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Nathan Jan 2016
Every morning I wake up and cry.
I wish I hadn't woken up again.
I only want to die.
Because in my dreams,
I am not alone.
Nathan Apr 2014
Tonight I burn
for all to see.
This is what I am
and what I will always be.
Darkness in my heart
yearning to be free.
Nathan Mar 2016
Do not weep for those monsters
Who die in the dark;
Simply because you see them
In the light.
Nathan Jan 2014
It's happened again.
I forgot why I'm here.
The reason to stay, is lost to time once more.
I always imagine I'll hold under the pressure.
Maybe it's too much this time.
But then again, maybe not.
There's a glimmer I see, faint as can be.
Far in the distance.
It grows as I stare.
Nathan May 2018
The night had run it's course
Yet I had not run the night
Waning by the hour
I had starved for more
Reaching far beyond
That which reached out to me
I grasped and fell short
Of what I strove to be
I hold this failure true
Never to diminish me
Nathan Jan 2013
I am here.
I always will be.
For you my friends, my family.
I will not break, nor let you fall.
When you need me, simply call.
I will come running, through the night.
Your enemies will see their plight.
I will bring hell.
I will not stop.
For I am here.
I always will be.
For you my friends, my family.
Nathan Jul 2013
I say my grace behind gritted teeth and furled brow.
The anger in me; pent-up somehow.
To vow my soul since child's belief.
Forced upon me like broccoli and beets.
Taught to believe and not to suspect; that what they tell me are lies about death.
Nathan Apr 2016
I've done something
I didn't know I could
I never thought it was possible
But today
I found it in me
I see what I had missed
I had it all along
I've found
I finally
Nathan Dec 2012
Sitting here, in my mind.
I am alone, and confined.
It doesn't matter.
I like it this way.
No one to bother me.
Or to break me.
I am who I am.
And I like it.
Nathan Aug 2012
Look to the horizon
this day we fight.
We start our uprising
and battle through the night.
No one can stop us
today we break free.
Free from asylum
we have found the key.
Nathan Oct 2012
In this room I sit and wait.
For what, I don't know.
It surely isn't fate.
Nathan Mar 2013
There is a place,
where people go when they give up.
I've never been, nor will I go.
The pressure builds with the stress.
But I will stand and take it all.
Push on through to the end.
I will not break.
I will not bend.
Nathan Jan 2016
A broken man
With a heart of gold
Turns to stone
When left in the cold
Nathan Apr 2015
The great thing about being lost
Is knowing I will always come find you
And I will hold you
Until it feels
#you #forever #perfect #lost #found
Nathan Apr 2013
Yesterday, I was.
Today, I am.
Tomorrow, I will be.
Nathan Sep 2013
I am morose.
Not from love, nor life;
but of the days descent, to redundancy and verbatim.
What will, will become what is; just as surely as what is, has become what was.
Nathan Nov 2017
From the time of ash and flame
I have found a life again
Upon the coals and to the top
None shall ever make me drop
Holding fast and standing free
I have found that which is me
A climber
I'll send it
You'll see
Nathan Dec 2016
The cold greets once more
in the sullen black of winter's morn.
The chill raps on bone,
consuming from within.
Eyes desiccated and screaming,
itching for release.
This impetuous wind pierces flesh,
rending body from soul.
As the frigid grasp of death
sweetly caresses my hands,
I breathe.
All my sorrows torn away;
Only I remain.
Nathan Jan 2013
I am sick again.
Sick of this game.
Trying to impress.
While staying the same.
Nathan Jul 2021
At night when troubles themselves seem to weep
The rest comes hard and never deep
Sounds in the dark break the dream
Slick and stuck in tangled web
Trapped mid slumber and thick in head
The figure stands with burning eyes
Writhing closer that empty gaze
The scream won't form
My mind ablaze
Close enough to taste her breath
A burst of speed
I free my hand
Vanishing fast
And nothing left
Now alone
A stammering mess
Back to rest
This hard fought test
Watching in the corners still
The darkness shimmers
For one more thrill
Nathan Dec 2012
You can't change me from my ways.
I'm carved in stone,
and I will stand my ground.
You'll scream at me,
wanting me to change.
To be like the others,
a sheep in the herd.
Without my own mind,
never to be heard.
I won't accept that,
not now or ever.
If you can't take the heat,
stay away from the fire.
You can't change me from my ways.
I'm carved in stone.
And I will stand my ground.
Nathan Mar 2015
The final day is coming soon;
I know not what will happen.
Questions rise,
To where I go or what I'll become.
Tension I must surmount.
This day will hold many fates;
Only one may I choose.
Standing at the dawn of time;
The world in my hands.
Standing at the end of time;
The world crushing from above.
Nathan Jun 2016
I am a man
Who screams by night
And smiles by day.
I look at myself, I don't see me anymore
Just a shell from before, empty and haggard.
My eyes have lost their shine.
The path ahead forgotten
Trudging through mud, looking to the sky.
Now I know for certain, soon I will die.
Not from coincidence or neglect;
From these hands of mine.
Nathan Aug 2012
To break the silence of within is something I cannot begin.
The drive to fight and to lie; I'll use this power to make you cry.
I'll shake your will and tear your heart, O, this war, I cannot wait to start.
The silence holding, I make my mark.
I move upon you, slithering in the dark.
Slit your throat and watch the blood flow true.
Sit in darkness as your skin turns blue.
I walk away, awoken, anew.
Nathan Aug 2014
As the thunder cracks through the night,
I ride upon the storm.
Never giving in, never giving up.
This force is mine to hold.
I stand tall once more.
Nathan Oct 2012
Silent is the wind that blows
Towards the end of dead groves
Yet one thing speaks
Cries out through the cold
"Help me please
I'm caught in the fold
It won't let go
I can't escape
Please don't leave me to my fate."
Nathan Apr 2013
I will sit here and watch as they burn.
Sit here waiting, yearning to learn.
To see how they act, and hear how they cry.
The names they pray to, as they die.
Truest of truths, all revealed to me.
Now unable to hide what they really want to be.
Nathan Mar 2013
My body is present
Yet my mind is not
Off somewhere else
Out in the world
Anywhere I want
Free from the rules
And all the eyes
I am all alone
And truly alive
Nathan Mar 2016
I want back what I have lost.
To be whole once more,
To find the piece that fits.
I can't feel much;
But what I can,
Is just enough
To get up again.
The hope that tomorrow,
I'll find someone new,
To help me place the pieces;
To show me love again

— The End —