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568 · Mar 2014
My life and experiance
Akash mazumdar Mar 2014
Wer is d love wer is d felling??
It's only alone dat m living,
no one bothers wat i do,
dey r simply ignoring me cuz dey wanna never knw wat i am going through,
and they push me to the fire as that's there only work and,
is the 1 of d worse thing the usualy do,
i cried soo much but the pain still is alive wid in me,
i want some 1 to free frome these,
hell life just a simple thing i want,
dat i wanna b happy and scrolled,
to nearby every person whom i think dat he/she,
can understand me and be,
help to make me upcome from m goin through,
but dey pushed me away as m a garbage and proved,
that they r heartless and make me cry again and again,
but still i find the person who bothers wat i feel,
and wat i have 2 do for my well fare and to increase the yield,
of happiest smiles but i still dont knw y i cry dat my eyes got red,
and all peoples aroun me see me as m a stupid and aprrox dead,
Person who iszz alway sad,
but m not a bad,
person as i knw and i always wanna keep others happy,
And this is my part work and my ways,
of making my life bettr,
but it's unhappy feels as i look my 2 sides of my arms and i think what i need 2 b is more samrter,
but in worlds way smarter person can also b able 2 cheat,
And knows how 2 defeat, innocent peoples those r in his way,
but i cant do this bcz i dont wanna hurt any 1 and bcm a stray,
dog for dem whom they always wanna beat and through stones on him,
but i must i knw dat it's a world of devils and they swim,
in a fire of hatered which they feel for d helpless peoples and,
kick dem away so dat dey can enjoy there felling but a band,
of word death dey forgot about,
that a god is still here 2 see dem and will give there punishment they deserve and will drown,
in  the fire of hell,
but dey still do wat they always do but i still tell,
them it's bad 2 left alone some 1.....
539 · Nov 2014
"Reveling ownness"
Akash mazumdar Nov 2014
I never represented my self as truth,
in any one's front but i do,
i open myself in front of you,
if i am hurted please try to understand,
why i am presenting me like that;
why i want your hand,
to hold my hands and my chin,
to put it front of your face,
am broken please make it trace,
on your eyes and see what i sufferd and what i am suffering,
these are not things these are feelings,
it alters and at the peak when it must be not,
to go upto the extent of beyond the thought,
numbness it's not i created,
i fought with situations and they not demonstrared,
that i am lieying in my aches,
am trying to stand up see it and believe it with truth and upcoming changes, if you have any query want any change,
just speak once i'll make upto my ability base,
nothing is dull against the beats,
but keep it in your mind that it bleads,
when the beats are not understood,
behind every reason there is a story that you should,
and must know
being my love just never let me go
523 · Apr 2014
I love u my dear...
Akash mazumdar Apr 2014
I wanna smile on ur face dont wanna see u cryin m beging on my knees,u make myself complete and u r the 1 for me,dont think i'll let u go,honey we r mountain stone,no 1 can push us far away from 1 another,as we know we r made for each other,Ur smile makes my day great,ur hug makes me a feel which i can never forget and wait,when we will b 2gether for ever,so that i can see u before my eyes for ever,life without u feels m a fish,without water cant survive any more and i just list,my last wishes and i which on top u r there,u make my life beautifulcuz u r my princes ecliar,cuz u r d sweetest d must loving person i've seen,and my life picture go on with you on a screen,it'll the best love story for ever,my smile without u can never be seen and my life will fill with a sadnes river,but i know u r my loveu r my allluv my dear i just wanna give u my all
514 · Mar 2018
Undisputed eyes
Akash mazumdar Mar 2018
And she wasn't seeking any praise affirmatively,
But what her body was on ice block ceasing; craving for insanity,
Insanity of "love" one of the unique curse ,
She had the thirst,
Of Station to the location for a pair of eyes,
Admiring inmost from blood to where the insecurities lies,
Facing towards the absolute sky,
Repeating the uttermost fantasies of her life,
Smiling and setting peace beyond a mile ,
Beautiful than thousands of successful rhymes,
What she wants I know she barely knows but she lies ,
I wish she could have a look through my eyes.

