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 May 2015 Zoë
Day // Night
 May 2015 Zoë
During the day,
My brain is in chains,
At night it breaks out of its cage.

During the night,
My dreams, they take flight;
And I wish they would give me a fright.
Edited on July 25th, 2015
Edited again.
 May 2015 Zoë
Arcassin B
by Arcassin Burnham

What has the world come to,
When people like you,
Get costody of child you know you can't take care of,
Cause he's only two,
And always care for you,
When you get drunk,
And every time you puke,
Have your temper tantrums,
And threatened your wife to throw him off a roof,
You still got the devils juice in you,
May he be careful towards everything you do,
Hey! But I guess thats what society does.
Cruel World !!!
 May 2015 Zoë
Phoenix Rising
Love is persistent
and so are rapists
I could be resistant
but Cupid's grip ain't nothing to **** with
Thin are the night-skirts left behind
      By daybreak hours that onward creep,
      And thin, alas! the shred of sleep
That wavers with the spirit’s wind:
But in half-dreams that shift and roll
      And still remember and forget,
My soul this hour has drawn your soul
           A little nearer yet.

Our lives, most dear, are never near,
      Our thoughts are never far apart,
      Though all that draws us heart to heart
Seems fainter now and now more clear.
To-night Love claims his full control,
      And with desire and with regret
My soul this hour has drawn your soul
           A little nearer yet.

Is there a home where heavy earth
      Melts to bright air that breathes no pain,
      Where water leaves no thirst again
And springing fire is Love’s new birth?
If faith long bound to one true goal
      May there at length its hope beget,
My soul that hour shall draw your soul
           For ever nearer yet.
 May 2015 Zoë
Justin S Wampler
The weight of these words
rolling around in my head
are breaking my neck
one thought at a time.
If you knew me entirely, you wouldn't love me anymore
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