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Ylzm May 2019
The Book of Lies
The One and Only
Divinely Uttered
Written in Stone
Inerrant and Irrefutable
Proclaimed and Enforced
Guardians in Flesh and Blood
Unsheathed Swords
Dripping Blood.

The Books of Truth
Man’s Handiwork
Divinely Inspired
Copied and Re-copied
Encrypted with
Error Correction Coding
Trampled and Desecrated
Consuming Fire Descends
To Reveal not Destroy.
Karijinbba Mar 2019
Sometimes truth is
stranger than fiction
cold and cruel as a grave
and flowering tragic
or living in denial
is a quick sweet fix
causing irreparable
lifetime misfortune
Timely revealing
a terrible truth
to innocents
can be traumatic
yet tender eye opener
but utterly kindly
necessary to avert
greater future calamity
and misjudgements
I know this truth
in my own flesh
I hid a cruel truth
not to cause painful
suffering to self
and other victims
my own children
and I was hurt
the most I lost it all.
so speak timely
get counseling go public
living in denial
of unexamined
traumatic past events
never escaped
the laws of fate
and ill karma
It all come back
to hunt me
the light of truth
no matter how
dark its sting
it did set me free
but I lost
the companionship
of close loving
family members
in their cold diselief
awake be aware
an evil doer's skim
to continue future
character assassination
slandering oldest
witness victim
will perish obliterated
only in the light
of timely
simple truth revealed
A dearly beloved
survivor's courage
and foresight
to stop living
in foolish denial
will also end
in much needed
self healing
By Karijinbba
All rights reserved.
revised 03-16 2019.
Don't let it happen to you.
Reveal the light of truth
no matter how dark its sting.
Ending up mis-understood
misjudged unknown
is an injustice
sad and very
myrrh Jan 2019
Feeling mundane on a Monday
Feeling like a Sunday every single day
Need some kind of healing,
But instead I'm concealing
Don't want to be revealing of my inner disarray
Steve Page Dec 2018
Let me see beneath your perfection,
and look behind your Sunday best.
I want to see if you're super human
or if you're more like the rest of us.

I want to test your holier than thou,
your upfront semblance of flawless.
I want to check that you're all we see
or if there's less beneath the surface.

If you think you have no cracks or dents,
if you have no room for improvement,
I'd really like you to meet my friends -
as we need a new source of amusement.
Nobody's perfect.
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
A Smile can hide the Truth
The Mouth can whisper Lies
But the Eyes always Reveal
What's Hidden deep Inside
Shofi Ahmed May 2017
The truth isn’t hidden forever
The sun is behind the Moon
it’ll find the bottom of the night
will pick it up upon the rose.

See whose shining
streaming down into a dew?
On the way though maybe
some storms one or two!
Tristan Brown Sep 2018
Maybe when we learn to embrace
the fact that we are Human,
We're far from perfect,

Maybe when we begin to accept
the fact that we have problems,

Maybe then we'll begin to find
the solutions.
Sachiko Jul 2018
You are the loneliest person that I’ve ever met.
You looked at my eyes being brave,
But I only saw you were afraid.
You talked too much about things that I’ve never asked.
Did you mean to tell me?
Or you were scared if I asked you cannot hide?
You seemed to be strong, but the truth is you are fragile than anyone else.
Are you ready to reveal who you are?
I am afraid to trust a person like you.
Someone like you like playing games.
It’s much easier, right?
Rather than being quite true to yourself.
Once, you’ve told me I was afraid to be judged,
Honestly, we all are. I am and you too.
We are all scared in this world who easily criticize little details.
However, you are coward.
You just simply get away.
And suddenly you stopped running away.
When you saw the shadow you became calm,
For you, It was a light of hope.
A sudden relief to reveal yourself without worry.
Should I feel happy? Or it was only another scheme.
I wrote this for the person who came into my life for a short while. He don't trust easily to anyone, but he started to act different to me. And then I was looking at him and I know I felt right away that he was just lonely and broken.
Amy I Hughes Jul 2018
A lie is fake
The truth is real
A lie will mask
What truth reveals

A lie is *****
The truth is clean
The lie lays in shadow
The truth beams

You are the liar
I am the truth
The lie is easy
The truth cuts through

You can't face mine
I don't want yours
One cut too far
But what do I lose?

Not much lost
Nothing gained
No more lies
No more pain

You are fake
I am real
You can't mask
What I reveal
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