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1.9k · Apr 2014
Yasu Nemo Apr 2014
I wish to
ruffle your hair
feed you stuff
hear you sing
be wrapped in your arms
kiss your lips
1.2k · Apr 2014
I'm sorry
Yasu Nemo Apr 2014
I let you get me down

It won't happen again
1.2k · Mar 2014
The Sheep
Yasu Nemo Mar 2014
she* was the smart one
with a cute little smile
and heart full of kindness
she was the prettiest
and the smartest
and people
were either jealous of her
they wanted to be her
she was the one
who held my hand the most
and made me feel
like i was the best
of us all

we swam together
one on each lane
racing to the finish
or just helping each other make it
to the finish line

we laughed together
at the jokes that were cracked
laughing until our stomachs ached
and our eyes filled with tears

we sang together
four little voices trying to blend together
but happily
we were happy

then she moved away
to a different place
to a different school
to different people

i remember
when she cried
when we had to part

i remember
when she felt lonely
and wrote me a letter
but lost it

i remember
when she had her first kiss
she was so excited
and so happy

and i remember
when she no longer called
and rarely texted
and weeks turned into months
before we'd finally meet
and talk
and tell each other
i miss you
keep in touch

but the promises are empty
because we say
but we never do
and her text are rare
and her calls rarer still

and what can i do
but sit here
and watch
as she goes out into the world
and the world changes her
until she only was
the person i once knew best
Part one of "Best Friends Forever?", which are just a jumble of thoughts penned down
1.0k · Mar 2014
The Hen
Yasu Nemo Mar 2014
she* was the funny one
with wicked humour
and a sharp tongue
my cousin
she'd *****
so would i
we'd fight
we'd clash
but that was okay
because we were family
and that's what families do
she was the life
among us

we swam together
one on each lane
racing to the finish
or just helping each other make it
to the finish line

we laughed together
at the jokes that were cracked
laughing until our stomachs ached
and our eyes filled with tears

we sang together
four little voices trying to blend together
but happily
we were happy

then she moved away
to a different place
to a different country
to different people

i remember
how she would
look in the mirror
everywhere we went

i remember
how she would run
against the wind
with her head tilted
so it would not mess her hair

i remember
her Michael Jackson dance
and the song she made
about a guy in our class

and i remember
when she made new best friends
and wore pounds of make up
and took pictures
with her cleavage showing
and we didn't meet up
because she never came back
and we rarely talked
because she was too busy
with life

a life where there is no me
no us
no inside jokes
no fighting
no sticking together

and what can i do
but sit here
and watch
as she goes out into the world
and the world changes her
until she only was
the person i once knew best
Part two of "Best Friends Forever?", which are just a jumble of thoughts penned down
843 · Oct 2014
Is it okay
Yasu Nemo Oct 2014
if i say

i want to kiss you

i don't know what to do. crushes are terrible.
665 · Feb 2014
Yasu Nemo Feb 2014
the lowly branches give a creek
as they bend to earth to give a greet
i pat my horse to soothe its whine
as we duck another twisted vine
deeper into the forest we go
as we hear the water flow
body positioned; ready for flight
as we follow the second star to the right
we walk along the trodden trail
our puffs of breath, both heavy and frail
we walk until we can’t anymore
my heart skips a beat, then two, then four
we settle under a tree for the night
the branches impede our source of light
we knot ourselves and drift off to sleep
hoping we won’t miss Peter Pan creep
for he’s the one we’ve followed so far
withstanding the blood, the bruise, the scar
so that when he sees us, he won’t run or hide
instead, he’ll look upon us with pride
he’ll break into a grin,
he’ll hold out a hand
and with a little bit of pixie dust
we’ll fly to Neverland.
553 · May 2014
i wonder
Yasu Nemo May 2014
i wonder
if i have ever passed by
'the one'
walking along the road
or sitting in the plane

i wonder
if i have missed him
by seconds
or minutes
or maybe a day
or two

i wonder
if the next person
i see
holds the key
to the endless void
that is my heart

but mostly
i wonder
if he is already gone
if i am never to see him
if fate has plucked him away
before he had a chance
to be in my life

will i tread this earth alone, then
a part of my soul missing?
or will i settle for second best
our edges never quite fitting?
just something off the top of my head
513 · Mar 2014
Once Upon A Time
Yasu Nemo Mar 2014
"Once upon a time"
she once wrote
on a piece of paper torn out
from her favourite notebook
but she did not know
what else to write
so she tucked the paper
between the pages of her favourite book

the poem did not come to her
a day later
neither did it come to her
all at once

but as the weeks passed by
one more word
made it from her pen
to the paper
and the words
kept coming to her
and she kept writing them down
until the paper
that she kept tucked
between the pages of her favourite book
was kept on her desk
pressed down
by her favourite book
so she could reach it
more easily

and the words kept growing
and they were all meaningful
because each push down the stairs
by her brother
gave birth to a new word
and each insult
by her mother
gave birth to another
and each bruise
by her father
gave birth to one more
and each scar
she gave herself
awarded her with more words
and she kept writing them down
until she filled the whole page
and she finally added
one last word
and kept the paper
on her desk
on top
of her favourite book
and said goodbye
and climbed on her chair
and hung herself
on her ceiling fan
so she could not add
any more words
Inspired by the poem found in "the perks of being a wallflower"
501 · Mar 2014
Yasu Nemo Mar 2014
this one's for me
this one's for you
this one's for the dreams
that never came true
392 · Apr 2014
Tell me of love
Yasu Nemo Apr 2014
Tell me of two hearts
that beat together a sound

Tell me of two hands
that lift each other off the ground

Tell me of two pair of eyes
that will never miss one another

Tell me of two set of lips
that will find home in each other

Tell me of two lives
that finish each other's design

Tell me of two fates
that will always intertwine

— The End —