499 · Apr 2014
How it's going on
Akash mazumdar Apr 2014
Sadness is killing my own character,
past is now a memory and present is the badest chapter,
nothing is well nothing is fine,
all things are like killing me from behind,
pains and aches now are regular,
it dosent mean that it dosent hurt in today's time and i scream within darkness andmy dreams are now going 2 shatter,
dreams are now lost in the scary dark side of my self,
my books are still in the shelf,
from last year,
and the mask of happiness i wear,
to show that i am all fine and all is going regular as a daily daily servivce,of good things m happening in my life and also from them i love and have care,
but i know it's not more than just a imagination of them,
i know what i am going through and no 1 tries 2 help but when,
they will ask for help i'll do for my past's good character's sake,
still m tryin 2 get up but stilli know it's not possible it's fakeDream...
493 · Apr 2014
my life and my present
Akash mazumdar Apr 2014
My shadow only wanna hide beside me,
all things going so wilde,
black shadow in the front of a ray of light,
seems to b no more visible in the existance survival fight,
it feels like that m so numb,
that i cant cry or smile and peoples start saying that m a dumb,
but i m not i cry but no 1 bothers that m crying and m i feel so alone,
they just ignore me and wore me a thrown,
and made me the king of lonelyness and try to supress,
the things i guess,
that these r hurting me too much,
and destroying the best part of myself and if i wannna clutch,
the part it goes more apart,
from my reach,
& as usual the peoples who see me try to teach,
there own non-sense lessons,
if dont wanna get those they felt m in the list foolish of foolish persons,
they putted itno who dosnt make a agree on there stupid speeches,
it's still going darker here and echoes but not reaches,
to any 1 who can put me up,
but it still a search goin on and the luck,
factor is not working :( as it's my bad time,
fighting for my part which is a fine,
and d finest part of me,
but it's still lost trying 2 get back the strets,
of joy and smiles,
but it sems harder like counting stars in the skies,
it's my life in present
it's sad it's bad and irrelivant.....:(
492 · Apr 2014
Life cycle
Akash mazumdar Apr 2014
Life is a show where we meet peoples,
and the peoples act only as like a character and listens,
what role we are doing the play of life,
we've to justify ourself the and and write,
a script for ourself how we'll interact to the person who gave us importance,
and we expect a reliance,
from them as we are giving a special time to them,
and if we get hurt then we consult the god and and complain there and we got a reply by time passage and always want a best friend,
as the life go on and on,
it beigins and someday it's gone....
489 · Sep 2014
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
we dream our desire,
we do it and admire,
we seek diffrent way to walk,
we want diffrent people to talk,
we take diffrent paths and rides,
we love to do this because it multilplies,
our thrill which **** our fears,
because fear brings tears,
we meet new people we intoduce ourselves to them,
then we start making them to realise,
that we are now a part of ther lives,
and we also start caring about themselves,
to keep ourselvs alive,
we choose the best things we see,
we bring new thoughts to do beat the,
king of time 'the clock',
we learn new things,
so that we have proud and tricks,
to tackle new problems,
and become  hero within ourselves,
developing ourself strong is our aim,
if we are not able to do it then we blame,
our situations ,surroundings & others,
but we never see what we have done & we are just saying that i does'nt matters,
and say i am always right,
it's the human nature which is litte bit dark little bit bright..
485 · Sep 2014
some time love is like
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
No love lost,
no love found,
only emptiness is all around,
love is the only feel i wanted by whole world,
but inluckylly it's a imagination only,
which you originates by your self slowy slowly,
itls the best feel to imagine but you came in the in the realy world,
you found that it was a dream
which you scrolled
up and down tilll the last,
to found your abilities as you which have to broke,
and when it brokes you wokeup
and se that you are alone.
477 · Sep 2014
my own views on life
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
Life is not a important thing on to be discused,
cause life means to be lived for some one special but not to be in restricions,
and bounds of offence made by the world's liveing conditions,
it is a sequence of obstacles and some nice feelings,
that we find after overcoming from the disgusting fight for existing,
it is not a story to be spoken,
but a sense of conciousness that cant and can be broken,
it is the greatest thing to be wanted,
but not a recyclable thing or self start vehicle that can be restarted,
obviously the feeling and the sense of a madness for life or to be lived,
is the way to be lived in the virtual world but not to be in real field,
and there is a felling to be quite and loneleyliness,
which can't be dscribed,
so it seemed to be involved in a fight,
it's beautifull to be take off the limitations of life,
but it can e positive or most worse terrible situations seemed as to be going wild,
there can be endless reasons of love for a glittering someone,
