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I'm sorry I couldn't help you,
I was trying to help myself.

I'm sorry I didn't see the cuts,
I was busy trying to stop the blood,

I'm sorry I didn't love you sooner,
I was trying to love myself.

I'm sorry I can't be there all the time,
I have to try hard to be there to eat dinner.

I'm sorry I didn't push you to eat more,
I was trying to choke down my lunch.

I'm sorry
So so sorry
 Jan 2016 Black and Blue
 Jan 2016 Black and Blue
I haven't written much since you left

grocery lists, some reminders maybe?

"Feed dogs 11:30 am"

" 1 carton milk
a dozen eggs"

A couple of Christmas cards

"To my dearest brother
have a merry Christmas"

It seems the beauty in my words

left with you

I filled out a few forms at the doctors

Contact #: "

But the words weren't beautiful like before

the world lost its color

vibrant reds, yellows and blues

reduced to blacks whites and grays

but I'm still waiting

waiting for it all to come back.
I am sorry
 Jan 2016 Black and Blue
the worst type of loneliness
is when you're surrounded by a sea of people
yet you feel invisible
and alone
that no one cares about you
and you sit there in pity
feeling so empty inside
 Jan 2016 Black and Blue
When the spit leaves his mouth like acid,
Speckles my face with scars and tears,
Insults are last place in my minds marathon.

The self depreciation is a serrated knife,
Plucking at the strings in my chest.
And with each snap, I am closer to collapsing.
I'm sorry I can be bossy and somewhat manipulative
I'm sorry I'm so demanding
I'm sorry I can be so negative
I'm sorry I hurt myself
I'm sorry I've hurt you
I'm sorry I'm such a crybaby, making a such a big deal about nothing
I'm sorry I can't just keep my mouth shut
I'm sorry I'm so bad at helping you
I'm sorry I can't put myslef back together
I'm sorry that you're going through what you are
I'm sorry I can't stay clean
I'm sorry everything is confusing
I'm sorry I can't be strong
I'm sorry I cried myslef to sleep last night
I'm sorry I ran out of tears
I'm sorry I'm so numb and empty
I'm sorry I can't pick myself up and continue on
I'm sorry I'm not skinny enough
I'm sorry I can't do anything right
I'm sorry I'm not perfect
I'm sorry I gave you any idea that I'm worth your time
I'm sorry I wrote this
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm so
I just want to feel something other than fear and numbness
I say you need to sleep
When I'm too scared to close my eyes and try

I say you can be strong
When later I fall on the ground, too weak to stand

I tell you everything will be okay
When I can't see past the darkness in my mind to know

I tell you to make sure you're eating three meals a day
When I've skipped 5

I tell you to take care of yourself
When I don't drink water and don't eat and get myself in dangerous situations

I tell you not to give in and to never give up
When I gave in ages ago, and give up on a daily basis

I tell you to keep in mind the fact that you are beautiful and loved
When I constantly feel like I'm just a speck of dirt on your shirt, about to be brushed away

I tell you you don't need to apologize for anything
When I am constantly apologizing to the demons in my mind
I'm just a hypocrite
She told me, “Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is the stars above you on your darkest nights. They remind you that you are so minuscule and the battle you’re fighting is just a grain of sand in this universe. Sometimes, the light is within you. It’s in the way that you decide to dust yourself off and pick yourself back up again after falling and being kicked. It’s in the way you decide to rise about your circumstances. Sometimes, the light at the end of the tunnel is all in the mindset. Love, please, do yourself a favor. And count your stars. Not your scars.”
from a book i'll never write
I will never tell you how I imagined my suicide in the shower
How I watched myself take the frozen metal rails
And lifted my one shaking leg over the bridge
And stared down at the ice cold, daunting gaze of the great Mississippi
How I closed my eyes and pictures your face
While the cold pierced my skin and my woes pierced my heart
I will never tell you the effort it took to slid my other leg over the railing and step into my coffin
Watching the river crash it's arms against the ice
I will never say how terror gripped my insides knowing that this beast would swallow me whole
Yet knowing I cannot swim gives me comfort
Once I fall the water will push me under, beneath its arms and into it's belly
I will never tell you how time froze as I fell  
My face casted towards the stars
The cold wind holding me suspended in air for a few granted moments as I whisper my goodbyes
Goodbye moon, my lips shake against the syllables
Goodbye love, my eyes damp with defeat
Goodbye fear, my heart thrumming in my chest
Depression isn't when you know
That everything around you
Is going wrong
and you feel sad,
Depression is when you know
That everything around you
Is going right
And you still feel you sad.
cover me in your bloodstained bed sheets
that still smell like cigarettes and ***
from the night she left

press your ears against my chest
listen to my heartbeat
write a song to the rhythm of what keeps me grounded,
but all of the lyrics are about her

title it her name

we always talk about the ocean
and how listening to the tidal waves
can bring peace
to a restless mind

but we never talked about
the strength of waves
and how they can ware down
grounded rock
helpless grains of sand.
I wrote this on my fourth night of being hospitalized to the thought of you.
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