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Prashasti Saxena Jan 2019
You’re afraid of heights and I of depth
The fear of not having anything to fall back onto
Or the fear of not having something to stand on no matter how wreck-less you allow your mistakes to be
Depth goes in all dimensions, doesn’t it?

It doesn’t stop at deep dark waters
It continues its way through my veins
Through baseless strength and unstable reasons
The look of darkness that finishes into nothingness

It stops at undoubting resilience which I cannot reach

I still like looking into it though, it thrills me
A second, a push and it’ll take me to that resilience or into nothingness
But it scares you, only because it comes from a height
It makes your stomach turn and hands weak
Not of what’s inside of that but of what it takes to get there

It was sometime between 11:30 pm and midnight

You’re afraid of heights and I of depth
You know, the one that stops at undoubting resilience
One which I cannot reach
It makes me sick and my chest feels hollow
My fingers look for grip
And my legs usually shake

But last night I wasn’t afraid
When you pulled my hand back
as I leaned against the edge of the wall above Thames
There was this radiance in your eyes
Brown, which people don’t talk about enough when they exemplify the beauty of eyes

Brown, the depth of which I hadn’t faced before
But I refused to be afraid of
Uncertain if the depth grew with my fingers shaking or your stomach turning

Your brown
Of how its succumbed with restlessness when you’re drunk
Of concern and constant pressure of not losing control of your shield
But still so pure
The hue which deepens when you talk about the person you love
Repeatedly, because you find words insufficient
And of how sometimes you leave traces to the problems you never speak about
The colour that grows deeper the more you look into it
The colour that nurtures the light of the laughter of the people you care about

The brown that falls asleep in complete innocence
Letting down all your guard during so
Slowly, part by part
The one which looks at me with sub-consciousness when your arms pull me in
The gradient that tries to make sure I have company till I pass out
The depth of which I don’t know if I’m scared of

2 hours later it was almost 2 am, and

You’re afraid of heights and I of depth
You know, the one that stops at undoubting resilience
But last night I think I wasn’t afraid
There was this radiance in your eyes
Radiance bright enough to show me the lighter side of depth

It grew brighter with every acceptance of your feelings
And darker with the realization of so
A shade darker every time I tried to draw meaning out of it
Dark to the hue of your afternoon tiredness
As you gently traced delicate lines with your fingers on my back
And softly locked our bodies together, your breath warming my neck
To no fall, nor any height
No stomach turns or shaky legs

It’s way past dawn almost 9am now,
My sleep breaks to realizations

You’re still afraid of heights and I of depth
But last night your brown carried me away
I was still afraid of depths as much as you were of heights
It’s just that your brown was almost a glorified one
One that gently looked at me with assurance

Your brown
Brown, which people don’t talk about enough when they exemplify the beauty of eyes
The brown that I looked into as the sunlight illuminated its light
Your morning brown
Your lightest brown
Which hardly lasted a minute
The best hue, gradient and gold that it could turn to be
Looking around with a blur
Only until it grows back to its darkest shade,
Deeper than the waters last night
Putting your guard back on

It’s way past dawn almost 9am now
My sleep breaks to realizations
You’re still afraid of heights, and I of depth
I’d say you know the drill by now
But this morning, the branches of your umber grew back onto me
The sad and solemn night
  Hath yet her multitude of cheerful fires;
    The glorious host of light
  Walk the dark hemisphere till she retires;
  All through her silent watches, gliding slow,
Her constellations come, and climb the heavens, and go.

    Day, too, hath many a star
  To grace his gorgeous reign, as bright as they:
    Through the blue fields afar,
  Unseen, they follow in his flaming way:
  Many a bright lingerer, as the eve grows dim,
Tells what a radiant troop arose and set with him.

    And thou dost see them rise,
  Star of the Pole! and thou dost see them set.
    Alone, in thy cold skies,
  Thou keep'st thy old unmoving station yet,
  Nor join'st the dances of that glittering train,
Nor dipp'st thy ****** orb in the blue western main.

    There, at morn's rosy birth,
  Thou lookest meekly through the kindling air,
    And eve, that round the earth
  Chases the day, beholds thee watching there;
  There noontide finds thee, and the hour that calls
The shapes of polar flame to scale heaven's azure walls.