and only who is living and breathe for you or can be poisinous for your believe & faith and also for none,
at last just keep in mind that you,
have to take out he situations you see yourslef seemed to be fit,
and kick out those persons who thought that you dont have the right to exist.
475 · Aug 2018
Wish you.
Akash mazumdar Aug 2018
I know I've met you just and it's isn't a lil long,
It's been three years we've talked, we laughed fought vividly but that's ain't wrong,
Maybe you're 22, 21 or verge of being the most pretty,
Every count of a second you're taking a mild puff of bitty ,
Breathes in existing exciting day,
Living and loving the moment and stay,
Stay whatever you are it's good enough,
Sometimes with few talks and some pictures mixed stardust,
I know what I had seen it's been sweet,
It's been beautiful it's been neat,
I haven't seen the all of you but I know the most part ,
You're not a puzzle but a piece of splendid art.
A beautiful birthday wish.
460 · Sep 2014
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
We have two capacitive things,
1st is our physical power and is our mental abilities,
but it all depends upon our thinking,
and all thought in out mind we can bring,
all of us go as far we know,
because life can be limitless with,
someone who love us and go with us in the same flow,
no one can know what you are thinking,
beacuse it's your own limitless world that you can imagine,
all seems to be happy but i am not because i want to live in my own world in which it surrounded me all around so that no one can find me,
so that i become i want to be,
in all trurh and lies we say
can make someone happy for whole life, a month, a week or for a single day,
who will become your bestie,
it will decided by your nature
and lot of smiles which are free,
love ones are not easily found,
they can give power us to live even they are not around,
touching is the physical touch but our mentality defines how much feeling everything very important,
so that we can react on it,
and giv output at any instant,
wash the poision from my skin,
show me how to be loved again,
cause i lonely cried in the castle of glass
and the wany thing i want to see,
you to see..
455 · Aug 2014
my body parts say
Akash mazumdar Aug 2014
I cheated myself the way i never wanted,
hands does'nt move but scroll to be granted,
eyes take a snap of feets,
enourmously both hand bleeds,
knees are bent eyes are narrow,
screams are so loud can make a hollow,
space between concious and unconsiousness,
the cloths are ***** and the fellings are pressed,
be within limits is now a deed,
what i will define is the tear's of need,
lips are died to say anything that i want,
i want to do many things but i cant,
breathes are borken,
my thoughts are frozen,
want to define each and ever thing i feel,
but i have to take it out from the kneel,
beside chest nothing is there,
the thing was freezed and can't flair,
hollow bones but filled with air,
still i cant fly because i am here,
for just crying,
but still i am trying,
for my mind to on it,
cheeks are streched but a little bit,
i have to fight and i cant quit......
448 · Sep 2014
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
For me life is a worthless thing,
which has no values and no importance after realising which always forms a negligence of aliving,
i lost everything,every feeling i had,
and i dont ver cry when i am sad,
it seems to be no one who can understand and believe me,
i even lost my self in the worthless and selfish world which made me a liar,
and push me into the deadly series of fire,
but there is a greed of revenge
against world's narrow mindness,
which i never understood even dying with them,
there are almost all evil things happens in me devil life,
in which i am fighting with endless reasons to die,
after knowing  that no one have the ability to understand my emotions from which i am suffering and living in frustations,
no refinding is left of myself after overcoming from reason less figths which having preconceptions in the past time,
so leave me my life cause i alsmost and finaly want to die.
# Akash
443 · Nov 2017
That's all & i got you.
Akash mazumdar Nov 2017
Do you know how beautifully you get all of me?
Every feeling and the pain you get them too obviously,
As much obvious like the universal truth of sun rises from the East,
Many times it gets harder to know how I feel,
But you already know what is going on in this deep sea,
Deep sea made of billions of thoughts in it,
I know your situations your endless beautiful deeds of too,
I know am a fool everyday either directly or indirectly I've hurted you,
If you hurted me ever I don't think so you did,
Then it couldn't be you it could have be me,
I can't even say sorry for most of them you know ?
Because you just forgivie me before releasing what I did though,
I know I should have known of  my limits and revised them ,
But it gets harder to do it when I see your deep dark pupils; Every strength for denial that I feel something I lost strength,
And I know you care for me so much and adore too,
You do many things I am not able to thank you,
I used to say it's just time am trying to be humble ,
But you do all of kindness without even thinking how bad or good it can end or situations can stumble,
It shows the purity of heart ,
This is the one of the most aprreicable thing I noticed from start,
Words won't end that easily so I have to made them,
Don't worry I won't waste them,
Stacking up all your expectations,
Just relax am alright I'll deal with this hurricane with  all possible cautions.
