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I wish I could break
Shatter into a million pieces
Of sharded glass, waiting to be stepped on.
Causing you to bleed wouldn't hurt me
Because I would already be broken.

This universe doesn't give a ****
Whether we're moving
Or camping out on life's sidelines.
The doers, in the end
Meet the same fate as the dreamers.

I want you to break me.
Work me until I fall apart
Until I can't take it anymore.
At least then
I will overdose on my need for perfection
Before I die of it.
You can take my needle from me
Before my heart stops beating.
Before it turns my blue vein black.

Then maybe I can stop craving
Everything that hopes to **** me off.
 Apr 2018 xuanzietea
John Doe
 Apr 2018 xuanzietea
John Doe
Loving you

Was the most


way to die
 Apr 2018 xuanzietea
Rebel Heart
She always saw the best in those
Who were the worst for her heart
She let those in who didn't deserve
To see the broken pieces of her art
(An old gem from the infamous lyric wall because I'm too drained to post anything else.. Enjoy~ BM)

(Front Page 2/13/2018)
I am still waiting
For you to make the call
Lately I cannot help but feel
Like you do not care at all

You say you love me
Should I believe?
What my heart does not tell me?
And my eyes just cannot see?

I have always trusted you
With my secret thoughts
Since you don't trust me
My heart is ******* in knots

I wish you could understand
What I am trying to get through
I do not have the ability
To hurt or worry you

Our friendship suffered
Solitude is weighty
Heavier than the battles
That have happened lately

I want you to be sure
How much it hurt me to feel
The way I did when you fell
Now it is time to heal

Give me a bandaid
Stitch me closed tight
And I will try to get through
Another lonely night
Why am I always wracked with ****** up negative emotions? This is an old one but there are a lot of lines I can relate to right this second.
We shall build a fire
you and I
it will burn on love
illuminate the sky
when our hearts are one
we shall be set free
as the morning Sun
reveals the sea
the light of love
needs fuel to burn
most turn to embers
before Sun's return

in the glow of morning's light
I find our love still burns as bright
ignited are we
this night's endeavor
the fuel we've found
shall burn forever

— The End —