    Alike, beneath thine eye,
  The deeds of darkness and of light are done;
    High towards the star-lit sky
  Towns blaze--the smoke of battle blots the sun--
  The night-storm on a thousand hills is loud--
And the strong wind of day doth mingle sea and cloud.

    On thy unaltering blaze
  The half-wrecked mariner, his compass lost,
    Fixes his steady gaze,
  And steers, undoubting, to the friendly coast;
  And they who stray in perilous wastes, by night,
Are glad when thou dost shine to guide their footsteps right.

    And, therefore, bards of old,
  Sages, and hermits of the solemn wood,
    Did in thy beams behold
  A beauteous type of that unchanging good,
  That bright eternal beacon, by whose ray
The voyager of time should shape his heedful way.
Christine Jun 2010
I love you now, my sweet honeybee
When your collector is full of pollen.
I'll love you then, my lovely hummingbird
When your bright, buzzing wings have fallen.

I loved you then, my dear brown buck
When your antlers were still sprouting.
I'll love you forever, my protector, my pet
Unflawed, unending, undoubting.
Julia Aubrey Mar 2015
No one ever wants to read a poem other than one about love.
They’re only interested in thoughts from another that might just be about them.
I mean it’s pleasant if you happen to read a poem that relates to you, but don’t just click copy, save, or reblog.
Someone put their heart in to that poem; they shed tears and carved crevasses into their undoubting mind that everything is worth it.
They found their worth.
Some through words of love and transgression, and others through words of doubt, vexation, and sorrow.
They’ve been able to overcome themselves, and now it’s your turn to take the wheel.
Understand the words you want to say about the grass dancing in the wind, find the comparisons between yourself and the sun, and reach for the top of the clouds with the courage
of a self-spoken soul.
Not everything has to be about love, people just make it out to be.

just be original in everything.
A bright morning on a glorious day,
She looked too pretty in every way,
I've never spoken to her but I'd really like to,
Yet my lips tremble every time I try to.

She's like an angel with the wings of a dove,
I would dive to the depths of the ocean to be in the depths of her love!

But there's one thing, I don't get the point,
We've never spoken yet I feel our hands should be joint,
Is it an infatuation? I'm afraid so,
But I would never want her to go.

I know for a fact that I'll never stop loving you,
I can't forget you even though I'm really trying to,
Even if I burst my bubble I can't take you off my mind,
I looked everywhere but a girl like you I couldn't find.

I'm not a bad person I really wanna show you,
I think it's absurd I love you even though I don't know you,
Thinking about this I'm in a wrap,
Like an undoubting deer I walked into your love trap.

You're  like teardrops in rain, here with me yet your not,
You're really special to me among the huge lot.
If you let me I can take away all your pain,
Promises don't last but I will always try my best not to let this end in vain.
All the guys in the world who have a girl in their mind who's causing them not to find any other one attractive, you know your the best one for her. All the best while y'all try your luck!
Ronald D'Aguilar Dec 2014
I want to be the forest and You to be the fire. I want every part of me to be completely consumed, no matter how large or how small it appears to be. I want to be a medium, through which You can be manifest. I want the combination of my substance and your catalysis to create a beautiful, powerful expression. I want our interaction to be unavoidably apparent to anything that can see, smell, taste, hear, or feel. I want all of my inhibitions to become meaningless in the face of your awesomeness. I want to be unable to become distracted from, or bored of You; because we are one inseparable entity.

Even when everything about me that I used to think made me who I was has been reduced to ash, I know that it will only enrich the parts of me which remain. The decomposition of the unnecessary will lead to the fertilization of the valuable. For a time, where a seemingly great forest once stood, there will be nothing but a flat field; but the result will be an amazing collection of new life to take its place. Where the forest seemed to be stagnant and immovable, instead there will be a growing, changing, expanding and thriving ecosystem. I will be what I was meant to be, but the glory of the creation will be yours for you were the inspiration and the force behind the result.

This is the kind of love I want to experience. The kind of love I want to be able to show others. Undoubting, fearless, passionate, enduring, complete.
Jesse Wright Apr 2012
Last night
I left a dream worth dreaming.

