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Jul 2015 · 529
Foreseeing Eventualities
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
You were born, and like it or not, you're going to die
don't claim to be human, if you lack the capacity to cry
by wasting time, this precious of commodities goes lost
only as life comes to an end, you understanding its cost

A poem with a vision, control the fear, make a decision
when surrounded by doubt, you anticipate the collision
by coming face to face, you're forced into a confrontation
always finding yourself rushed by others, your frustration

That light at the end of the tunnel, thinking where it can be
but more often than not, a mirage is all that you really see
trying to transform reality, but life is only a merry-go-round
until you meet your soul, then existence becomes profound

This world is about foreseeing eventualities, that's where we're all headed
whether for good or bad, the choices we make will forever be embedded
no secrets exist in the world above, and much depends on just what we do
so look forward in making the right decisions, and those merits they accrue

How deceptive we humans are, passively content with maintaining our status
until we're put to the challenge, and in need of all that emotional apparatus
there's simply no escape, so we must face the music, learn to accept reality
our ultimate demise has already been decided, death is an absolute formality

So live for the present, and focus on the good waiting for you on the road ahead
while never forgetting, there's plan and purpose in all the good that you spread
rejoice in life and in all the good that you do, as your Creator awaits your return
destined to find true happiness, a happiness that only yearning souls can discern
This poem is about our inability to avoid eventualities. The sooner we can accept them, the sooner we can prepare for them. In the darkness is where the light will be revealed.
Jul 2015 · 751
Love Heals All Wounds
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
How to come to terms with the pain inside
when hurt goes deep, when hurt spreads wide
and where to turn, in whom to confide
this was all that remained, for me to decide

A decision I made, of which I took in stride
though standing there alone, silently, I cried
knocking on her door, that cold winter night
as soon as I saw her, could not tell if it was right

That night was a test, trying to put my pain aside
accepting deep in my heart, it might forever reside
but the power of these feelings, inside of me took hold
consumed by a single desire, with her alone to unfold

Eye to eye we did meet, although our words were few
telling her of my sorrow, her reaction I then knew
those tears in her eyes, hurt me most of all
regret for having once left her, how I felt so small

Taking her hand in mine, never again to let go
kissing her tenderly, irrepressible tears did flow
my imprudent heart, would no longer do her wrong
whispering to her my love, forever my only song
I believe Love Is The Greatest of Medicines!
This is a short poem about love, mistakes, and a happy ending. Sometimes life looks bleak. There really seems to be no more tomorrow, being unable to find any consolation to your current situation. Then there is still hope. There can still be a "coming to terms" within yourself. And in the end, a happy reconciliation.
Jul 2015 · 610
A Rose to Propose
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Aye, the rose stands alone
with subtle powers to atone
solitude and faith, will behold
love between souls unfold

Sadness flees, hands clutch
tears melt away, hearts touch
lips meet, with a tender grace
two people face, lovingly embrace

Silent moonlight, echoes of the waves
a chance to eternity, the moment paves
on a sandy beach, with a heart to soar
beseeching her hand, bliss forever more

Soft cheeks can no longer hide
her emotions are too built up inside
embracing him with the love she's kept
silence now spoke, together they wept

Remembering how the moon paled that endless night
untainted love borne from the depths, burning bright
no longer would sadness endure, no longer to defy
Love found its true nest, never again to say good-bye
When the night and the moon will meet, true Love will greet
Jul 2015 · 374
True Love Is Blind
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
When love strays, no one knows why it turns
you're caught off guard, with a heart that burns
left with a dry mouth, and a mind that's numb
with no strength to cry out, your pain is mum

Yesterday you felt loved, he was the only thing on your mind
then, you were so sure he was your godsend, such a rare find
yet today you look for answers, answers for the grief you bare
making a vow to yourself, never again to fall in love, you swear

As time passes memories fade, wounds have begun to mend
going out with your friends, once again looking for a boyfriend
this endless cycle continues, maybe there will not be an end
adolescent years with many challenges, never to comprehend

