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Here I am, sitting in a box,
confessing my sins to a man
who has committed more sins than me....
Why is it so common,
in social media,
in movies,
in shows,
in gossip that circles students' minds,
that the act of cheating is so frequent?
Why can't people stay loyal anymore?
Why do I have to fear the idea of some girl
making you feel the way we felt
at the beginning of this?
Why doesn't "I love you"
actually mean "I love you"?
Why does it sometimes mean
I like you
but in the moments that I don't
in the midst of arguments and raised voices
I like someone else too.
 Apr 2016 Heaven Rania
Lost Poet
You broke my heart,
By thinking you could fix it,
But guess what,
You never could and never can,
So instead I fixed the holes,
In your bleeding heart,
With the pieces from my shattered one,
It didn't fit perfectly, of course,
But it helped stop the bleeding,
The only problem was,
The fixes were supposed to be temporary,
I need the pieces back,
You may not keep them,
Or I will bleed to death.
 Apr 2016 Heaven Rania
Faces only remind you of
How lonely you are,
You say you've swam too far
Into the sea of your regrets
That I am your lifeboat
But didn't you hear
I sank long, long ago?

You've been searching
For a new home,
One that doesn't creak
Or shudder at night.
But homes are not people
And your voice cracks
As you point out
There's a welcome mat
By the front door
But I never answer
When you knock.

It's been a while since
I started attracting
Strangers with flashlights
To search me like
A haunted place.
I finally realized they
Were the ones that
Needed scaring away.

It's so odd to think,
You once told me
You saw beauty
In clifftops,
And I thought you
Were talking about
The view.
© copyright
 Apr 2016 Heaven Rania
 Apr 2016 Heaven Rania
"Society is cruel to make us believe we are sane, but we all secretly know that deep inside our minds, we are all insane."
I can still feel
The warmth
of your touch

I can still feel
Your tongue
in my mouth

I can still feel
Those eyes
filled with
****** desires

I can still feel
my body
for your touch

I'm missing you
every moment,
Your touch,
Your kiss,
your love.....etc
This is for you my dear **** guy

— The End —