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Liz Carlson Nov 2021
last night i told you all the spiralling thoughts i had Tuesday night,
all the crying and feelings of weakness and helplessness,
the thoughts of not being good enough, self-harm, and so much more.

you cried and held me tight.
i felt numb, but i felt bad that i made you cry.
that vulnerability and knowing that you really see me makes me uncomfortable.
it makes me wonder how you could possibly love me if you truly see me,
because how i see me, i don't see how that's possible.
but nonetheless, somehow you do,
which i know is a testament of God's love and work through you,
but i don't understand it.
Andrew Nov 2021
Someone once said,
                             “If you are true friends
                         no matter whatever happens
                          you will always meet again”
The girl who was sitting in front of me is a liar.
But she is honest with herself.
I can't describe it any more than that.
The reality is always different every time I ask.
She hid everything in her vast heart.
I tried to wade through it.
Until now I never made it to the edge.
I'm drowning with her feelings.
Indonesia, 28th September 2021
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
Angela Rose Aug 2021
When I think about the future with you I smile about the little things
I think about the late nights on the couch, eating leftover Chinese food and laughing until we cry
I think about the days at the pool, putting sunscreen on your back, and finding your sunglasses for you because you misplace everything
I think about the sunny afternoons, exhausted from the work day, and you're pouring me a drink and telling me you're so ******* proud of me
Angela Rose Aug 2021
You could be right next to me, hand in my hand, other hand in my hair and I would still crave you closer to me
Angela Rose Aug 2021
I think about you often
-more than friends should
I want to tell you everything about everything
-more than friends should
I miss you all of the time
-more than friends should
I crave your touch on my skin
-more than friends should
I dream about the sound of your voice and that wondrous laugh
-more than friends should
I desire the feeling of my head resting quietly in your lap
-more than friends should
I yearn for the next time I will be graced by your presence
-more than friends should
I love you
-far more than friends should
Keiko Tei Aug 2021
My Melody was a prodigy.
At least that’s what they told her.
“You’re so smart, you’ll achieve anything you set your mind to!”
And she knew that’s what she was gonna do.

My Melody did achieve great things.
After all, that’s what she set out to do.
But little did My Melody know, that life is not all that simple,
Because life was a thin paper that can easily crinkle.

My Melody stopped as easily as she started.
Her confidence shattering and doubt started pouring in.
Were the stories lacking in honesty?
Or was My Melody just a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Karijinbba Aug 2021
🦋On HP since 2017.🦋
Been writing and
reading heavy on love betrayal
patience honesty trust truth.
I found so many treasures
So many dark secrets revealed
I found the exits fast enough.
Sooner or later most poets
most true lovers do.
The feeling is bittersweet
Love letters attest remain
their perenial truth love.
Some can run but can't hide
forever from themselves.
We all know who we are
How some pretend to be
Unwell to Exit the
easy runners lane,
no matter whose heart,
the game players strike.
I exit NOT love, nor free speech.
My banner is truth
I hide nothing my heart is pure.
Judge me by the contents
🦋 of my character like I do.❤️
🦋By Karijinbba🦋
I did EXIT TWICE IN YOUTH TO escape malignant covert narcissinst who trashed me a lifetime because I survived his human predatorial violence. I NEVER re marry fearing betrayal but I did love again.
It ain't as easy as the A B C
It ain't the same as the movies
Have you ever wondered how it'll feel
Walking hand in hand down by the sea
It's been too long since I've had these dreams
When will I tell you how I feel
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