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As I sit writing, my pencil sometimes lifts off the page.
Sometimes I think too much when writing.
When sentences rush to your head, all wanting to be written
When thoughts wage war in your mind, all wanting to be heard
It’s hard to accommodate for all
Words that desire to be tattooed on a page
And to be read by another’s lips
But none know the difficulty of pausing, having your pencil lift off the page because of a lack for words.
Chris Feb 2019
My life is misery,
If I get it my way my loved ones suffer.
If I don't I'll make them suffer.
Yushi Jan 2019
What do you do when you are stuck in quicksand?
You take slow movements.
Take life at you own pace, things will get better.
CM Lee Jan 2019
I’m 20 with a bachelor’s degree
My dad’s the proudest of me
My sisters are smiling from ear to ear
Finished first, but why wasn’t I happy?

I’m 21 and I passed the exam
It was ruthless, getting to where I am
I was alone in the water but I still swam
Got all the awards and accolades, but ****

I’m 22, no work, no dream
All those times I was rowing on the wrong stream
Forgot who I was and where I’ve been
Now I’m lost and they all think I’m mean

Friends and family said I’ve changed
They said I’d turned emptier and strange
But they don’t understand, I’m not deranged
For a long time, from myself I was just estranged

I’m 23 and still trying to find myself
Lost some people and honestly, I’m okay
Still no job but I know I’m on the right way
I’m finally doing what I love and I don’t care what they say
To breath and not be tired by breathing.
   (an acrostic )
To breath and not be tired by breathing .
Or to catch one’s breath when about to choke

By slow suffocating and no I’m not joking
Really it’s like a plastic bag over your head
Escaping death is the only natural remedy
A tube connected to home compressed air
That is the fate of sufferers around t’ world
Having chronic asthma it ain’t no joke.

And I have witnessed first hand the fear.
Not being able to breath when you awake.
Do you have that trouble now I hope not ?

No I wouldn’t wish it on any one this day n age
Oh to breath and not be tired by breathing
Tired by just keeping that old body alive

Be thankful if you can boast such good health
Each day count those blessings God has sent

To breath and not be tired by breathing.
I warn you that you may be old someday
Relax and remember this poetic warning
Endeavour to give up cigarettes today.
Death warnings carried on every packet.

By songs and warnings all around about
You listen but one more *** won’t matter

But there you cannot put the **** thing out
Relegation to the designated smoking area
Even though it has become a social place.
A conversation with a fellow smoker is sublime
Though to breath n not be tired by breathing
Having left if much to late to then escape
I see the grim reaper as he comes to get you
Nothing I could ever do again but pray.
God has now granted you relief from pain.
Written by Philip
November 6th 2018
Breathing was difficulties that my wife Barbara suffered. She smoked for much of her life and had to survive her final years on home compressed oxygen
George Krokos Jun 2018
No one should try and bite off more than what they can ever chew
because they’ll get themselves into difficulties if and when they do.
Everybody usually tries to get by with what they each can score
but sometimes their greed backfires on them if they go for more.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's
Lynn May 2018
He wanted me to forget everything
and drop the conversation completely-
but I refused.
Now I must face the consequences.

the terrible man.
Garrett Burger Jan 2018
Happily a drip
Off a petal, or two. Reaching out for another,
It seems
As if each flower is begging to get the benefit
Of the next drop.
Nothing to waste, soothing down from one petal
To the next,
Down the leaves that follow it
To the stem
And into the unseen ground.
The roots that help it grow
Fragile, it seems
The flower petals.
Yet they welcome these harsh rains.
They know that even a lost petal or two
From it
That the rain will help it
More than it hurts it.
The tears of these flowers go to the roots
And build a better stem
A stronger, flower

The life of the flower is much a balance
Too much sun, they wilt
Too much rain, they drown
But with the balance of the 2
They grow.

Why do we wish to block our rain
When even the flowers
Understand it
Thoughts from the garden
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