There comes a point in your youth, when happiness you will finally seek
a happiness you now understand, not surrounded by the false mystique
love will not be found by searching for it, it's something that must find you
finally coming to realize, your eyes will only mislead you to a love untrue

Coming to this truth, you acknowledge there is something you need
if you want to find true happiness, and if you really want to succeed
here is the one truth for you to know, the power for this happiness is from above
G-d alone weaves the circumstances, joining two beings with happiness and love

Don't look for consolation to life's disappointments in an illusionary, temporary escape
and do not become content, in the unsafe harbour of your mind's imaginary landscape
joy and happiness and true love in your life, G-d will most certainly cause you to find
perhaps just maybe then you'll understand, why true love must necessarily be blind
A poem about why true love must be blind. True love is above & beyond, because that's where it emanates from.
Jul 2015 · 333
Alone With a Poem
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
My poem is a message, you may try to decipher it if you will
you may laugh at me, maybe cry, but I won't let you sit still
evoking emotions deep in your soul, and you need to know
feelings that define who you are, from your heart they flow

A message of truth and hope, to those feeling they live alone
as you read, you begin to think, you can no longer postpone
my words enter your heart, since that's from where they came
thoughts of truth meant to incite, because in them is no shame

Words from within, an absolute truth, is with what we do battle
trying to stir sleeping souls from their slumber, with a rattle
having considered the desired goals, they're as clear as is day
within reach to all, because acquiring the truth is not far away

The spiritual world can be seen, but not with the sight of your eyes
you must first find absolute truth, by submitting yourself to the wise
allowing yourself to perceive, truth resides above a human sphere
a plateau where holy letters and numbers, to Creation they adhere

The world was created for one purpose, to find completion via correction
where humanity will unite, exchanging hatred and jealously for affection
man was created in G-d's image, indifference to be replaced with concern
being able to honor men as we honor ourselves, humanity has yet to learn

Focused on our own needs, we've become cold to just what this life is about
it's not about what I can do for me and mine, or where to maximize my clout
life is about working on our ugly character traits, accepting a need to change
stop looking in that mirror, your vanity is what is truly the thing that is strange

The yesterdays in your life, gone forever and never to return, so try and accept
we down below were not created as angels, each of us with our distinct defect
yet hope exists while we are still alive, we must act now and examine our ways
choosing to follow that safe path of introspection, while we still have those days
My poem is a message, you may try to decipher it if you will
Jul 2015 · 798
Silence is Key
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Now engulfed by silence, with my thoughts must I contend
trying to avoid the abyss, a state of loneliness to descend
being in touch with my feelings, I have become confined
thinking to escape, despite being directionless and blind

The days bring disappointments, with weeks fleeting hope
feeling you're at that point of no return, you just can't cope
yet, happy memories break that spell, in time wounds heal
constantly keeping yourself occupied, thinking you can deal

Regain your emotional stability, and recognize this very power
healing starts from within, so don't retreat from your ivory tower
the human mind has an endless light, where happiness is found
leading you toward a deeper understanding, this life is profound

Don't drown in the waters of silence, your mind brings you there
it creates images of fear, trapping you, your subconscious snare
find a friend in whom you can trust, and share your pain and fear
you'll then unburden your heart, knowing that someone does care

At times silence can be beneficial, when kept under your control
but if it causes your mind to become delusional, it will take a toll
silence breeds independence, so you can make it work for you
it resides in a world of its own; you don't have to be a who's who

So take advantage of this internal silence, a catalyst to achieve
exile yourself to its sanctuary, in its power you've got to believe
light is mere reflection, it is silence which you will ultimately see
it alone will enable you to find happiness, your true spiritual key
Sometimes silence can be deafening. Sometimes silence can be music to soothe the mind. It is the key that unlocks many doors. This is a short poem that seeks to make a little noise in the minds of those who feel that they are trapped in silence.

— The End —