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fray narte Nov 2020
to this, i resign
and i will lie motionless,
as november nights lovingly peel my skin.

strip me down,
i am sick of feeling callouses.
i am sick of my sheets
licking all these wounds clean.
i am sick of waiting for tenderness
to grow from my open sores
so strip me down —
this is as loving as it can get.
to this, i resign —
to the mercy of lonely, november nights.

so hold me down,
a pillow on my face —
petunias in my throat:

this is as soft as i can be.

peel me open. peel me raw,
and beneath it all, perhaps, i'll stumble
on something that finally
looks like home.
Prabhu Iyer Nov 2020
Sullen leaves forlorn now at the edges -
dripping tips say the story of the night:
the thunder - is all over the road, scattered
in the branches fallen; it is the mud and slush
that tell how the sky wept in the hour;
Eyes still moist and still welling up -  
must be a field abounding in blades
of tall them leaves of grass flowering, and
the rain drenching the soul; Now the sky
invisible behind the veil of tear-clouds;
The mind longs for the warmth of home
heart longs to stay there half-sunk knee-high.
Only one night that matters in the journey:
life but a gathering of memories plucked
from the fleeting world; Only one night
when fireworks light the sky and a lonely
heart beats as one with another, though apart
distant in the milling Guy Fawkes' night
Nico Reznick Nov 2020
To life, to love, to loss, to absent friends,
to every emptiness we cannot fill:
November’s started.  Let’s hope this one ends.

Everybody knows, yet each pretends
that one can shape the world around one’s will.
To life, to love, to loss, to absent friends,

A wall imprisons all that it defends.
I’ll watch you from my tower on the hill.
November’s started.  Let’s hope this one ends.

We all know what the prophecy portends:
a crow, a wedding ring, a poison pill.
To life, to love, to loss, to absent friends.

The breathing labours, and the heart descends;
a final rattle before all is still.
November’s started.  Let’s hope this one ends.

You must accept, though no one comprehends,
the knowledge all great tragedies instil.
To life, to love, to loss, to absent friends:
November’s started.  Let’s hope this one ends.
ketjil Nov 2020
I saw a ghost tonight
I'm not sure if it was real
she woke me from my sleep
I said hello

I saw a ghost tonight
but eyes can deceive
and it was dark
and I was just awake

I heard a ghost tonight
but ears can deceive
and other people can make floorboards creek
and I was still half asleep

I may have touched a ghost tonight
it took one swipe of my hand
and she was gone
I didn't feel anything at all

I have never seen a ghost before
I hid unde rmy blanket
telling myself it wasn't real
as I heard footsteps recede

I wonder who she was
I wonder if she will come back
The sun has miles to go
As it smiles in the wispy sky

The rains have paved way for winters
Morning mists, dewy flowers and leaves

My heart set
in the month of November

Lights up with the lit lamps and sky lanterns

Brings in the Festival of Lights
Special occasions and blessings
Pleasant evenings and celebrations

Austin Reed Sep 2020
Autumn air;
How you steady me.

Dewy overcast;
Where have you hid the sun?

Swayful trees;
I bought this sweater for you.

Mirrored puddle;
You can’t fool these boots.

Crowding pigeons;
Find your own bagel!

Taxi driver,
Over here! Hey! Over here!
Coleen Mzarriz Sep 2020
The whistle of the winds
and the scattered leaves gathering
into the air breeze of November
while the music of the cricket's song
lull her away into sleep.

For tomorrow's morning, uncertain.
Her soft silky hair danced on the waves
of the trees;
and its leaves singing with the wood nymphs —
the road is busy with the cars passing
and the pavement's slipping.

“The future is ours.”
She said —
with her chest heaved.
The small droplets of the rain
felt by her skin
as she closed her eyes,
the meaning of her vision
stuck through her.

While tomorrow's may be uncertain —
but the future is hers alone.
Roaring thunders woke her
into a moment of bliss.
The once starless sky
is now filled with the trinkets
of destiny's creation —
maybe in this night alone,
her wishes came true.

That the future is hers alone.
It is uncertain to think of our future. But, let us remind ourselves that the future is ours, alone.
Nylee Sep 2020
You were fresh out of September
Dewdrops touching my face

a bright day
A sunny smile
the star lighting me up

A patch of pink and blue

but with rainy nights
and windy breezy evenings

The sweaters of November
will suit you too
mary liles Aug 2020
in november i stopped dancing
december, singing
january, laughing
february, smiling
and so i shall continue
for you left me in october
and i’ve never been the same
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