Akash mazumdar Nov 2017
Yeah it's over!  that's what you said right?
Now you see what I can do just by tonight,
No more reading our conversations,
Will stop adoring every photo i have ours in any folder  in every location,
Even those ones which I got printed ,
From the black n brown nostalgic film tinted,
Tinted in memories which I can never forget,
I'll try to consider that the person except me in the photos is dead ,
No more looking for your last seen on WhatsApp,
Will unstar all the best conversations we had ,
Stop remembering every word you said to me,
Even they are not so good or extremely sweet,
I'll stop writing for you,
No more poems nor a single thought even if have to stop thinking I'll do,
I will move on I guess but I know I lost by best friend,
I'll try to do all of the above things I said ,
You left me! may be it's just a bad dream  may be it's not the truth,
I wish you could understand these feelings not all of them but you didn't tried for few.
422 · May 2014
my wish
Akash mazumdar May 2014
I wish i can be able to understand what i feel,
m nt strong as steel,
but m like a clay u can mould me in any thng,
made me a guitaar and pull the string,
and tune myself and sing ur favourite songs,
and please sing a which belongs,
to happy moments which we spent 2gether,
and i just want 2 live with  u forever...
Luv u my dear
421 · Aug 2017
Akash mazumdar Aug 2017
Short videos and time bounded pictures which are popularly term as stories,
Swiping  through them became an obsession,
giving fake feel of accomplishment with no solid reason,
what about the real time; what about the real fun,
Trying to varnish the world of fiction,
Now those days are gone,
When load shedding was used to and the real fun game was strong,
Uploading; downloading no walking for self,
Making plans and resolutions which are mostly held ,
Held on to laziness,
Just scrolling deep down the tabs it's endless,
Altering the state of mind,
Engaging to the trash in priceless time
The social life isn't a real one.
415 · Sep 2014
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
All around the world there's no diffrence in love,
a picture w draw with our thinkings,
have to fill colours of lover's likings,
and which is marked by a swet smile and a tight hug,
which helps to come out when situations are struck,
and it take away th stress,
which wakeup the happiness,
a beautiful journey having bright but daring paths,
which both have to come as the life long they last's,
it's not a spacebound,
it's a temple in which calmness and satisfaction is all around,
and a happy ending is left behind,
when a unbreakable we find,
like all things we see in space and wonder,
similar to it can make disaster many times more than a bundle of thunder,
it comes as the sunlight,
but never left our heart untill we fought our life's last fight,
but it brokes,
it break all the limitatoins feeling's  and hopes..
406 · Aug 2017
Akash mazumdar Aug 2017
Your lust always made me satisfy,
When i gaze you're always posing wild,
Your shape catches my eye everytime,
It's not the fault of couch; you're too curvy,
Don't worry I am holding you tight ,
It's just started why you gasping,
You're becoming lava hot and your skin burning bright,
Yeah just hold me tight,
Feel the waves coming from inside ,
Shivering is not a problem,
It happens initially then it subsides ,
Can you feel the pump? Moan loud don't be shy,
I know your body want this ,
Your bouncing thoughts and your naughty habits ,
Aah! scratching and biting hard ; oh the red remarks,
I want to but you're not stopping,
You're such a rebel,
Okay now you rule yeah you know me well,
Slip down drive slow,
No it's ain't the end of the show ,
On the verge of ecstasy,
Drift on the feel;shift the weight then put it on me,
Yes its the feel of intoxication,
Is it earth? or am on heaven !
396 · Sep 2014
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
Why all things are not perfect in life,
why there is a dificulty in each step in the race of life,
and a need of love and affection which is wanted by everyone,
beacuse perfection is becoming the need one by one,
why we want to carve out the pictures
we draw without filling colours in them,
why there is a silence in the explosion of innocent lives,
why life is a permanent marker which only write the story of sadness and only some percent of joy,
why we cant live without a hope and happyness and faith among ourselves,
why we say that love is deep as we can go in the univer's sorrow,
while keping us happy in the sadness's hollow,
at last the neccessary qustion 'why' now is the most common word after me which the whole world follow
396 · Nov 2017
Inside echoes
Akash mazumdar Nov 2017
Oh yes you don't belong to her and surely you never did,
I know there is a struggle doin it but you've to accept it,
Don't fall for seconds of  heavenly hallucinations,
You'll hit hard afterwards these potions ,
You know already that she got her man,
You're not the one why don't you understand,
Okay, there were of holding hands or intense scenes,
Just pretend they were just uneven chilled breeze,
Forget about them and just move on,
You know there is no reason goin through this storm,
Just get over it you know this way got wild turns and animals too,
Just stop right here because its not your way niether she belongs to you.
392 · Oct 2018
Akash mazumdar Oct 2018
Stop thinking so much about "I",
This is the flow the flow of life ,
Everything is an illusion ,

