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SquidInk Feb 2021
you told me it was over
i hear it loud and clear
but deleting our messages
broke my heart
taking down our pictures on my wall
hurt like hell
and giving back your stuff
was unimaginably painful
until i had no trace left of you but the memories
then i knew, it was over
Weeping for a sorrowful man
Is weeping for a wilted flower
No amount of water, sunlight, or even love
Will ever bring back its glow.

What you will never understand,
Are these achingly long hours
No amount of worry, care, or even love
Will take away the blow

Through the skull, because life became bland,
And I didn't hold enough power
To care for myself, nor the worry, or even the love
And in due time my true colors flowed.

For weeping for a broken man,
Is like weeping for a dying flower
No amount of water, sunlight, or even love
Will ever make it grow.
Lost my last friend. Life hurts so so much.
Iā€™m sad, Iā€™m numb
Iā€™m lonely, Iā€™m numb
Iā€™m in pain, Iā€™m numb
When youā€™re with me
Iā€™m happy
When youā€™re with me
Iā€™m loved
When you leave
Iā€™m sad, lonely, in pain
Iā€™m numb
Man Jan 2021
dying is an interesting feeling
i suppose, up till now, ive never seriously considered it
the physical sensation
guess it's cause you never really know how you'll go
it just happens, and it happens
that's it
sometimes its really slow
or very painful
lucky ones go peacefully
and for them, it's all very tranquil
though who has luck
Selena Jan 2021
There isnt any space left to hide
I see you have caught up with me again old friend
I thought I left you behind all those years ago
When I escaped the ruins of childhood
I see that you are a good detective
Always one step behind me
Always lurking in the shadows
Just waiting to confront me
But somehow I knew this day would come
Didnā€™t think it would be today though
Today was not the day I expected you
I have spent my entire life evading you
And now where else can I hide?
I doubt very much you would understand
And let me go this one last time?
I donā€™t suppose I could elude you in a bottle of *****
Or perhaps some fantastic day dream
Or even some other destructive pleasure?
I see your face changing, getting angrier
And feel your beckoning becoming more forceful
But I am not ready to confront you now
Please Mr. Past, be patient with me
Depart from me this once again
Today is just too soon
My heart is not ready to feel your sting
And my mind is too restless to think
Tomorrow I promise to deal
Give me another day to prepare myself
Please once more, let me hide
And you seek
Oftentimes intrusive thoughts come in moments we least expect. The worst ones are those of past hurts. Sometimes , just to avoid facing the painful memories, we hide in activities that may not be healthy.
Tony Tweedy Dec 2020
I remember how it felt and every dark and angry pain,
the feeling of tender soreness from every ache and throbbing sprain.

I remember ruptured internals and the fire of an appendix burst,
and the excruciating agony at every touch that was loudly cursed.

I remember the touch of many physical pains that left me feeling sore,
But nothing hurts so much as that last time you left my door.
Some wounds just refuse to heal and some pain never abates.
I'm down on the floor,
beggin' You,
my True Faithful Amen,
because it's up to You.
not ending this with, 'amen' -
it's not done, it doesn't end,
not until I see,
my Amen face to face,
saved from this place.
beggin', floor, face to face, part 3 of 3, Birds of December, a nobody, painfully written, writers write, poetry, writers of instagram
Ave Maria Dec 2020
Shards of broken glass across the floor
Mirrors smoking up, my reflection paling as I try my hardest to hold onto my own frail skin
A nightmare I did not expect to greet, a fate that I cannot fleet from
Precious black petals from roses falling to the ground, the twisted thorns painfully surrounding my poor heart
Rain heavily pouring from the sky as the angels cry with anguish
Darling, I have lost you for now, but not forever..
At least thatā€™s what I tell myself
Broken as I ever could feel, I slowly lower my shaking body to the ground
I feel so cold, so empty
Ravenously longing for your sweet, warming embrace
The long curtains swaying quickly as the wind blows violently
The sweet but haunting melodic church bells ringing again and again, reminding me this is all truly and painfully real
Tortured by this grief I shall be, forevermore
Until we meet again.
Was inspired by an Evanescence song and put this poem together.
megan Nov 2020
everything hurts
my head, my heart, my lungs
because everything i thought,
everything i felt,
every breath i took,
started with you.

and somehow, it still ends with you.
The apple of my eye
The sun in my sky
Even though it feels like needles in my nerves
I keep those memories close by
On my toast Iā€™m smearing strawberry preserves
The day that Iā€™ve gotten justice is the day heā€™ll get what he deserves
Iā€™m manifesting my own death
Fantasizing taking my last breath
I canā€™t melt my favorite wax cubes because all they do is remind me of you
I canā€™t listen to my favorite song because all I hear when I listen is your sweet little voice singing along
His heart was in my wallet
Iā€™m crying cause I called it
I wrap an arm around myself in attempts to find some solace but Iā€™m missing my other half
I tell myself I know where Iā€™m going but Iā€™m scared to continue down this dark and narrow path
But I know Iā€™ve got to be strong
I donā€™t want to be where I donā€™t belong
I swear these days are getting real long
I donā€™t like to admit when Iā€™m wrong
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