A single moment fleeting.

Running, flying, fleeing.
I left.

I found myself with nothing.
No one, and no feeling.

I was without
But had no wanting.

I was alone
And peacefully undoubting.
Seema Aug 2017
He was a lonely boy
Always fixing a broken toy
Dirt covered his face
Old shoes with no lace
But he wore them today
It was his sisters birthday
And he was fixing her doll
Someone gave a sudden call
Which left him in tears
Then came his darkest fears
His mother's voice shouting
Crying, his sense undoubting
He pretended not to hear
It was a special day of the year
He was going to see her
At the foot of the hill, afar
She lived there alone
In the cold, under a tombstone
Last year, he planted flowers
When bloomed, he sat there for hours
Today he's got her another gift
Her favorite doll that came adrift
By a narrow creek nearby
He always wondered why
His beautiful sister got taken away
Far to be buried, where she lay
Alone, along the plain meadows
Where lived now the shadows
Of those dead, buried in ground
Where huge raintrees surround
He picked her favorite flowers
And walked towards the stone towers
There a flowery grave waited
To be visited and weeded
After done with clearing
He sat there grieving and tearing
Telling her stories of his life
How often he's threatened with a knife
But with a smile, he promised to be brave
As he curled up, beside his sisters grave...

Can you picture this :)
bluevelvet May 2017
She is a fire,
she doesn't need a man.

Full of desire,
she creates ships with sand.

Horns of survive,
she knows how to take stand.

Cold selfishness slams,
she's a child of Ram.

Undoubting strength,
she knows what is deceit,
she knows what to conceive.

Taken for granted,
she'll show you a hell slanted.
She is desire
with no fire
to experience or
witness your pacifier.

Give her your best,
she can ace all of the tests.
A seducer snails’ past
Her Calling mission has reviled
Undoubting triumph

Olympic monument
Reunification spikes
spirits of justice

Her calling mission
Transmit to earnestly love
Unveiled the truth

Harmonize rhythmic move
with a secular ring
She performs a wild ballet 

The waves of light
Transparent erase recreation.
Wind swirled her faith

An entire steel
fairies bumble, tumble, fumble 
in bloom white

Mysterious sketch
An angle of 17 degree
legendary explore

136 meter measures
holly patient in affliction
ego human mind

Fantasised loop
how sad that it’s not aware
tremble gamble dreams

Clouds rumbles
He moves toward the sun 
Gold torch, birds crowd

Calatrava attribute to Gaudi
The earth’s great sketch trick
eyes to hip in glories.

Emotions are tides
Barcelona was heir to full
gazing at distant galaxies
The overall form of the Montjuic Communications Tower is based on a Calatrava’s sketch of a kneeling figure making an offering. The base on which the figure ‘kneels’ is covered in broken glazed tiles in recognition of Gaudi (though with more restrained colors).
Carrie Gogo Aug 2016
Like a lion, they anticipate
for trusting,
undoubting prey

to light upon their domain to
twist and victimize you
until you believe  
what has been said
truth, love and kindness.

words of evil
trust-less faith
has distorted this  
world, robbing the
life from it

the very being of it's soul
has been buried beneath

the cries of pain of centuries old

for they watch sit and wait
to see how much further we go...

how much more destruction
we are being waited on
by watchers of time

just to see what we do
with our time
here on Earth.
Others are watching, Do you believe?
Senali Perera Aug 2019
They’re like a smoke that rises from a corner of your mind
Filling your entire head in such an unhurried flow
And you inhale the scent in gulps, in gulps
dazed and intoxicated, you drown in it.
You’d look into a pair of fawn eyes
that belong to a grown man—
the throne bearer of your kingdom of red.  
Fawn eyes, for they really are wide, innocent and bright
pouring out a flood of sunlight, an eternity of thriving life
The man, himself is real
a renaissance sculpture come to life,
the undoubting incarnation of the youthful Adonis.
You’d look into those gleaming eyes and for a moment
you feel their presence, you see love
You’re subtly tricked into feeling real emotions
in the face of the imaginary
They play with your thoughts, your flesh
until you part your lids and find
that the dream is here, the man is not.
So you wipe all the unrequited foolishness from your eyes
and unwillingly face the weight of reality.
Until the ghost reappears
and breathes that poison smoke back into your mind

And oh, how skillful he is! Oh, how cunning!