You're asking me "why" ,
You're going places they exists because you made them like they do exist,

This existence sometimes feels So real "I" feel like trapped somewhere "I" don't know ; ''dying'' ,

"I" is trapped by his own will "I" tries to hide ,
"I" tries to seeks purpose tries to show the instincts ,
"I" tries "I" wants "I" think if someone to be "I" for him oh "I" thinks!

"I" don't even exist ,
Problems of being "I"
391 · May 2014
your importance
Akash mazumdar May 2014
You r the one whom i call my angel,
keeps my world filled with reasons to live and u teaches me to love my rivel,
also u ring the bell with sweetest melody,
and give me the power 2 see,
the dreams of love ,
you keeps me all above,
the edge of hell world,
you become a shield to protect me in bd time's folds and curlled,
way of sorrow,
your eyes are shining so bright,
i wannna save that light,
i never escape without you now,
unless u show me how,
to love you and your likes,
as u teach me the reasons of humanity rights,
your importance for me i can never explain in words,
because my words,
are lesser than your qualities,
and you are the inspiration of my abilities,
because of you i can explain my love felling,
you keeps me alive and keeps me reading the book of fairy land in which the fary is u,
as i always say I LOVE YOU.....
386 · Sep 2014
i am sad :-(
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
I know i am devil bad,
but now am very sad,
sitting on the bench thinking my own sins,
and a hollownes in me it brings,
warm droplets of salt realising
what i've done and what i am doing,
still sitting ideal but unconcious mind is running,
the clots of shouting waves in my head.
I just want to cut my hand,
let's bleed it way for me it's not made,
smile for clicks are all fake,
am drunked and dont want to do any thing,
want to leave everyone dont mind please,
am tierd of doing efforts to being alone,
because i cant stood up my own,
it's hurts to be fallen,
all i know that i am broken,
dark lines under my eyes,
all dreams are shatterd now which always flied,
in my mind,
all i have but  still it seems to be empty,
all around there is love and am still thirsty,
habit of lossing made me a liar,
i wish but i know i can't fill my desire,
i dont want to broke other's hope's,
because i know how much it hurts when it brokes,
i dont want to fall in depression's trap,
just only i cant feel how i am sad.
385 · Aug 2017
The interview
Akash mazumdar Aug 2017
You've got discipline on your wrist,
Boldness on your neck,
Looking determined what's next,
Marching towards that yellow car,
Holding paperwork claimed with knowledge and are earned so far,
Spine rested on the back seat,
Cabbie asking for the accurate location where I wanna be ,
So silent that heartbeat is audible to me,
Feeling that adrenaline pumping accompanied heavy breath,
The flip from bookish system to booking self for wages,
Now I guess am almost ready for incoming stages,
Off to the big building through the automatic door,
In the chilled room along with more individuals of same species ,
The time has come for the bargain embracing communication abilities,
Don't know what will happen,
Vitals are normal for now and day came to an end .
Akash mazumdar Jul 2017
My lobes will never agree to greed and fame,
That doesn't mean I won't grow with a big name,
I will grow on my own with my own perspectives ,
I like everyone's proposals and I respect it,
That helping initiatives,
Those different ideas taking to being lavish,
Surely money buy what is needed to get into being existing,
But it doesn't direct to being satisfied,
So it's the creativity upon which I rely,
Got my flexible points and the solid ones,
No one can trim them while adding there owns.
378 · Oct 2014
Some lines for you
Akash mazumdar Oct 2014
Be happy just smile,
be carzy for a while,
be wild with me,
be you what you want to be,
love yourself first then care others,
first aim your goal then go for others,
fly in the sky high i know it's your dream,
breathe independance as it's your need,
break off the cage bring out yourself,
you are good but be the best,
jump into your dreams,
and take them out in your eyes,
you will definately start living them it's my believe in my mind,
push the uncomfort out of sense,
crumble the lines of limits and fence,
which is stoping to you to do this all,
make a start and go on with small-small,
upgrades in you
378 · Apr 2018
No I don't have to lie.
Akash mazumdar Apr 2018
No I don't have to lie ,
May be I do but it's all clear in my eyes ,
No bag full of passion is clinging behind,

No I don't have to lie,
We might talk or not but the secrecy of our needs we'll hide,

No I don't have to lie ,
Don't worry I won't write books about what you've done  & doing side by side ,
First define your dreams ; what you need so that you won't break someone's feeling for the next time ,

No I don't have to lie ,
Sparks we had the sweetest envy we shared but we dried ,
Thousands of words are tinted dull ; now it's a half bareland of trust and needy appetite.

