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Zara Jan 2019
Fool me a little longer,
And I know that I’ll crumble apart.
I can’t keep my guard up much longer,
So it’s inevitable that you’ll fool my heart.
Just a poem about falling in love too easily
Zara Jan 2019
My lover and I, we’re super intimate.
I trust him and he trusts me.
I know the password to his phone,
Like I know his face in a crowded a room.

The intricate pattern of a square,
It’s lines firm and final.
The journey of my finger,
Across the coolness of the screen.

I dig my hand inside his coat pocket,
My fingers searching for the feeling that I know so well.
The feeling of cold metal, a chip in the corner,
And a crack in the glass.

I frown as instead my hand comes across a matte phone case,
And the crack in the glass that my finger searches for is instead a smooth screen.
My fingers wrap around the device, still warm from its use,
And my heart stammers as I see that it is not the run down htc that I am holding.

It’s a new phone.

A new and better phone is laying in my hand,
It’s screen blank but its venom lethal.
My fingers scurry to unlock my lover’s iPhone that he had never mentioned,
But there is no square pattern and I am instead faced with numbers that hold no sense.

Why did my lover need a new phone?
Was his old one broken?
Had he grown tired of the cracks or how it’s battery would drain in a matter of minutes?
Or was he simply attracted to a new, shiny phone with it’s bigger screen and fancy case?

Why hadn’t my lover told me about this new phone?
Did he not know the bounds to my love - I could love a different phone,
But I couldn’t love two.
Did he love two phones? Could he not decide which he preferred?
Was this phone a temporary fix or a replacement?

My shaky hands turn the screen of the phone which mocked me so cruelly black,
And I slipped the phone back into it’s hiding place.
My hands don’t then search for the old htc,
Maybe it’s because I might not find it, or maybe it’s because it didn’t matter if I did.
Just a poem I wrote about a person coming to the realisation that their partner is dishonest.
Zara Dec 2018
It’s almost funny really,
Watching your mouth fall open and then  close repetitively.
Trying to find the words,
To explain that you just don’t love me like you used to.

Your hands seem frozen by your sides,
Clenched in fists of frustration of your inability to form a sentence.
Thinking of the million ways to say goodbye.

But in the end actions speak louder than words,
And so when you leave,
I hear your words loud and clear in the deafening silence.
Just a poem about people leaving
Zara Dec 2018
Yesterday is black,
Tomorrow is white,
And this moment is grey.

Fingertips trace,
The silent unspoken words,
In-between the lines of black font on white paper.

Thoughts blur out,
The innocent white
With the deceiving black.

But hearts seek,
To find the silver,
Amongst the darkness.

Sense refuses to separate
the white and black,
And instead interprets the many different shades of grey.
Just a poem about how nothing is black or white
Zara Dec 2018
I’m the same but different I promise.
I was a fool to you,
Now a fool for you.
And I'll never hurt you again.
Zara Dec 2018
I think
maybe the point
isn't to be found,
but to be made
Late night thinking
Zara Dec 2018
It’s a thin line between love and hate,
And I chose to walk amongst the darker side.
Because apologies mean nothing when they’re too late,
And anger hurts less than betrayal from your lies.

Loving the cause of your pain,
Is a heavy burden to bear.
So I choose to bitterly curse your name,
Because hatred feels softer than the agony of care.
Just a poem that I wrote because I find love and hate to be so similar that sometimes the emotions can be mistaken for the other either and sometimes it's easier to do so.
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