[Breathe in… breathe out...
breathe in… breathe out…]

What awaits outside the eyelid dulls to dust in comparison—
The echo of silence for a friend,
the blemishes in the blood aching again
At the contact of the emptiness, the life
the fugitive escapes back into her dreamland.
Where she once lived in a foreign land
a thriving adolescence she lived within the walls of her mind
far away from the voids that mangled her childhood.
She once loved a man from that land
who ghosted inside her mind for years
In bleeding crumbs of reality
he sometimes appeared
but always, always to carelessly disappear
back into the million mile reverie.

Dreamland, O dreamland!
That grew up with me
inside my mind, inside my heart, so solitary
Now, a grown woman,
I still feed on your company
And I wait, I wait, I wait
for a true world as homely as my dream...
WordsHelp Sep 2018
i used to know exactly what i wanted in life
it changed several times
but i still always spoke
so sure
that my plans would become reality
that no matter how many times the ideas slightly changed
i was still sure of every slight change
i was just making adjustments
i was just fine tuning my plan
i always had answers
“what do you want to do?”
“what do you want to be?”
“where do you want to be in 10 years?”
“do you plan on kids?”
“do you know where you want to live?”
“who you want to be with?”
i never really doubted myself when i spoke
i never really used the phrase “i don’t know”
not that i didn’t like it or that i was scared of not knowing
but because through the years i was so sure that i knew what i wanted
i was so proud of my plans
but plans change
now i’m not always sure what i want to do
what i want to be
i have some ideas
but none seem concrete
now replying “i don’t know”
has become second nature
and not knowing?
it is the most freeing feeling
Allow yourself to lay aside
Critical eyes and embrace
An imperfect truth
Another ending that might not have been
But was anyway.

Allow yourself a moment
To forget to question
And instead go with it
Run with it, ignore your legs screaming
And chase fantasy.

Allow yourself to see
Through naïve eyes
And glimpse the radiance
That only undoubting innocence can
Bless us with.

Allow yourself a brighter world,
A lighter narrative, an uplifting song,
And let it live in your heart.
Rania G Sep 2017
My life is here
Yours another, far,
My mind travels
Cant help it afar
Everything now is different
With you, so close to you
Without you,so far from you

Melancholy unveils
From a forgotten past
Of lost meanings
Unexpectedly uncovered
And in the corner
Happiness also lingers
like in a child's heart
And day dreams and nightdreams

Lonely but not alone
My heart remembers what it is to
Be important, to be free
To love
And desires
And fears
But knows
And wonders when will this lead
To my undoubting heartbreak.
Gunnika Mehra Aug 2020
Writing by the window,
As the sunlight fills my room.
Declaration of an undoubting love,
But these letters, for whom?

Writing by the window,
Staring at the moon.
Poetry on a dozen pages,
Revealing my truth.

Writing by the window,
Coffee keeping me alive.
A book in hand,
And imaginary friends beside.

Writing by the window,
Are my words true?
I will write,
Until I am not by the window anymore.
This poem is about writing by a window, where the window is a metaphor for the world and how i am writing ,while sitting next to the world, instead of being in it.

The last stanza which draws a close to the poem is the most important. It talks about fantasies and how they keep me going and questions the readers whether my writings are based on reality or not. The poem goes on to say that I will write till i am unable to see the world anymore or maybe when i die

For the letters of 'undoubting love' read
Oh great hero, childhood friend of mine and
A broken heart
Kelsey Feb 2020
My heart is on fire
Beating loud against my chest
Tumbling and screaming
Its suffering at best

I do not want to feel this way
To hide unconscious in my bed
To beg the Lord so many times
To drag me out of my head

My body is collapsing
My brain wont stop shouting
"I hate myself, you cant do anything"
This depression is undoubting

Another day, another minute, another second
I must hold on
But im choking on the smoke
Of the heart of mine thats gone
Elicia Jun 2020
Can't carry physically
Can't carry mentally
You only fit between my eyes and sight
Where I swear I see you
The only undoubting truth is realization
When I wake up, I wish I could find you

— The End —