No I don't have to lie,
No I don't have to lie.
374 · Sep 2014
some thing about you
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
You know this who i am.
And i am just lookin at you,
fire burning in my heart my life is only for you,
when you smile,
whole world stops and stand for a while,
the secret of defination of my happiness,
it's all about you love's bless,
what i see in your eyes,
it's the place where my all imaginations flies,
all moments which i spend with you,
that's the favourite thing that i want to to,
concluding all this words written below is true
i love you
372 · Nov 2017
Filthy rich thought kid
Akash mazumdar Nov 2017
While serving the hot tea cups he was strongly imagining one of his favourite things ,
that someday he will get a big shop and his real name upon it,
That name which he learned to write on the painted wall with chalk with straight long strokes ,
Generally we call it blackboard ,
It's been years he went to see that single room and somebody told him it was school,
That was the one which was affordable one he used to go but with no writing tool,
He sleeps less dreams Big ,
Wishing someday everything will be great and with every pretty thing.
369 · Sep 2018
Akash mazumdar Sep 2018
Staying vulnerable I lost,
I lost so many things,
So many friends,
being pushed away .
But I am glad that I never lost the sanctity of that hurt,
My emotions my feelings,
That maybe meaningless but ironically meaningful chemicals flowing in my body at the perfect time.
I chocked I fell down experiencing the every low .

And one of the most beautiful and meaningful thing I got that.

