphere when I saw you the first time -through gathering of all faces, you were there, sitting in the comfort of your own, gazing too. There was a sign of a ******* in you, and I had this distinct impression that you make out with several girls you met in PNR since you’re a hot looking guy and outgoing who found solace in drinking and that I won’t be your conquest, simply we won’t vibe. But you’re a typical college student-athlete summoned by workouts every mid-afternoon at the field and college demands at night, yet a happy go lucky who never puts exertion pretty sure in class. Our first conversation just revolved around math and how much of a fool I was to flunk my first term exam, I was worrying if I could still be a college scholar but you believed in me that I could still make it. You believed even at the most times I’m in doubt.

You stared at me oftentimes, a smug taming look peeking on your face (probably your way of getting someone’s heart) and me being timid, I could not stand a second of it that I had to look away or hastily whip my rosy face from your sight. It became my habit giving you a gently squeeze to your hand, which honestly my favorite thing to do. And even though you wanted it intertwined from mine, you still let me do it because you also loving it. I could almost see your soul, guaranteed to pique my interest every time we express what our hearts yearn, and with that, it filled me with wonder. We both knew that we were temporaries and that our eyes we got lost into connects us to the moment so, we make the most out of it.

You are terrible in singing, you embraced the fact that you are only good at it when you are drunk, and your voicemail had honestly scrunched up my eyebrows right after the dilemma of hearing it. The taste of cigarette haunts you, it became your five-minute escape but I never see you hold a paper stick filled with tobacco leaves around me, perhaps you didn't let me to, but your mama would certainly scold you if she finds out your ***** little secret. And have  I ever told you that your smile reminds me of Ryan Gosling?

We had the same standpoint to some, but also differ in many ways. It appears we won’t like something just because everybody else does; we had the same antipathy over the things that the majority of the population seems to be fond of. We despised immaturity and entitlement- to us it is shallow and toxic (that we frankly knew it was the past relationships we were referring to). we were overwrought in hanging out idly, it brought us refuge and my space had always been our rendezvous. I was thrown into fear of opining because somehow, I don't think this world is worth hearing them yet, on the contrary, you are confident to speak up and use your voice since you got plenty of words in your pocket. You found pleasure in sports and numbers whereas linguistics and arts is my cup of tea, yet it never ceases to marvel one's wit ( I have been a mania of minstrelsy and I remember you were astounded through my montage that was written 2 years ago before I had my writer's block) When my tongue loves the taste of coffee, yours is in the tang of alcohol (you never heard me ask you to quit your vices because those are part of you.) and while you have the habit of tearing someone into pieces, I let people take my pieces to let them whole.

We were both lost, wandering through the crowded people and only happen to be two strangers caged in one's abyss. We were trapped by a gaping orb and convenience but perhaps we are something ephemeral; it all happened so fast, it doesn't last. That was early summer and it was vivid, I never heard anything about you since then.
Has anyone noticed how sad it is?
It can seem like the only thing people look to succeed in,
Is in loosing weight.
People constantly talk about it.
Don't pretend you don't hear their plans.
No one seems to be happy.
They just want to loose weight.
Okay if you're not a healthy weight,
It's good to try to loose some.
Well that depends on how.
Then there's those who are skinny.
Or even just a decent size.
It seems like no matter what they all want to be lighter.

Then there's people like me.
You see I'm here too,
But this isn't what I choose to do.
Call me fat if you want to.
Call me what you like.
I eat what I want.
How much I want.
Whenever I want.
I have no limit and I don't keep a record.
If you kept on track of what I eat,
And you think it's unhealthy.
Still you can say what I want.
I still look after myself in the way that I am healthy.
I'm not the healthiest of course.
I don't really mind.
I'm fine so I don't care.
It's not like I'm skinny.
I don't know if you'd call my body decent,
As it's all about the beholder.
Here's what I think,
It's that I'm probably the happiest about my body.
Or at least for the past year just gone.
I'm not bothered to change.
Why try to loose weight,
When my weight's okay?
Right now I don't mind my body.
I wouldn't get fulfilment out of workouts and diets.
Not right now.
That would not make me happy.
More likely stressed and annoyed.
I won't set myself up for failure,
For a success I don't even want.
Mateadi Thabiso Mar 2015
goodbyes are unwritten, nor are they planned
if my time is cut before 'o clock,
please give me this time to reminisce on the days best lived
where best believe my mind, body, and soul
will freeze at the thought of those days
I hopelessly fell for you

if my body ceased to sponge
the very particles that gear it,
will you think of me?

the day my perfume wears off
the last sheets I owned,
would you still remember me?

The next time you watch Batman
will the jokers laugh remind you
of the nights we spent watching The big bang theory?

the morning rays as they hit your face
would they remind your
of our morning workouts?
or our ice-cream and biscuit breakfast?

The future remains uncertain,
for that I will stand on your window naked
and be a curtain that reminds you
of the simplicity of our love

Today remains unpredictable
and a mystery, filled with blurred lines
about what the hours hold

Yet I wonder...
Gaurav May 2018
Hopping flights, three in a row
Packed bags with grin on the bow
Boarding passes, aisle seats
Grinning faces, tapping feets
A new house, meeting relatives
Late night talks, buzzing narratives

Visitors lined up,
Food so delicious
Workouts shunned
Guild ridden slumber
Friends old and new
Sharing secrets in between a few
Late night gossips
Mom's kisses
Shunning the humdrum
Of work and boredom
Month long holidays
Are pompous babe
Enjoy it till it lasts
The clock is ticking!!!!!

— The End —