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 May 2015 Zoë
 May 2015 Zoë
The sunflowers I bought you
sat backlit by the window.
Their long stems
reflected into our small kitchen;
Every fallen petal played out
like a slow, sorrowful production
on how beautiful things often die.

I remember that last week and how
we had mapped out routes to avoid each other.
Our bodies that once pointed towards
one another like home,
now recalculated every way to avoid contact.

When our eyes involuntarily did meet
I would quickly begin to count
the dry, mustard yellow
blades on our kitchen table
until you were gone.

Till this day, every time I think of you,
I think of petals, and begin to count
until I can no longer feel the
enormous weight of your absence.
 Apr 2015 Zoë
 Apr 2015 Zoë
Baltimore is bleeding,
Boys in blue blind to faces,
War being raged over races,
Can't tell what this place is,
Blocks where I spent my sundays,
******* with police and gunplay,
Hood up to conceal my color,
Complexion passed down to me from mother,
Hard to find peace when the avenues erupting
Nothing seems to matter when you're fighting for something,
So please pray for this forest of concrete and lamp light,
Scared for the events that are coming after midnight
Really sad to see this place in so much agony. Places where I've spent so much time in going through the extremes of these protests. Pray for Baltimore and the rest of Maryland. We need all the prayers here.
 Apr 2015 Zoë
 Apr 2015 Zoë
It is both, a gift, and a burden
to feel everything
oh so deeply
You know who you are.

This sort of gift allows us to see beyond what mother nature allows us to see, to perceive what others cannot, to hear what other's can't hear, and to FEEL, what other's can't feel. We are beyond feeling, we are beyond words. This is why, we are called 'artists', we are the reason for art.
 Apr 2015 Zoë
I Miss her
Its not that i want her

But i miss her
Because i only miss her

I'm happy
while talking with her in memories

But i'm not happy
when i think that i can talk only in memories

Though it is painful
Memories are better than real life..
I miss her like anything..i don't want to disturb her..God,  let me have some short term memory loss for a while..
 Apr 2015 Zoë
Arlo Disarray
 Apr 2015 Zoë
Arlo Disarray
My heart has her own mind
I have to keep her in a cage
Making sure the locks are tight
So my heart can't get away

She causes all destruction
And makes my world fall down
She tries for reproduction
With idiots and clowns

My heart, I know she means well
But man, she's just so wrong
She tries her best, but I can tell
All her good sense is gone

So she remains locked away
Inside my chest cavity
She is crying every day
And it's all because of me

But she has to stay inside
So that I can keep her safe
How else can she survive?
This world's a scary place

I must listen to my brain
Although my heart really tries
She's also quite insane
And she'd likely tell me lies
We were like flowers in a field
Beautiful, curious and naive
Thinking our love was a one of a kind
We should have known better
We were only powerless creatures
Who believed everything
The wind whispered
We undressed each other
With the every piece
Of clothing we removed
We plucked a petal
Loves me
Loves me not
I guess we ran out of petals
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