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 Jan 2017 Maxine
blue mercury
sometimes you just need someone to
tell you that it's worth it,

that living isn't a game
only played
to lose.

i lost everything in moments
i couldn't count on my fingers
and toes.

all my blessings are coming,
i'm sure,

but i'm so blind
that i don't really see them anymore.

sometimes you're sad for no reason
and people ask you

and you cannot answer.
 Nov 2016 Maxine
blue mercury
they were pretty, but they didn't have your eyes or your gentle kindness.
i hate myself rn
 Nov 2016 Maxine
how did you do it?

how did you catch her eye
when she was too shy to even lift her head
to look at the world around her?

how did you get to know her,
how did you get to learn of the little things about her,
when she barely speaks of herself?

how did you break into her little heart,
when she built walls around it
because she never felt pretty enough?

how did you change her mind
to stop believing that life is not meant
to be lived in your own,
when she had always been content with being alone?

how did you get her,
a lonely, solitary soul
only in love with books and dances,
to fall in love with you
as you did with her?
inspired by one of my teachers who seems like such a tough soul, and a magical one at that. she rarely ever talks about herself but when she does it's like hearing a fairytale. my best friend and i wonder about the man who is her husband today and how he was able to make a beautiful tough soul like her fall in love
 Nov 2016 Maxine
Anthony Perry
How many angels have I shed to make way for the demons in my head?

How many bodies have I eaten and abused in my bed as I look for the lost love in my sheets that only shows when its red.

A poem of love and death, a tale of lust and hate, this is a crime of passion led astray.

Skin like a doves breath, a voice of trust and filled with hope and fate, one day the beauty and art of you will help me find my way.

Even if it means our death is to be the outcome of a beautifully painful day.
Inspired by a poem from "Just Rachel" about sleep paralysis
 Nov 2016 Maxine
Alisha Isabell
And then you changed
With each passing day I saw you in
A different light.
But I didn't mind
Because I knew I was just starting
To see you clearly.
 Nov 2016 Maxine
keep talking
keep remembering
say the names
of the ones
who fought
with paper and pen
say the names
of those who protested
say the names
of the ones who
were tortured
the ones whose deaths
were written out and fabricated for them
the ones who
were taken from their families
never to be found or buried
say the names
of the ones whose futures
and lives
were taken away
under the rule of a dictator
who got away with it.

we won't let it all fall
into their bloodied hands.
we won't let them rewrite
our history for their pride;
say the names
of the ones lost, the ones who fought
until our voices are loud enough
and our words are visible
in the name of justice.

we will keep remembering,
we will never forget.
Marcos is not a hero. Marcos is not a hero. Marcos is not a hero.
 Nov 2016 Maxine
blue mercury
 Nov 2016 Maxine
blue mercury
i was empty
  something was missing
you made me whole again.

you give me physicality.

hugs and hand holds
hands holding my face

in between them.

you gave me proximity.

walking on the sidewalk
your breath lingering on my face

when you turned to speak.
sometimes our fingers grazed

you gave me love.

one cannot know love
until it is a breath from the mouth

of someone beautiful.
an old poem of mine that is slowly growing more relevant
 Nov 2016 Maxine
Just Melz
If the person you love
Is truly
Holding you up
Then there's no way
You could fall
For someone else
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