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  Sep 2016 Badatpoems
its been so long since I’ve written you down
and since, there have been other you’s that have
come and gone
like these seasons,

so now it is Fall again,
the time last year during which my heart was aching
as you vanished from my side;
I stopped and watched as
you went;
you went so

i stand now, still abandoned
like a tree from its leaves
but I do stand,
and I wonder what you’re doing now,
but only for a moment
before I continue walking;
as the leaves that were silenced
crunch beneath my sentimental feet.
hello, its been a while
Badatpoems Sep 2016
I don't know why I cry
But i think its because
I remember for the first time
Since i hated you
That I used to love you
  Sep 2016 Badatpoems
Georgia Grace
I wake up every day with your smile on my mind.
It's a handsome sight to behold, so soft and so kind.
Your humour lifts my day to day worries
You never seem to be stress or in much of a hurry.
I have you to guide me through my troubles and fears.
I'll always be here for you through your struggles and tears.
Your my forever, my eternity, my love of my life.
Who give me a reason to fight to survive.
I'll be here for you no matter the dilemma.
You will always be first on my agenda.
I love you prince till the last breath is taken
And even then my love won't be shaken.
About my amazing boyfriend who has stuck with me over 2 years . truly perfect individual :D
  Sep 2016 Badatpoems
i know, i'm sorry
i said i'd never write about you again but
here is my apology.

1. we were just kids back then, i remember pulling your nightmares out of my blankets and whispering on the phone that i believed in you.

2. everything was so new and delicate and we just wanted to hold and break all of it. i can't blame you for wanting to know and destroy love.

3. the truth is that i miss you, but not in the way i should.

4. we may never have been in love, but i truly did feel like we were. i wish i had met you later on in life.

5. i'm sorry the little girl inside of me wanted to be enough for you, i'm sorry the person i am now couldn't be.

6. i know you didn't mean it when you told me it was my fault, but it still stings nonetheless.

7. it wasn't all your fault, i played a part too. i remember saying that i will love you forever.

8. i think i still will. but i know that i need to stay away.

9. i'm sorry we ended like this. i don't regret you. i regret letting you hurt me.

10. i pray that someone loves you better than i could. i pray that you learn. i pray that i do too.

11. i am sorry for everything, even when i shouldn't be.

12. goodbye and goodluck.
goodbye C, i will love you forever and always.
  Sep 2016 Badatpoems
And All She could Say Was
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