Stay alive.
369 · Apr 2014
U r the 1 and only...
Akash mazumdar Apr 2014
The best feel is to b loved,
when it's missing the feel of sadness is curved,
to the max extent,
which i mostly feel and bend,
2ward the mirror and ask myslef that,
y m i d most unlucky person in the world and just clap,
on my stupid mistakes and cry for a while,
bcz i dnt want that any 1 can see me while,
m crying ..
It's just not a phase of bad time,
i think the worse situations are d punishments of my crime,
which i've done and even i dnt knw what was these sins i've done,
my situation is just like a fish out of water but no one,
bothers that i cant survive no more,
but only a person is u who loves me and care for me and wore,
me a thrown of ur love it's d thing which i love the most, and  try to get out from the situations m going through,
and u help me and i luv this and u always pvove,
that u r d 1 who can be d perfect,
and you makes my life a rocket,
which goes into the wondrfull sky and lost into into happiness and joys,
i just wanna thank 2 being with me and the best word for u,
from my mouth is always b the same
that i love u ...
354 · May 2018
You did that marvellously
Akash mazumdar May 2018
I still envy your way of discarding me away,
I carry it as a badge of dignity everyday,
Was there any way that you would have stayed,
Behind my arbitrary dogma you were always safe,
Your existence lured me into scribbling your memoir ,
That's how the great unorthodox fantasy erupted from my core,
You know that I would be carrying Every page of your sins,
I thought we're on voyage and I am the captain of the ship,
But within few hundred days that was it,
That i was aiming for centuries,
It was craggy ending of this route heading nowhere,
Whatever you were whatever you are I did and I still care.
351 · Sep 2014
the day l'll go
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
I dont know how long i'll live,
because it seems to be ending of my days
& can see death's tip,
i was very bad very rude very mean to you,
but i dont know how to tell that how much i love you,
no one like you i cant find in my next life,
but i wish i can get you again in my next life life's fight,
so that you can be my breathe again,
and i also want to take  breathe to sustain,
please dont cry when i'll gone,
because crying will not be the solution of my death and memories which i've given to you and left you alone,
thanks for your support, love and time which you've given,
so that moments am taking with myself and going to die but  i think i'll be forgiven,
i will never can give that you've given to me,
so forgive me for that also and because,
i am not transformed into that person you want to see,
i had never lied to you so you can trust on my soul,
if you'll call i'll came for you my barbie doll,
my life is not all about mine,
it's for you  my love my life,
take care if i go,
because when i'll leave the world
i dont know..
350 · Sep 2014
last thing
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
'Words' it's the last thing i had my own,
till the last moment it can b blown,
no last desire i had but 1 last thing i want,
right now within a second leave me now,
no 1 luvs me,
no 1 wants to see,
so i am leaving the world please let me free,
i dont want to be the happy 1,
but i like to love for some 1.
343 · Sep 2014
what is life
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
It is the single way direction or a flow,
which is lived when beautiful colours starts to glow,
it is a pleasant morning which have a rainbow variation,
no shadow remains after ending of this desire,
and when  it is lived it float in every moment in the burning fire,
it is not a certified product but have  manufacturing date and time,
and always have an experiy date but it is not mentioned,
but for everyone the time period is sectioned,
with a slight easyway way you can enjoy
every moment of life,
but within a moment the whole path,
can change and can close the newly started file of life,
many faces are thre many emotions are on it,
but we can't judge them by felling their soul from in. :(
339 · Sep 2014
what you are
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
Angel's are born by god's grace on earth,
i think that'sy god have chosen you,
as an angel to introduce happines and love,
to your real god 'mother' and father they are lucy that they have got you,
beacuse you are that kind of girl,
who can keep all of us happy and we need it's you,
never cry because angels nevery cry,
as they keeps all things best in all,
and help to came back when some one falls,
and i've seen many angels it's you
and all the best in all those it's you. :) :
330 · Nov 2017
Clear nonsense
Akash mazumdar Nov 2017
So no more sending messages to you,
The conversation streak of full of feelings,
There are so many things from which you should go through,
Seems like you never mind ignoring them for no reason,
Then why you started showing care and now you're sailing away with boredom,
Even when I saw you today,
You were looking at me like am a useless dead fish by three side of lake ,
**** I can not bear this awkward change,
Give me the reason or just hide out never see me again.
Akash mazumdar Oct 2017
Stop putting his name in every phrase,
Stop describing that you belong to him in anyway,
The fake feeling that you're mine,
I love that I wanna live in it all the time,
Do you know what i love the most?
Your warm soft hands and I will save them from getting cold,
I need to gaze every in few minutes,
I do care but it's more than it and its intensity and have heights,
Uplifting you everytime that's what I try,
That's why when you do something stupid I just stop myself from scolding you: I just smile,
There is a beautiful soul inside,
It makes me lively just being near to you and by your side ,
Even if there's immense pain it will automatically subside ,
Just take a look of my view ,
You will get to know how amazing are  you,
Giving those stupid nicknames aren't just for fun,
I feel complete when you respond on them my just heart jumps,
And pumps harder when I smile ; you smile back ,
I try to find you & try to relate in every  beautiful track ,
The good bye hug is a sweet guesture by you,
When you do that for few seconds my mind blows and my eyes lost there hue,
Thus everything will be like fiction in future,
I know my fate ;I will try to cope but always smile while remembering how beautiful those days were.
306 · Oct 2017
Ups, downs and fall.
Akash mazumdar Oct 2017
It's not the depression that stabs everytime,
There are some more aspects from which am lagging behind,
"Emotions" this got the whole world inside,
According to it and situations a person loves or lie,
With myself I guess many elements are broken or left behind,
Because of quivering on path in time,
I can see & feel the worse happenings am not blind,
Being good & humble are becoming sediment like,
