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Shalyn Jun 2016
Forgive me,
for all the poems
that I had not finish.

For those poems
you insisted to see,
were still fresh
and could not wait to be delivered
to you.
JR Rhine Feb 2016
Your love rains down
                                       from the shower head.

Sharp needles of fire
                                                                ­                  dousing cold feet.

                                   It feels like daggers,

                                               and wouldn't be so,

if I hadn't lingered for so long,
                                                                           in my frigid hesitancy.
I've been reading "Coney Island of the Mind" by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Part of the jazz-inspired Beat generation, his writings are incredibly experimental and diverse. Definitely check him out if you haven't.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
I don't think I need to remind you,
Of the thin ice you're on.
Make yourself a disappearing act,
There will be more than words you'll be missing on.
I don't care to be made a fool again,
Breaking me down as you did before.
This my only warning,
Or any open road will be no more.
Ivy Swolf Feb 2015
I will base our relationship
on what the stars say
because I have nothing else to go on.
It's all eggshells dipped in lighter fluid
with us, hot blood, ping pong pupils
that never know when to rest. When
we enter the same room I swear
I see sparks ignight in the static air.
There's blood behind our words
but I don't know if it was spilt in vain
or if this is all part of our story to the road
of forgiveness. Maybe I'm crazy
but I just want to take your hand
and make you agree that we are
both unwarranted.
Sometimes people give me headaches. But if they're good people at least it's good headaches.
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
Darling, my dear
Dancing just out of reach
I can feel you near
I wish you'd stop being so hesitant.
I wonder if she thinks about me at all
I wonder if me being hesitant messed up my chances
Maybe she still wants me to make a move
I'll never know
Each day my heart grows
Despite a relationship being present with her
I wonder if she still thinks about me
I may have came out too strong
With a decorated note two years ago
But I don't feel wrong
Just regretful
That I haven't made a move before you did with somebody else.
Real life story for me.
Jay Nov 2014
She is trying to make a philanderer out of me
Abbigail Jan 2014
We both knew I wasn't a safe choice.
I tried to warn you of the way I built myself
to be alone,
To be resistant to a changing heart
and cynical about romantic love.

You knew I was a bad idea when I couldn't keep a straight face
when you asked me seriously how I felt about you.
Why did you ask me how I felt about you?
You should have known I wasn't like that anymore.

You knew that what I fear most in the world is being attached.
Please don't get attached.
Why did you get attached?

We even made jokes of the way I'd never tell you that I liked you,
even when you'd say it all the time.

You saw the risk I posed to you, yet all you knew
was that you liked the way I looked in shorts
and the way I liked beer and being loud as much as you did,
And how I liked to kiss to City & Colour
and the way I made you feel when I awed in your music.

You shouldn't have believed me
when I said I wanted to be with you.
Not because I didn't want to,
But because you know how I change my mind.
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