All of this so horrible ;I know the game of karma ,
Can't even love someone what if it's just a illusion like when you're high on ***** or *** ha,
So tired of these things going wrong,
Buy yeah have to live through it cuz life goes on.
306 · Jun 2017
wherever it was
Akash mazumdar Jun 2017
Through the pillow cover upto the pillow cotton,
It's so **** wet,
Every night while revising you're letters  ; that's what I get,
Brain filled drama still playback that melody so easily,
Like it's a cassette player and got a permanent button with a permanent cd,
The cd encoded in view captured of my beautiful girl,
beautiful teen girl  with straight hairs no curls,
The one with deep brown shallow round eyes,
It was hard to gaze them,
While looking at them I could never lie,
I tried to manage so much you put my patience crossing the last,
To the last limits until the trust bridge was brunt ,
I always tried to teach you but you never learned,
What you're doing its ain't right,
You never listen always start a fight,
Whatever it was ; was beautiful,
I remember everything every moment was grateful.
301 · Oct 2017
it's okay i guess
Akash mazumdar Oct 2017
Oh you came while am sad,
It's beautiful ; first lemme love you back ,
It's okay you don't have to be sorry about it ,
I'll be all right,
Lighting up candles in the room full of darkness of sin ,
You say what you how was your day ,
Sit down talk me you'll feel better for sure ; what you say ,
No am not lying does it look like I am,
May be because there are hundreds of things going underneath this warm man,
Have you heard about that fact ,
The person who keeps his feelings personal priorities at last ,
One who lands up getting everything messed up ,
Got devastated from inside & lands up ******* the roof of rust ,
And get the infection which is a slow poison,
Aah leave it you will be bored ;why is it so cold here ,
What is it ohh; it's the winter season .
285 · Jul 2018
Still obsessed.
Akash mazumdar Jul 2018
It's okay you be silent,
You've done enough with my number violence,
It's okay ignore me,
Seems like I've been rude more than an enemy,
I take this sin,
But wait please never break our strings.
268 · Apr 2018
Could & should
Akash mazumdar Apr 2018
You could find a million of loyal lovers ,
You could dominate the front page straight through the covers,
You could find a hundreds of reasons to be happy,
You could be legendary from that inspirational urge,
You could count a numerous reasons to be loved ,
You could make the days count for you when you're touching success ruling all above,
You could touchdown on the Everest,
You could choose love upon lust,
You could find contrasting ways to your dreams,
You could achieve them no need for waiting just hold and count upto three,
You already know all what you could
Now you should.
So get up and love yourself and achieve.
265 · Nov 2017
Will find myself someday
Akash mazumdar Nov 2017
I wish I could figure  out what is my dream,
What is the most important thing and what is most beautiful colour theme,
I don't know didn't had a thought about them,
I don't know how many times i have better thoughts about self ,
It's always was to seeing others happy and ending up praying up for everyone,
Either is it for my enimes or my loved ones ,
It gets hard to write about someone for whom I hardly have a feeling about ,
Trying to geues who's inside so when I'll know someday I'll give him a shout ,
That I know you now ,
And write a book for that inner self without any doubt.
265 · Jul 2018
Akash mazumdar Jul 2018
I am entitled to the uncertain ; to the unknown and I am not the only one I know,
Am not talking about the mystery's of future even present is the past show.
Numerous theories are relapsing and dying in our infinite dome ,
Being alive or dead is the past will be the past believe it or not everyone is alone,
Gnawing and lust everything is hidden under Just a flick of the mighty shadow,
Everyone had paid no one alive is in debt ; every part of  each person is known,
What we think is a palace is a trifle form of unknown,
Is it the melody we love or is it just a illusion needed to solve from the bones ,
It's all simplified  and we are all caged for the show.
What goes around comes around.
265 · Aug 2017
Akash mazumdar Aug 2017
Let's ink down the down the pain,
With less grammar and constrains,
Thousand of thoughts; it's very hard to bargain,
With obsession  addiction to the pain,
It's hard to fake the emotions ,
If you master it then welcome to the ocean,
Ocean filled with same species individuals,
Who reacts to love, hate etc on varying situations,
Forced to live and must to,
Having the same basic structure & basic look after defining the superiority,
It's not like that it doesn't comes with cons and negativity,
Holding to the rat race and riding with pace,
Saddle is set for laps of education trivia in hails,
Hails of new insidious problems ,
Empty ground of feelings and yes it happens ,
Many things in deed are meaningless,
Simmering with ingredients like hard work luck and formal dress,
Rehearsing but that's conform it will be the best,
The rest life mission,
Will be driven though adventure and beautiful season.
Expressing those trapped feelings and the truth I tackle with.
263 · Apr 2019
No accidental love.
Akash mazumdar Apr 2019
Maybe we lost  the spark but we are concerned,
Maybe we lost the urge but we got the courage,

Maybe we lost the intimacy but we cherish the warmth,
Maybe we can't be together all the time but we stay in touch,

Maybe we don't tease that much but we pay gratitude to each other,
Maybe we don't look good but we look pretty together,

Maybe we aren't that fit but we support each other,
Maybe the circumstances are against us but we praise each other,

Maybe we broke each others  hearts but we ain't leaving each other,
Maybe we are lost somehow but we are sticking together,

Maybe we talk crazy but we make sense to each other,
Maybe we are not that good but we are great together.

Maybe this is all we have and maybe that's enough for us .
262 · Feb 2020
Turn back time
Akash mazumdar Feb 2020
You gotta trust me too like I trust you just like you did way back you told yourself that I'll come back.

No matter what it took we came together and very tight , might not very right and I get that.

I respect that, we fell down, rebelled inside out just to keep eachother.

Just to stay longer ,spend some more time together.

Spare a part of us worthily, dedicated and dictated ourselves with a lot of "fury", then a lot more sympathy and most of love.

Enriched with fear of being left out alone, stringing, hanging looking at eachother to the shoulder with trust,

Accepted every piece made peace with those pieces, we traced a way back.

It's more than than anything for me, right now.
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